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The Cupid Seller” by Joseph Marie Vien , 1763. I found this on the web when looking for images of the Ancien Regime before the Revolution. I don’t know what it means, but it sure is weird. I found this on the web. Whoever did it needs a refresher course in Flowcharting 101.
The Cupid Seller” by Joseph Marie Vien, 1763. I found this on the web when looking for images of the Ancien Regime before the Revolution. I don’t know what it means, but it sure is weird.
I found this on the web. Whoever did it needs a refresher course in Flowcharting 101.
FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) This is how it’s supposed to be done Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Fr. Involved in expens. aid to Am. Rev.-> Exposed to Am. Ideas of Liberty Fr. Gov. fails to stifle Enlightenment ideas (FC.100) Nobles’ power & status rise in 1700s under weak kings Serious crop failures in France in 1780s British goods flood French Markets Male literacy up to ~50% by 1780s Growing awareness of & anger vs. injustices in Fr. soc. & govt Spread of Enlightenment ideas on liberty & democracy Fr. MC invest in noble titles rather than new tech & businesses Growing discontent French Rev.in 1789 when Louis XIV calls Estates General to raise more taxes (FC.105)
FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Resource kings had & what they bought?
FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Justified their rule with? Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79)
FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Chronic foreign Policy problem in 1500s & 1600s? Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79)
FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Source of internal turmoil in 1500s? Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79)
Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) All these provided what in 1600s for a strong monarchy?
Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Problems with Louis XIV’s reign? Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95)
Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Problems with Louis XV’s & Louis XVI’s reigns?
Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
Apparently, all those idle days of aristocratic life were so boring that Marie Antoinette had a fake peasant cottage built at Versailles where she could play peasant with her friends. Unlike most peasant cottages, it was furnished with Swiss style tapestries, mahogany chairs, stone slab floors, a library, and harpsichord. The queen even had molds of her breasts fashioned into bowls from which to feed milk to her perfumed sheep and goats. While the cottage did provide a diversion for the queen and a rustic ambience to Versailles, it also had its more serious side, functioning as a real farm that provided dairy products and other produce for the royal table. It was modeled on a similar farm built by the Prince de Conde and was part of a more widespread attempt by France’s aristocracy to experiment with more modern agricultural techniques along the lines advocated by reformers, known as the Physiocrats.
Need, means, & justfication for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92)drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.104) Ineffective reign of Farfel the Magnificent (1774)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s ** Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) What people are most likely to start a revolution?
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Revolutions are started by people who have something & want MORE
Typical sans cullottes & their occupations Rat catcher Lantern merchant Vendor of rabbit skins Water carrier
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Bakers’ assistants were described by one contemporary as “a breed of wild and savage cavemen”. The character on the right did not exist in 18th century Paris. Or, if he did, he was quickly eaten.
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers - Peasants: ~85% pop - Owned 1/3 land - 2/3 share cropped - 1/3 rent better off Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers - Peasants: ~85% pop - Owned 1/3 land - 2/3 share cropped - 1/3 rent better off - Unequal taxing: taille Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers - Peasants: ~85% pop - Owned 1/3 land - 2/3 share cropped - 1/3 rent better off - Unequal taxing: taille - Revival of feudal dues Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers - Peasants: ~85% pop - Owned 1/3 land - 2/3 share cropped - 1/3 rent better off - Unequal taxing: taille - Revival of feudal dues - Tolls, mill fees, no fishing or hunting Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles 2% of pop - Church owned ~10% land for 0.5% pop. - Nobles owned ~30% land for 1.5% pop. 20X their fair share 3rd estate subdivided - Bourgeoisie: bankers, land owners, & high ranking officials over 50k bought offices by 1789 - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s - Sans Culottes: shop- keepers & artisans, - Common laborers - Peasants: ~85% pop - Owned 1/3 land - 2/3 share cropped - 1/3 rent better off - Unequal taxing: taille - Revival of feudal dues - Tolls, mill fees, no fishing or hunting -Corvee (work on rds) Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles • 2% of pop • - Church owned ~10% • land for 0.5% pop. • - Nobles owned ~30% • land for 1.5% pop. • 20X their fair share • 3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
Cartoon showing how the third estate carry the privileged clergy and nobles on their backs
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles • 2% of pop • - Church owned ~10% • land for 0.5% pop. • - Nobles owned ~30% • land for 1.5% pop. • 20X their fair share • 3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) What’s going on in Britain?
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles • 2% of pop • - Church owned ~10% • land for 0.5% pop. • - Nobles owned ~30% • land for 1.5% pop. • 20X their fair share • 3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Impact on France?
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles • 2% of pop • - Church owned ~10% • land for 0.5% pop. • - Nobles owned ~30% • land for 1.5% pop. • 20X their fair share • 3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% British goods flood French Markets Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Problem w/agriculture? Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
French population: 28 m.: 130k clergy + 400k nobles • 2% of pop • - Church owned ~10% • land for 0.5% pop. • - Nobles owned ~30% • land for 1.5% pop. • 20X their fair share • 3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% British goods flood French Markets Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103)
Poor crop yields Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Little fertilizer Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
Poor crop yields Land for livestock? Little fertilizer Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
Poor crop yields Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Value to land of livestock? Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
Poor crop yields Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Little fertilizer Peasants’ attitude toward changing agr. Techniques? The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
Poor crop yields Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Little fertilizer Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
Poor crop yields Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Little fertilizer Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques The Vicious Cycle of 18th century Agriculture Outdated agric.tech’s from the Middle Ages (FC.109)
3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Poor crop yields Little fertilizer Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques British goods flood French Markets FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Short range impact?
3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% • Drought & hail (1788) • Severe winter • Floods in Spr,1789 • Inflation bread riots Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Poor crop yields Little fertilizer Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s British goods flood French Markets Serious crop failures in France in 1780s Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Fr govt’’s policy toward new ideas of Enlightenment?
3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% • Drought & hail (1788) • Severe winter • Floods in Spr,1789 • Inflation bread riots Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Poor crop yields Little fertilizer Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques British goods flood French Markets Serious crop failures in France in 1780s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Fr. Gov. fails to stifle Enlightenment ideas (FC.100) Problem that caused?
3rd estate subdivided • - Bourgeoisie: bankers, • land owners, & high • ranking officials • over 50k bought • offices by 1789 • - Petit bour: profs & Dr’s • - Sans Culottes: shop- • keepers & artisans, • - Common laborers • - Peasants: ~85% pop • - Owned 1/3 land • - 2/3 share cropped • - 1/3 rent better off • - Unequal taxing: taille • - Revival of feudal dues • - Tolls, mill fees, no • fishing or hunting • -Corvee (work on rds) • -Captaineries (hunting • rights could delay • planting or harvest • Pr. de Conde raised wolves • Attack kids & livestock • - Wages (1740-89) up • 22%; prices up 65% • Drought & hail (1788) • Severe winter • Floods in Spr,1789 • Inflation bread riots Can’t afford to set aside any land to support livestock Poor crop yields Little fertilizer Peasants feel they can’t afford to change agr. techniques British goods flood French Markets Serious crop failures in France in 1780s FC. 104 THE ROOTS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Divine right to justify kings’ power (FC.68) $ Kings can buy bur’s & armies (FC.79) Fr. torn by Relig. wars (FC.87) Chronic wars vs. Hasburgs (FC.79) Need, means, & justification for strong French monarchy in 1600s Louis XIV’s wars & Versailles drive Fr. into debt (FC. 95) Wars & weak reigns of Louis XV (1715-74) & Louis XVI (1774-92) drive Fr. deeper into debt (FC.103) Ind. Rev in Britain (FC.111) Outdated agric. tech’s (FC.109) Foreign adventure-> Prob’s & Rev. spirit? Fr. Gov. fails to stifle Enlightenment ideas (FC.100) Spread of Enlightenment ideas on liberty & democracy