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GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Operations Planning 23 March 2005 Rob Cameron rac@slac.stanford

Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope. GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Operations Planning 23 March 2005 Rob Cameron rac@slac.stanford.edu 650-926-2989. LAT Operations Planning. Purpose of these meetings manage the ISOC

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GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Operations Planning 23 March 2005 Rob Cameron rac@slac.stanford

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  1. Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Operations Planning 23 March 2005 Rob Cameron rac@slac.stanford.edu 650-926-2989

  2. LAT Operations Planning • Purpose of these meetings • manage the ISOC • coordinate activities involving and supporting LAT operations (online and offline) • coordinate resource allocations and resource planning for LAT operations • provide coherent planning for the transition from LAT development and construction phase to operating phase • Parallel the LAT Managers Face to Face meetings, and eventually replace LAT F2F meetings after LAT Project Office closes

  3. Participants • Participants in these meetings • Leads for major elements in the ISOC • Online operations: commanding, health and safety • Flight Software and Data Flow Lab support • PVO + calibration and analysis methods • Pipeline processing and delivery of LAT science data • Data analysis software and tools • Others as necessary • GLAST Project Office • Project Science • LAT Operations Steering Committee • SLAC management

  4. ISOC Organization

  5. The ISOC in the LAT Collaboration • ISOC has close connections to LAT Science Groups • e.g. Working with Calibration and Analysis Methods Group to incorporate improvements to event reconstruction into ISOC processing and products • ISOC has broad involvement in the LAT collaboration • e.g. instrument performance analysis and tool development are coordinated by the ISOC across the collaboration

  6. SLAC Funding for ISOC • Separation of costs for ISOC operations support and LAT research scientists at SLAC • DOE applies $5M p.a. cap for ISOC operations • Numbers below are TBR • staff not finalized (e.g. FSW, SDP) • resource sharing with LAT Project not finalized

  7. Logistics • Meeting schedule • Face to Face, or VRVS? • Biweekly, weekly, monthly? • Wednesdays, 2pm PT, or other? • Meeting format • Standard round-table summaries? • specific agenda items? • both? • Materials: Powerpoint,PDF,Confluence,URL? • Location • “Kavli” conference room, 084/room 188 • Mailing list(s) • Web site(s)

  8. Agenda Items • LAT Configuration and Tracking Database • ISOC Facility areas • research activity to be concentrated in new KIPAC building • operations support to be concentrated in 084 • LAT Dataflow lab should stay in 084, where it is • move and expansion of ISOC operations facility from 210 to 084 as KIPAC vacates 084 • office shuffles in 084? • Staffing plans for ISOC • Coordination with I&T • support for I&T activities in 2005, 2006 • transition from I&T to ISOC-led operations • Ground tests, I&T support, and Data Challenges • Unified support -> a model for the future? • Other items?

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