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Enlargement Process: Progress achieved and the way forward; negotiations, Progress Reports, Partnerships Magdalena RUDA European Commission – DG Enlargement Dagmar KALJARIKOV Á European Commission – DG Environment ReREP Task Force meeting, Brussels 27 November 2007. Enlargement process.
Enlargement Process:Progress achieved and the way forward;negotiations, Progress Reports, PartnershipsMagdalena RUDAEuropean Commission – DG EnlargementDagmar KALJARIKOVÁEuropean Commission – DG EnvironmentReREP Task Force meeting, Brussels 27 November 2007
Enlargement process 2007 Enlargement package, including Strategy Paper • the European perspective and conditionality reiterated, including the renewed consensus on enlargement • emphasis to be put on the fundamental issues • pace of the process to depend on progress in reforms and capacity to assume membership obligations; each country to be judged on its own merits • support for the reform process to be provided under IPA • further steps in some areas envisaged, including enhanced cooperation on disaster prevention and preparedness
Accession negotiations: State of play Croatia • 14 chapters opened • 2 chapters provisionally closed Turkey • 4 chapters opened • 1 chapter provisionally closed
Accession negotiations: Chapter 27 (Environment) Croatia and Turkey • discussion on screening reports in the Council finalised • opening benchmarks set • explanatory meetings held • work towards compliance with the benchmarks ongoing • once the benchmarks are met, Commission’s report to be prepared
Stabilisation and Association Process Stabilisation and Association Agreements (SAA) • Signed with Albania in June 2006. Trade-related provisions under Interim Agreement entered into force in December 2006. • Signed with Montenegro in October 2007. Interim Agreement to enter into force in January 2008. • Initialled with Serbia in November 2007. SAA to be signed once sufficient progress on condition set is achieved by Serbia. • Technical negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina completed. Agreement to be initialled once sufficient progress on conditions set is achieved by BiH. • Track-record in SAA implementation will continue to be an essential element for the EU to consider any membership application.
Progress Report & EP – environment ALBANIA • In general some progress has been made, however, too much efforts is concentrated on adopting new legislation and implementation and enforcement is lagging behind • Administrative capacity needs to be strengthened, in particular as regards environmental and policy making, co-ordination mechanism amongst the competent authorities. • National Environmental Strategy needs to be adopted and incorporated into National Strategy for Development and Integration EP 2007 • strengthen administrative capacity and coordination at national and local level • fully implement legislation on EIA • adopt a strategy further to approximate environmental legislation with the acquis and implement existing legislation properly, especially as regards enforcement • continue to address the environmental hot spots at the Sharra solid waste landfill and Patos-Marinez oil extraction area • further develop and implement the national water and sanitation strategy and the rural strategy for water supply and sewerage and develop and start implementing a strategy for progressive approximation to the acquis in the area of water supply and sanitation • implement international conventions to which Albania is party in the field of nature protection
Progress Report & EP – environment BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA • Overall, preparations in the field of environment remain at an early stage andimplementation and enforcement is lagging behind • Administrative capacity needs to be strengthened, in particular at State level, an operational State Environmental Agency needs to be established and a functioning monitoring system needs to be established. • Very limited financial resources for the necessary environmental investments EP 2007 • Adopt a State environmental law to create the framework for nationwide harmonized environmental protection. • Further implement legislation on environmental impact assessment. • Ratify and start implementing relevant international conventions, including the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions. • Establish and ensure proper functioning of the State Environment Agency. • Further strengthen the administrative capacity of the environment-related institutions, in particular at State level, and improve communication and coordination between those institutions.
Progress Report & AP – environment CROATIA • Overall, good progress, in particular in the horzontal legislation (climate change), air quality, waste management and chemicals • A comprehensive plan for putting in place the necessary administrative capacity, at national, regional and local level, as well as financial resources and coordination mechanism • Integration of environmental concerns into other policies requires due attention • Considerable efforts needed to fully implement ENV acquis AP 2007 • Continue work on transposition and implementation of the EU acquis, with particular emphasis on waste management, water quality, air quality, nature protection and integrated pollution prevention and control. • Adopt and implement a comprehensive plan for putting in place the necessary administrative capacity and required financial resources to implement the environment acquis. • Increase investments in environmental infrastructure, with particular emphasis on waste water collection and treatment, drinking water supply and waste management. • Start implementing the Kyoto Protocol. • Ensure integration of environmental protection requirements into the definition and implementation of other sectoral policies and promote sustainable development.
Progress Report & AP – environment f.Y.R.o.M. • Overall, steady progresson developing legislative framework but implementation remains limited, especially in areas that require major investments • Administrative capacity and financial resources remain inadequate, especially at local level • Very significant efforts are for the implementation and enforcement of ENV acquis AP 2007 • Continue legislative alignment with the acquis, in particular in the fields of air quality, waste management and water quality, and improve significantly implementation of legislation and environmental monitoring. • Strengthen the Environmental Inspectorate and other enforcement bodies, establish a credible enforcement record and ensure that fines and other sanctions are effectively applied and have a dissuasive effect. • Strengthen administrative capacity at national and local levels and improve coordination between administrative bodies in charge of environment-related issues. • Prepare strategic plans, including financial strategies, and prepare a national waste management strategy and waste management plan. • Develop an environmental investment strategy based on estimates of the cost of alignment. • Integrate environmental protection requirements into other sectoral policies, in particular by developing environmental impact assessments. • Increase investments in environmental infrastructure, with particular emphasis on waste water collection and treatment, drinking water supply, tackling air pollution and waste
Progress Report & EP – environment KOSOVO UNDER UNSCR 1244 • Overall, some progress in the area of environment, in particular in the horizontal legislation, waste management, water quality and nature protection. • Despite the start of work of the EPA, administrative capacity is limited and needs an appropriate strengthening in order to be able to address environmental challenges • Adequate financial resources needs to be secured • Significant efforts are needed in relation to implementation and enforcement EP 2007 • Accelerate approximation of legislation and standards to the EU acquis. • Implement the adopted legislation, notably on environmental impact assessment. • Start implementing the Kyoto Protocol. • Adopt and implement the national environmental protection strategy and a strategy for sustainable development. • Strengthen the administrative capacity of bodies in charge of planning, permits, inspection and monitoring, and also project management, strengthen capacity at local level and ensure coordination between central and local levels. • Further develop and start to implement waste management plans and start construction of a facility for treatment and safe disposal of hazardous waste.
Progress Report & EP – environment MONTENEGRO • Overall, some progresshas been achieved in terms of alignment with the EU environmental standards and harmonisation seems to be on track • Significant efforts are needed in relation to implementation and enforcement • Administrative capacity needs to be strengthened EP 2006 • Continue approximating Montenegrin legislation to EU legislation and standards, notably environmental protection framework legislation. • Develop the administrative capacity to implement and enforce adopted legislation. • Develop an overall environment protection strategy (water, waste, air). Adopt the Land Use Plan; adopt the Sustainable Development Strategy and sectoral strategies (integrated coastal zone management, biodiversity, climate change). • Strengthen environmental management administrative capacity.
Progress Report & EP – environment SERBIA • Overall, moderately advancedin the area of environment, however, little progress has been made in adopting legislation in line with the SAA • Some progress made to develop institutions, but their capacity remains insufficient, particularly for enforcement • Significant efforts are needed in relation to implementation and enforcement EP 2007 • Accelerate approximation of legislation and standards to the EU acquis. • Implement the adopted legislation, notably on environmental impact assessment. • Start implementing the Kyoto Protocol. • Adopt and implement the national environmental protection strategy and a strategy for sustainable development. • Strengthen the administrative capacity of bodies in charge of planning, permits, inspection and monitoring, and also project management, strengthen capacity at local level and ensure coordination between central and local levels. • Further develop and start to implement waste management plans and start construction of a facility for treatment and safe disposal of hazardous waste.
Progress Report & AP – environment TURKEY • Overall, substantial progress made in strengthening administrative capacity at central level. moderately advancedin the area of environment, however, little progress has been made in adopting legislation in line with the SAA • Limited progress on horizontal legislation, air quality, chemicals, noise and waste. No progress made in the area of IPC. • Significant efforts are needed in relation to implementation and enforcement AP 2007 • Adopt a comprehensive strategy for the gradual transposition, implementation and enforcement of the acquis, including plans for building up the necessary administrative capacity at national, regional and local level and required financial resources, with an indication of milestones and timetables. • Continue transposition, implementation and enforcement of the acquis, in particular horizontal and framework legislation, such as the environmental impact assessment, including transboundary aspects, as well as strengthening of administrative capacity. • Adopt the National Waste Management Plan.
EC assistance – IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA): • Component I „Transition Assistance and Institution Building“ • Technical assistance available for alignment with the ENV acquis • Capacity building activities • Infrastructure investments in potential CCs • Component II „Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC)“ • Component III „Regional development“ (available only to CCs) • Investments in the field of transport, regional competitiveness and ENVIRONMENT (OP ENV) • Technical assistance for projects‘ preparation • Component IV „Human Resources Development“ (available only to CCs) • Component V „Rural Development“ (available only to CCs)
Regional initiatives • DABLAS a platform for co-operation on financing of water related investments in the regionhttp://ec.europa.eu/environment/enlarg/dablas/index_en.htm • Preparation of water investments in the region • Energy Community Treaty • Treaty came into force on 1 July 2006 • Created the largest internal energy market in teh world • Free movement of electricity and gas in return for the assurance of minimum environmental and commercial standards • EU environmental standards must be applied
REReP RENA Ministerial meeting in June 2007 • Discussion paper on the future regional environmental cooperation between the Commission and CCs and potential CCs • Main features: • Cooperation at Ministerial level • Cooperation at working level – RENA • Financed through IPA • Endorsement by Ministers and agreement on the transformation of REReP into RENA • RENA should start to be operational in 2009 • Road map to b prepared and circulated for comments to the countries • Next REReP TF meeting – discussion on the functioning of RENA
Commission Web site DG Enlargement http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en.htm DG Environment http://ec.europa.eu/environment/index_en.htm 2007 Enlargement package http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/key_documents/ reports_nov_2007 en.htm