1. 1
2. Data Center Bettembourg – Centre 1 2
3. 3 Luxconnect – 65, avenue de la Gare L – 1611 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 27 61 68 68 Fax: (+352) 27 61 68 99 edouard.wangen@luxconnect.lu The connectivity initiative of the Government
The mission of Luxconnect: promote and facilitate high-end ICT investments into Luxembourg.
Bring Luxembourg on the European Internet map.
Provide a state of the art IT housing environment.
Enhance the competitiveness of the Luxembourg Internet market place.
4. 4 Luxconnect – 65, avenue de la Gare L – 1611 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 27 61 68 68 Fax: (+352) 27 61 68 99 edouard.wangen@luxconnect.lu Our roots: The Luxembourg Telecom Market 04/05
On “ Room for Improvement” the market told us in 2004/2005:
Alternative operators have a relatively small footprint.
Lack of a competitive dark fiber market offer.
Poor fiber diversity.
All operators connect Luxembourg first to Brussels before going International.
Ad's latency.
Poor fibre diversity.
Data centres are available but lack support for high density equipment (forced air or liquid cooled racks).
5. LuxConnect marching orders Become fibre rich
and put this fiber a the disposal of Operators so that they can build, enhance their footprint in Luxembourg.
Build and operate a network
to Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels
minimizing fibre distances
maximizing fibre diversity
Build an operate Data Center(s) 8/26/2012Luxconnect – 65, avenue de la Gare L – 1611 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 27 61 68 68 Fax: (+352) 27 61 68 99 edouard.wangen@luxconnect.lu 5
6. Marketing model Services are offered to and only to
Telecom operators
System integrators
Hosting companies
in a neutral and non-discriminatory way
allowing our partners a correct margin.
Reason: Don’t compete with friends you invite to do or to increase their business in Luxembourg
8/26/2012Luxconnect – 65, avenue de la Gare L – 1611 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 27 61 68 68 Fax: (+352) 27 61 68 99 edouard.wangen@luxconnect.lu 6