Local Chamber Of Commerce: Facts & Figures " Local chamber of commerce is a unique form of business network. It is an organization designed to promote the interests and business of its members. . " Loca? Chamber Membership ca? bo?? your busines? reputatio? b? 57% If ? smal? busines? i? par? of loca? chamber of commerc?, Consumers are 49% more likely to think in favor of it. Consumers are 80% more interested in purchasing services or goods from it. Appr?imatel? 59% of customer? thin? tha? bein? par? of th? loca? chamber i? a? e?ectiv? busines? strateg?. Whe? th? Loca? chamber of commerc? advert?e? th? compan?, peopl? ar? 12% mor? likel? t? believ? tha? their product? ar? better tha? other brand?. Whe? ? busines? partner? wit? th? loca? chamber of commerc?, i? witnesse? a? increas? i?- Customer Favorability by 49% Customer Awareness by 73% www.killeenchamber.com One Santa Fe Plaza Drive PO Box 548 Killeen, TX 76541 Phone:(254) 526 - 9551 Source - https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/15eb8c77c60c8ae5?compose=15eb8debd9f22a3d&projector=1