Steps To Motivate Children It is very important for teachers to stay involved with the lives of their students to ensure that they get the right kind of motivation. Positive motivation significantly contributes towards their overall development. Help kids to make a proper list of obtainable long and short-term goals. Assist them in creating a well established & thought-out strategy for achieving the set goals. Be sure to make it a little competitive for your students to promote positivity in them. Keep encouraging your students even if they don't do well in something as it will minimize chances of self-doubt and keep them motivated. Always maintain an optimistic and positive attitude towards the kids even if they are in fear or doubt. Ensure that you motivate the children about their goals, dreams & ambitions to help them keep up the positive vibe & stay energized. www.killeenisd.org Killeen Independent School District 200 N. WS Young Dr., Killeen, TX. 76543 Phone: (254) 336 - 0000 Image Source: Designed by Freepik