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New Directions in Automated Mechanism Design. Vincent Conitzer ; joint work with:. Andrew Kephart (Duke → KeepTruckin ). Michael Albert (Duke → UVA). Yu Cheng (Duke → IAS → UIC). Giuseppe (Pino) Lopomo (Duke). Peter Stone (UT Austin). Hanrui Zhang (Duke).
New Directions in Automated Mechanism Design Vincent Conitzer; joint work with: Andrew Kephart (Duke → KeepTruckin) Michael Albert (Duke → UVA) Yu Cheng (Duke → IAS → UIC) Giuseppe (Pino) Lopomo (Duke) Peter Stone (UT Austin) Hanrui Zhang (Duke)
Automated mechanism design input Instance is given by Set of possible outcomes Set of agents For each agent set of possible types probability distributionover these types Objective function Gives a value for each outcome for each combination of agents’ types E.g., social welfare, revenue Restrictions on the mechanism Are payments allowed? Is randomization over outcomes allowed? What versions of incentive compatibility (IC) & individual rationality (IR) are used?
How hard is designing an optimaldeterministic mechanism (without reporting costs)? [C. & Sandholm UAI’02, ICEC’03, EC’04] NP-complete (even with 1 reporting agent): Solvable in polynomial time (for any constant number of agents): • Maximizing social welfare (no payments) • Designer’s own utility over outcomes (no payments) • General (linear) objective that doesn’t regard payments • Expected revenue • Maximizing social welfare (not regarding the payments) (VCG) 1 and 3 hold even with no IR constraints
Positive results (randomized mechanisms) • [C. & Sandholm UAI’02, ICEC’03, EC’04] • Use linear programming • Variables: • p(o | θ1, …, θn) = probability that outcome o is chosen given types θ1, …, θn • (maybe) πi(θ1, …, θn) = i’s payment given types θ1, …, θn • Strategy-proofness constraints: for all i, θ1, …θn,θi’: • Σop(o | θ1, …, θn)ui(θi, o) + πi(θ1, …, θn) ≥ • Σop(o | θ1, …, θi’, …, θn)ui(θi, o) + πi(θ1, …, θi’, …, θn) • Individual-rationality constraints: for all i, θ1, …θn: • Σop(o | θ1, …, θn)ui(θi, o) + πi(θ1, …, θn) ≥ 0 • Objective (e.g., sum of utilities) • Σθ1, …, θnp(θ1, …, θn)Σi(Σop(o | θ1, …, θn)ui(θi, o) + πi(θ1, …, θn)) • Also works for BNE incentive compatibility, ex-interim individual rationality notions, other objectives, etc. • For deterministic mechanisms, can still use mixed integer programming: require probabilities in {0, 1} • Remember typically designing the optimal deterministic mechanism is NP-hard
A simple example One item for sale (free disposal) 2 agents, IID valuations: uniform over {1, 2} Maximize expected revenue under ex-interim IR, Bayes-Nash equilibrium How much can we get? (What is optimal expected welfare?) Agent 2’s valuation 1 2 1 Agent 1’s valuation 2 Status: OPTIMAL Objective: obj = 1.5 (MAXimum) [nonzero variables:] p_t_1_1_o3 1(probability of disposal for (1, 1)) p_t_2_1_o1 1 (probability 1 gets the item for (2, 1)) p_t_1_2_o2 1 (probability 2 gets the item for (1, 2)) p_t_2_2_o2 1 (probability 2 gets the item for (2, 2)) pi_2_2_1 2(1’s payment for (2, 2)) pi_2_2_2 4(2’s payment for (2, 2)) probabilities Our old AMD solver [C. & Sandholm, 2002, 2003] gives:
A slightly different distribution One item for sale (free disposal) 2 agents, valuations drawn as on right Maximize expected revenue under ex-interim IR, Bayes-Nash equilibrium How much can we get? (What is optimal expected welfare?) Agent 2’s valuation 1 2 1 Agent 1’s valuation 2 probabilities Status: OPTIMAL Objective: obj = 1.749 (MAXimum) [some of the nonzero payment variables:] pi_1_1_2 62501 pi_2_1_2 -62750 pi_2_1_1 2 pi_1_2_2 3.992 You’d better be really sure about your distribution!
A nearby distribution without correlation One item for sale (free disposal) 2 agents, valuations IID: 1 w/ .501, 2 w/ .499 Maximize expected revenue under ex-interim IR, Bayes-Nash equilibrium How much can we get? (What is optimal expected welfare?) Agent 2’s valuation 1 2 1 Agent 1’s valuation 2 probabilities Status: OPTIMAL Objective: obj = 1.499 (MAXimum)
Cremer-McLean [1985] • For every agent, consider the following matrix Γof conditional probabilities, where Θ is the set of types for the agent and Ω is the set of signals (joint types for other agents, or something else observable to the auctioneer) • If Γhas rank |Θ| for every agent then the auctioneer can allocate efficiently and extract the full surplus as revenue (!!)
Standard setup in mechanism design 40%: v = 10 60%: v = 20 (1) Designer has beliefs about agent’s type (e.g., preferences) (2) Designer announces mechanism (typically mapping from reported types to outcomes) v = 20 v = 20 → (3) Agent strategically acts in mechanism (typically type report), however she likes at no cost (4) Mechanism functions as specified
The mechanism may have more information about the specific agent!
Attempt 1 at fixing this Show me pictures of yachts 30%: v = 10 70%: v = 20 (1) Designer obtains beliefs about agent’s type (e.g., preferences) (2) Designer announces mechanism (typically mapping from reported types to outcomes) (0) Agent acts in the world (naively?) v = 20 v = 20 → (3) Agent strategically acts in mechanism (typically type report), however she likes at no cost (4) Mechanism functions as specified
Attempt 2: Sophisticated agent 40%: v = 10 60%: v = 20 (1) Designer has prior beliefs about agent’s type (e.g., preferences) (2) Designer announces mechanism (typically mapping from reported types to outcomes) Show me pictures of cats v = 20 → v = 20 (3) Agent strategically takes possibly costly actions (4) Mechanism functions as specified
Machine learning view • See also later work by Hardt, Megiddo, Papadimitriou, Wootters [2015/2016]
From Ancient Times… Trojan Horse Jacob and Esau
... continued First Try:
... continued First Try: Better:
Comparison With Other Models Standard Mechanism Design Mechanism Design with Partial Verification Mechanism Design with Signaling Costs Green and Laffont. Partially verifiable information and mechanism design. RES 1986 • Auletta, Penna, Persiano, Ventre. Alternatives to truthfulness are hard to recognize. AAMAS 2011
Question Given: Then: Does there exist a which implements the choice function? NP-complete! Auletta, Penna, Persiano, Ventre. Alternatives to truthfulness are hard to recognize. AAMAS 2011
Results with Andrew Kephart (AAMAS 2015) • Non-bolded results are from: • Auletta, Penna, Persiano, Ventre. Alternatives to truthfulness are hard to recognize. AAMAS 2011 • Hardness results fundamentally rely on revelation principle failing – conditions under which revelation principle still holds in Green & Laffont’86 and Yu ’11 (partial verification), andKephart & C. EC’16 (costly signaling).
When Samples Are Strategically Selected ICML 2019, with • SHE HAS 15 PAPERS AND I ONLY WANT TO READ 3. • A NEW POSTDOC APPLICANT. Yu Cheng (Duke → IAS → UIC) Hanrui Zhang (Duke) • Bob, Professor of Rocket Science
The general problem A distribution (Alice) over paper qualities 𝜃 ∈ {g, b} arrives, which can be either a good one (𝜃 = g) or a bad one (𝜃 = b) • ALICE IS WAITING TO HEAR FROM BOB • Alice, the postdoc applicant
The general problem The principal (Bob) announces a policy, according to which he decides, based on the report of the agent (Charlie), whether to accept 𝜃 (hire Alice) • AND I WANT ALICE TO BE FIRST AUTHOR ON AT LEAST 2 OF THEM. • I WILL HIRE ALICE IF YOU GIVE ME 3 GOOD PAPERS, OR 2 EXCELLENT PAPERS.
The general problem The agent (Charlie) has access to n(=15) iid samples (papers) from 𝜃 (Alice), from which he choosesm(=3) as his report • CHARLIE IS READING THROUGH ALICE’S 15 PAPERS
The general problem The agent (Charlie) sends his report to the principal, aiming to convince the principal (Bob) to accept 𝜃 (Alice) • CHARLIE FOUND 3 PAPERS BY ALICE MEETING BOB’S CRITERIA • HE IS SURE BOB WILL HIRE ALICE UPON SEEING THESE 3 PAPERS
The general problem The principal (Bob) observes the report of the agent (Charlie), and makes the decision according to the policy announced • IT LOOKS LIKE ALICE IS DOING GOOD WORK, SO LET’S HIRE HER. • ONE IS NOT SO GOOD, BUT THE OTHER TWO ARE INCREDIBLE. • I READ THE 3 PAPERS YOU SENT ME.
Questions How does strategic selection affect the principal’s policy? Is it easier or harder to classify based on strategic samples, compared to when the principal has access to iid samples? Should the principal ever have a diversity requirement (e.g., at least 1 mathematical paper and at least 1 experimental paper), or only go by total quality according to a single metric?
Agent’s problem: • “How do I distinguish myself from other types?” • “How many samples do I need for that?” • Principal’s problem: • “How do I tell ML-flexible agents from others?” • “At what point in their career can I reliably do that?” See Hanrui Zhang’s presentation/poster in the EC Learning with Strategic Behavior Workshop on Friday (also with Yu Cheng)
One good and one bad distribution samples signals .5 Pick a subset of the right-hand side (to accept) that maximizes (green mass covered - black mass covered) If positive, can (eventually) distinguish; otherwise not. NP-hard in general. .4 This subset covers .5+.2=.7 good mass and .4+.3=.7 bad mass, so it doesn’t work. (What does?) .2 .3 .3 .3
But if we know the strategy for the good distribution (revelation principle holds): samples signals Solve as maximum flow/matching from left to right with capacities on vertices Duality gives set of signals to accept (~Hall’s marriage theorem) .8 .4 Can place good mass on the signals side because we know the strategy .3 .2 0 .3
Optimization: reduction to min cut (when revelation principle holds) types are vertices; edges imply ability to (cost-effectively) misreport edges between types have capacity ∞ In sampling case, can check existence of edges with previous technique Values are P(type)*value(type) 2 2 2 -3 3 t 2 s 2 accept side 3 -3 2 reject side Can be generalized to more outcomes than accept/reject, if types have the same utility over them.
Conclusion First part: When considering correlation, small changes can have a huge effect Automatically designing robust mechanisms addresses this Combines well with learning (under some conditions) Second part: With costly or limited misreporting, revelation principle can fail Causes computational hardness in general Sometimes agents report based on their samples Some efficient algorithms for the infinite limit case; sample bounds v. Thank you for your attention!