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Human Digestive System

Human Digestive System. Functions of Digestive System. Ingest food. Break down food . Move through digestive tract. Absorb digested food and water. Eliminates waste materials. Types of Digestion. Mechanical Digestion Changes the physical form of food chew, tear, grind, mash, mix

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Human Digestive System

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  1. Human Digestive System

  2. Functions of Digestive System • Ingest food. • Break down food . • Move through digestive tract. • Absorb digested food and water. • Eliminates waste materials.

  3. Types of Digestion • Mechanical Digestion • Changes the physical form of food • chew, tear, grind, mash, mix • Chemical Digestion • Changes the chemical composition of food with the aid of digestive enzymes • Digestive enzymes are special proteins that help break down large molecules of food into their most fundamental components to be absorbed by our bodies.

  4. Digestion – The big picture • In summary: Digestion prepares the food we consume for use for all the bodies cells. • FATS 0 FATTY ACIDS • PROTEINS AMINO ACIDS • CARBOHYDRATES GLUCOSE

  5. The Digestive Tract • A long muscular tube, known as the Alimentary Tract. • Begins with the mouth and ends with the anus.

  6. Parts of the digestive tract • Mouth • Pharynx • Esophagus • Stomach • Small Intestine • Large Intestine • Rectum • Anus

  7. Mouth • Taste • Breaks down food into small pieces • Begins starch digestion (amylase) • Salivary Glands • Parotid • Submaxillary • Sublingual • Saliva produces amylase and lubricates food • Food into esophagus and continues to the stomach

  8. Stomach • J-shaped muscular sac • Cardiac sphincter relaxes to allow food to enter the stomach • Has inner folds called rugae that increases the surface area • Muscles churn food – more mechanical digestion. • Glands produce gastric juice = pepsin + HCl • Pepsin breaks down proteins (only at pH 2) • Food leaves after 2-4 hours as chyme • Chyme enters the small intestine via the pyloric sphincter

  9. Small Intestine • Site of the greatest amount of digestion takes place in the small intestine. • 20 feet long. • Digested nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls directly into the blood stream. • 4-8 hours. 3 parts • Duodenum • 10 inches • Pancreatic enzymes-chemical digestion of CHO, proteins, and fats. • Jejunum • 8 feet • Ileum • 12 feet

  10. Large Intestine • AKA – the colon. • Large diameter. • 5 feet. • Absorbs water. • Home to beneficial bacteria that produce Vitamin K. • Stores solid waste until elimination. • 10 – 12 hours.

  11. Accessory organs to Digestion • Organs that are not in the digestive tract but aid in the digestive process. • Teeth • Tongue • Salivary Glands • Liver • Gallbladder • Pancreas

  12. Liver • Stores Vitamins A,D, E, and K. • Produces bile. • Secretes bile to the gall bladder.

  13. Pancreas • Produces enzymes necessary in CHO, protein, and • fat metabolism. • Secretes enzymes into duodenum via the pancreatic • duct.

  14. The excretory system • Types of Waste • Solid Waste • Feces • Metabolic Waste • Produced by chemical reactions. • Water • Carbon dioxide • Salts • Urea

  15. Removal of waste • Egestion • Removal of digestive waste. • Excretion • Removal of metabolic waste.

  16. Organs of Excretion • Skin • Sweat • Lungs • Respiration • CO2 and H20 • Liver • Breaksdown amino acids deamination to form urea which is excreted in urine. • Kidneys • Filters the blood to metabolic wastes.

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