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Module 2 Supervisor – Behaviour Briefing. 11 th May 2012. Why are we here?. Supervisors play a key role in the health and safety of any contract or account. They develop, implement and monitor Safe Systems of Work.
Module 2 Supervisor – Behaviour Briefing 11th May 2012
Why are we here? • Supervisors play a key role in the health and safety of any contract or account. • They develop, implement and monitor Safe Systems of Work. • They are “hands on” with the safety and standards of workmanship in our workplaces.
What the course brings • A clear understanding of what is expected of you • Advice on actions/protocols with which you must comply • Clarity of your responsibility to Carillion and your workforce • Every Supervisor – Carillion and Trade Contractor will attend this course • A greater understanding of our expectations and your role and responsibilities on Carillion Projects
Modules Completed Module 1 Supervisors- Expectation Briefing Module 2 Supervisors - Behaviour Briefing You will be doing this now. To be completed within 4 weeks of start on site. Module 3 Supervisors - Carillion Systems and Processes Briefing
Our Expectations • SAFETY FIRST! • Our One Team approach, • Our Rules, • What Behaviours expected of you, and • What Skills you will need.
Definition: Supervisors are “those persons directly supervising work activities. They are the front line supervisors with direct responsibility for putting people to work and who will typically brief their workers on how to carry out their work and ensure that they are carrying out their work safely. ”. Carillion Building considers that the role of “Supervisor” is key in delivering industry leading Safety Performance. All supervisors will be clearly identified, usually by their “Black Hat”. Supervisors
1 Deliver Excellence Behaving Safely 2 Encourage Others 4 Involve Your Team 3 Promote Risk Awareness Key Carillion Policies • Target Zero • Behaving Safely • Don’t Walk By • Carillion Values
Target Zero – Carillion • In 2004 Carillion plc made an industry leading commitment to achieve zero reportable accidents, “Target Zero” • In 2011, The Carillion Building Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) fell by 23% to achieve 0.08. It is important that we continue to adopt the strategic vision of ‘Target Zero’ as we move forward • Each and every day, on each and every project and contract, we will aim to have no accidents. If an accident does occur, we will learn from it and improve for the future, and we will again target zero the next day – targeting zero accidents every day • As a Supervisor, your support and active participation is essential if we are to succeed
Behaving Safely • We will achieve Target Zero by Behaving Safely in the workplace. • The supervisor level within Behaving Safely has four key areas: • Deliver excellence • Encourage others • Promote risk awareness • Involve your team
Supervisors will… Visit the workplace often to check on safety Explain to the team that we expect safety excellence Help the team solve conflicts between safety and productivity Challenges poor safety behaviour Accept challenges yourself And this is what you won’t do… Set a bad example Be weak or hesitate to intervene 1. Deliver Excellence
Supervisors will… Be enthusiastic about safety initiatives; encourage participation Seek and listen to your teams concerns and ideas Recognise and reward good safety performance Act fast on safety issues Encourage the team to report hazards And this is what you won’t do… Avoid tough safety decisions Fail to consider team members opinions 2. Encourage Others
Supervisors will… Think about problems ahead, ask “what could go wrong?” Be vigilant and aware of hazards Take time to plan and organise my work Keep the workplace tidy Always check if I am not sure And this is what you won’t do… Expect someone else to think the job through for me Assume anything without checking 3. Promote Risk Awareness
Everyone will… Work with your team so they understand their responsibilities Hold regular safety discussions Support, coach and involve your team in safety Be aware of team strengths Help the team to share safety lessons And this is what we won’t do… Refuse to listen to your team Assume training and certification = competence 4. Involve your team
Target Zero – Don’t Walk By • Don’t Walk By (DWB) is a Carillion initiative in support of Target Zero that enables any person to: • Raise a Health and Safety concern, • Suggest a Health and Safety improvement, and • Ensure that issues are effectively resolved. • Everyone is told about DWB at the H&S Induction, • Everyone needs to take part, • As a Supervisor, we expectyou to: • Support and champion DWB, • Get your workforce to participate.
Carillion Values • For Carillion Building to be a successful business, we need you as a Supervisors working on our projects to work with us and live our values. • Openness - Sharing honestly what we know, both good and bad • Collaboration - Working as one! • Mutual Dependency - We stand together! • Professional Delivery - Getting it right first time! • Sustainable Profitable Growth - Growing our business for tomorrow as well as today! • Innovation - Turning ideas into action!
Supervisors – Your Role • In your role as a Supervisor you are appointed to manage your people and put them to work safely • You are responsible to ensure that your workforce is provided with necessary information, including relevant aspects of other contractors’ work • Ensure they are communicated and consulted on all matters of Health and Safety • You are responsible to ensure compliance with Carillion policies and procedures, site rules, your company policies etc. • Ensuring that your people have: • Safe access and egress • A safe place of work • Have and understand the safe system of work • The right tools and equipment
Supervisors – How we want you to behave • The majority of accidents involve poor or inappropriate behaviour • We want you to lead by example • Your behaviour will affect how others act • We need your support in reaching Target Zero • Targeting zero cases of occupational ill-health and injury” not just reportable accidents • To make the business incident free, • We have a target of zero reportable accidents, • Play your part • Take on board what we are about to explain to you • Participate • We need you to take a full and active part in Daily Coordination Meetings and the SAG (Safety Action Group (or other safety meetings/forums)) • Make yourself known • Make sure that you are easily recognised as being a Supervisor – Adhere with the recognised Supervisor Dress Code – Wear your “Black Hat”.
Supervisors – Good and Bad Open Discussion Do you know what makes a good supervisor? Mike Bassett video clip http://youtu.be/J4x05Z3MSkQ
Supervisors - How not to be a Bassett! Did he: • Deliver Excellence? • Encourage Others? • Promote Risk Awareness? • Involve his team? • Was he effective? • Did he get the required result? DON’T BE A BASSETT!
Safety First This means: • Plan, Manage and Monitor your own works • Ensure that a safe system of work is agreed and adhered to • Ensure your workforce is competent • Provision of adequate resources • Co-operate and co-ordinate with others working on the project Carillion Requires that you put Safety First
Safety First We will now consider in detail your role in: • Planning • Managing • Monitoring • Communication • Managing Change
Plan – Safe Systems of Work • A general method statement or safe system of work is submitted for the work that your workforce performs on this project. • It should cover all the activities that are to be carried out including delivery and distribution of materials. • A Risk Assessment is in place for every task. • These are submitted to Carillion Management for review in good time and that work doesn’t start without agreement. • They are kept valid and up to date. • Point of Work Assessments are completed at the workplace and submitted on a daily/shift basis and where situations change, require detailed attention or workplace interfaces change. • Consider interfaces with other contractors.
Plan the Works • You must fully assess and plan the works and get them approved. • Right people, Right equipment, Right method • Follow the SSOW – Must be seen and agreed by Carillion • Ensure right PPE, standard, task specific • Communicate with your workforce • Brief the workforce on the SSOW • Review and maintain safe system of work by POWAs • Attend Coordination Meetings • Manage interfaces through 4Cs, daily briefings/ coordination meetings etc, • Logistics – Access, material storage and distribution, waste • Have a Plan B – Planning for Change • Where/when change occurs, undertake a Point of Works Risk Assessment
Consider and Plan for the key hazards and risks. Relevant to the task/activity Relevant to the workplace environment. Consider the Top 5 Risks. W@H Electricity Trapped/ Crushed Vehicle Movements Fire/ explosion Plan for Top 5 Risks
Supervisors will…(Promote Risk Awareness) Think about problems ahead, ask “what could go wrong?” Be vigilant and aware of hazards, Take time to plan and organise my work, Keep the workplace tidy, Always check if your not sure, Carefully re-assess risks when things change. And this is what you won’t do… Expect someone else to think the job through for you, Assume anything without checking. Behaviours
Do: Actively involve your team and others in planning the works. They’ll be carrying out the work. Consideration of potential consequences, Identify interfaces with others – Ask! Ensure all risks are assessed before making any changes. Don’t: Rush into an activity without assessing the risks and setting up controls, Think of risk assessment as a non-essential extra. Skills
You are responsible for you men. Get them inducted on arrival on site, Check that have the competence needed – CSCS, CPCS etc, Check PPE and correct if necessary - must include suitable Gloves and Eye Protection Check that plant, equipment and access is suitable, inspected and in good condition before use, SSW and MSs must be relevant, approved and up-to date and the workforce briefed, Carry out a POW Assessment with the workforces – address issues, Brief your men on all tasks/operations, Attend the 4Cs, Safety and Coordination meetings, Manage feedback to and from your men (DWB, 4Cs etc), If you see unsafe work or situations, STOP IT and then Report It , even if its not your direct responsibility, Establish Exclusion Zones and use lanyards when W@H, Establish Exclusion Zones at Hazardous Areas – Plant Operations, Demolition, lifting areas etc, Only use inspected (Scaf Tagged) access equipment, Prevent the use of trailing leads on site, Ensure the workplace is kept tidy. Carillion Building Specific Rules
Managing What we expect from you • MANAGE – Your People and Your Activities • You are responsible for putting your people to work: • It is your responsibility to check that the workplaces in which you place your workforce are acceptable and safe. • You must supervise your workforce including second and third tier contractors. • You must ensure they understand the essential safety requirements What do you expect from us?
Responsibilities It is your responsibility to: • Send new starters to an induction before they start work. • Make sure they: • Have their Competence Card with them, have read / understood their method statement, • Know who they work for (2nd tier), • Can understand the minimum safety requirements (need for interpreters etc), • Have the correct PPE, tools and equipment before they start work. • If you are bringing visitors to site – there are arrangements to be followed for these people too – Know what these are!
As a Supervisor you will….. (Promote Risk Awareness) Plan Work, Assess Risk and Explain Methods, Recognise and manage Risks and Hazards, Be wary and stop the job if required, Carefully Re-Asses risk when change happens, Resolve conflicts between safety and productivity, Challenges and correct poor safety behaviour, Accept challenges yourself. And this is what you won’t do… Rush into jobs without recognising risk and setting up controls, Set a bad example, Think of Risk Assessment as a non-essential extra, Ignore Occupational Health and Environmental issues. Behaviours
Skills What we expect from you • Make time for safety. • Work with your team to make sure they all understand their responsibilities. • Hold regular safety discussions with your team and share lessons learned. • Support, coach and involve your team in improving safety where we work. • Be aware of each team member’s strengths and areas for training and development.
Carillion Building Specific Rules • SSW and MSs must be relevant, approved and up-to date and the workforce briefed, • Carry out a POW Assessment with the workforces – address issues, • Establish Exclusion Zones and use lanyards when W@H, • Establish Exclusion Zones at Hazardous Areas – Plant Operations, Demolition, lifting areas etc, • Address the top 5 High Risk Areas, • PPE must include suitable Gloves and Eye Protection, • Carry out Inspections, Site, Plant, Equipment , • Only use inspected (Scaf Tagged) access equipment, • Prevent the use of trailing leads on site, • Ensure the workplace is kept tidy.
As a Supervisor you will….. (Deliver Excellence) Lead by example – Follow the rules and don’t cut corners, Visit the workplace often to check on safety and Compliance, Explain to the team that we expect safety excellence, Help the team solve conflicts between safety and productivity, Challenges poor safety behaviour, Accept challenges yourself. And this is what you won’t do… Set a bad example, Be weak or hesitate to intervene. Behaviours
Monitoring What we expect from you • MONITOR – Your People Your Activities • Give us confidence that the rules will be followed It is your responsibility to: • Carry out formal inspection of your workplace (minimum - Weekly) • Visit the workplace regularly – dependent on risk • Ensure that your workforce are complying with the rules • If not - STOP! • Manage change – Point of Work Risk Assessment • Consider interfaces • Monitor compliance with Carillion Rules and Standards • Check PPE and Dress Code compliance, • Check worker compliance with SSW, • Check compliance with Permit Systems, • Are Carillion's “Special Requirements” being followed?
What we expect from you: Get out onto site and engage with your workers, Know your SSW. Know our rules and give us confidence that the rules are being followed Know what Good Looks Like! It is your responsibility to: Carry out formal inspection of your workplace (minimum - Weekly) Visit the workplace regularly – dependent on risk Ensure that your workforce are complying with the rules If not - STOP! Manage change – Point of Work Risk Assessment Consider interfaces Monitor compliance with Carillion Rules and Standards Check PPE and Dress Code compliance, Check worker compliance with SSW, Check compliance with Permit Systems, Are Carillion's “Special Requirements” being followed? Monitoring
Communication • You must communicate! • Communicate effectively with your team and involve them! • Some key communications – RAMS, POWA, briefings, DWB, Work Stoppages, TBT etc. • Routes of communication – Down, Up and Across, • Challenge unsafe behaviours. • Encourage the team to report hazards, near misses and incidents, and give good feedback on any changes etc.
Don’t Walk By • Don’t Walk By is at the heart of our Target Zero campaign • You must lead by Example • Don’t Walk By unsafe acts or behaviour • Remedy unsafe areas or problems if you can • Report Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses and DWBs • Ask us to deal with those you can’t sort out yourself • You must encourage your workforce to do the same
Supervisors will… (Involve your team) Work with your team so they understand their responsibilities, Hold regular safety discussions, Support, coach and involve your team in safety, Be aware of team strengths, Deal firmly with poor behaviours, Help the team to share safety lessons. And this is what we won’t do… Refuse to listen to your team, Assume training and certification = competence. Behaviours
Skills • Ensure the message is understood • Be open and approachable • Enthusiastic • Consider the audience i.e. Language, experience • Listen to others • Respect.
You must communicate all Work Plans including: Scope and sequence of works, Agreed Methodology, All relevant Risk, CoSHH assessments etc. Logistics arrangements, Emergency arrangements, Event reporting procedures – Accidents, incidents, near misses etc. POWRA – identify and manage change, Daily task briefings, Alerts/ bulletins. Other means of communication include: 4Cs. Hazard Board. Toolbox talks. Communicate
Carillion Building Specific Rules • Participate in 4Cs meetings and brief you men on issues that affect them • Brief your workforce on their SSW • Carry out regular POW Assessments and address minor changes and to address local interfaces • Stop Work if the workplace risks are not as defined in the SSW and POW Assessment • Safety comes first not progress • Report DWBs and any unsatisfactory behaviour
4Cs Video Discussion – The Good and The Bad
Bad: Poor Attitude Arrived late The meetings a chore Little involvement and participation from participants. Good: Prepared and enthusiastic Involved participants Showed Leadership and conveyed expectation Promoted participation. 4Cs Video • We expect 4Cs meetings on our sites to be effective and beneficial. • Be involved.
A Perfect Day What does you Perfect day look like?
No Accidents, Incidents or Near Misses No Broken Bones No Over Lost Time Incidents or Riddors. No Near Misses No unsafe or inappropriate behaviour (only 80% of workers behave in the way we want), We want to see; SSWs in place and valid, POWRA carried out, Full attendance at Coordination Meetings, Risk actively discussed on site with the workforce, Plant, tools and equipment in good condition and regularly inspected, DWBs reported and auctioned promptly, A clean and tidy site, A happy workforce. Carillion's Buildings Perfect Day? This can only happen with your full and active cooperation.