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Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in June, exporting 2.529 million barrels per day to the United States, which is an increase from last month (2.206 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Venezuela with 1.237 million barrels per day. Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries) (Thousand Barrels per Day)Country Jun-09 May-09 YTD 2009 Jun-08 YTD 2008 CANADA 2,001 1,746 1,883 1,942 1,926 VENEZUELA 1,119 1,228 1,041 1,085 1,009 MEXICO 1,099 1,088 1,161 1,124 1,196 SAUDI ARABIA 902 996 1,050 1,448 1,515 NIGERIA 769 552 635 943 1,035 ANGOLA 435 493 535 636 496 IRAQ 374 254 468 693 674 RUSSIA 305 416 272 228 114 COLOMBIA 286 227 256 177 182 BRAZIL 269 380 336 280 221 ALGERIA 232 126 246 269 321 KUWAIT 170 93 170 179 219 UNITED KINGDOM 154 164 130 73 69 ECUADOR 148 187 216 178 192 NORWAY 120 92 79 36 38 Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries)(Thousand Barrels per Day)Country Jun-09 May-09 YTD 2009 Jun-08 YTD 2008 CANADA 2,529 2,206 2,417 2,430 2,521 VENEZUELA 1,237 1,341 1,180 1,215 1,169 MEXICO 1,183 1,186 1,274 1,256 1,308 SAUDI ARABIA 959 1,079 1,084 1,464 1,530 NIGERIA 830 600 679 1,016 1,091 RUSSIA 578 813 638 764 478 ALGERIA 458 272 484 492 537 ANGOLA 447 505 547 649 506 IRAQ 374 263 471 693 674 COLOMBIA 313 243 283 180 205 BRAZIL 299 386 356 315 247 UNITED KINGDOM 268 250 262 286 223 VIRGIN ISLANDS 268 313 306 314 336 KUWAIT 179 93 174 183 223 NORWAY 173 171 136 122 118 http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html