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Legend: = Tools’ Affordance = Affordance Category Underline = tool I plan to learn. Podcasts. youTube. Pinterest. o thers’ blogs. Facebook. wikis. Skype. Twitter. Google. m y blog. Facebook. Facebook. ...information. Declaring my Presence.
Legend: = Tools’ Affordance = Affordance Category Underline = tool I plan to learn Podcasts youTube Pinterest others’ blogs Facebook wikis Skype Twitter Google my blog Facebook Facebook ...information Declaring my Presence LinkedIn ...people Expressing Myself Pinterest Accessing... My Personal Learning Environment through Social Media and other technologies LinkedIn Google Reader Doodle ...resources RSS Readers Creating... Camtasia Aggregating... ...resources Articulate ...content Social Bookmarking Interacting... ...relationships my blog collaborating wikis del.icio.us Facebook asynchronous synchronous Google Docs LinkedIn email Flickr Skype Adobe Connect Twitter Discussion forums Go To Meeting