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Enhance your pharmacology knowledge with selected drug information presented by experienced professionals. Access web-based resources for in-depth learning on drug therapy and essential pharmacological concepts.
Web-based education in Pharmacology extended with selected drug information Assoc. Prof. Ivan Lambev, MD, PhD Head Ass. Prof. Katerina Simeonova,MD
Drugsarethemainsubjectofpharmacology. In about 95% of cases the diagnosis, prophylaxis,and therapy of the disease, and also plannedreproduction, are related with the use of drugs. Therefore, for medical theory and practice, it is extremely important to periodically actualize, select and systematize the avalanche-like increase of scientific facts in the field of pharmacology.
SELECTION is based on drugs, which are important for the treatment mainly of sociallysignificant diseases. It is combined with rational use of contemporary Bulgarian and international literary sources, including the Internet and 45 years of teaching experience, building the understanding and the feeling of what is essential in the area of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.
The understanding and the feeling of the essential is built not only with a lot of hard work and perseverance, but also with highly erudite teachers. Prof. D. Paskov introduced us to the world of experimental pharmacology.
Galantamine t1/2 7 h Fp.o. 80–100% PPB 18% Galanthus nivalis var. gracilis Leucojum aestivum – Блатно кокиче Prof. D. Paskov (1914 – 1986)
Prof. Ivan Krushkov (1935–2007) – a polyglot with magnetic eloquence) introduced us to the world of teaching and writing in pharmacology. Prof. Tr. Traykov introduced us in the virtual world of computers, multimedia and Internet.
Twenty six books were issued since 1976 (monographies, pharmacology textbooks, drug and pharmacotherapeutic guidebooks, tests). Seven of them are independent. Sixteen of these books served as a base for the building of three medical web-sites, the most significant of which is http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/ Links to this site are: (1) at the Central medical library in MU – Sofia (2) and the website of Ass. Prof. Marchev: MultiMediaMedicine (4xM)
This website is free and easy to access. It does not require a registration. It has been built in 2009–2010 and has been visited > than 1 million times. It has been updated 43 times. It contains 4 GB of unarchived information, organized in 20 directories and 55 subcategories. It includes more than 850 files and over 450 specially chosen links. Until now the website has 76 positive e-mail reviews.
The website is a place for expression • of the undergraduate and • postgraduate studentsthemselves • with postersand presentations, and • also and teachers with • autoreferats, • dissertations, • presentations. There are 122 presentations and posters of undergraduate students.
Д-р Румяна ПАРАПУНОВА, носител на “Златен Хипократ” (2010) КАРДИОЛОГ в Токуда болница София
The medical student presents a poster on the topic “Opioidergic receptors and their pharmacological response” during the Scientific session in May (2012).
Д-р Кирил Сурчев, носител на “Златен Хипократ” (2015), специализант и докторант по ортопедия и травматология В УМБАЛСМ “Н.И. Пирогов”
АВТОРЕФЕРАТИ НА ДИСЕРАТАЦИИ, приложени с разрешение на техните автори______ • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на д-р Николай Янев (2011) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на д-р Елка Радева (2012) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на д-р Сотир Марчев (2012) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на маг. фарм. Александър Костовски (2012) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Галя Ставрева – Маринова (2012) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Жасмина Тодорова (2013) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на маг. биол. Нели Недялкова (2014) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на д-р Георги Богданов (2015) • Автореферaт на дисертационния труд на д-р Евгени Харитов (2015) • Автореферат на дисертационен труд на д-р Ана Цакова (2016) • Автореферат на дисертационен труд на д-р Нина Дончева (2016) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Диана Пендичева–Духленска (2016) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Мариян Тополов (2017) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на маг.-фарм. Радослава Клисуров (2017) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Стефчо Радев Василев (2017) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Андрей Петров (2017) • Автореферат на дисертационния труд на д-р Людмил Лазаров (2017) There is also a special directory for postgraduate trainingin Pharmacology.
The website is open for new presentations, and posters of students and teachers from the whole country. The requirement is that they are dedicated to specific pharmacological and/or pharmacotherapeutical topics. The colleagues should display creativity in the utterance and visualization. One of its aims is to develop irreconcilability towards plagiarism and piracy in science, as well as the ability for thorough analysis and summary. Another aim is to have an educative and ethical character. Many sayings, preceding numerous lectures, are dedicated to it, as well as the special directory for reflection and relaxation.
The most commonly used directory by the students of pharmacy, medicine and dentistry is the REPETITORIUM PHARMACOLOGICUM. Everything inside it is presented mainly in doc. and ppt. file format, which allows the young colleagues to correct, update and develop the topics themselves. The attached doc. files are in fact updated to today’s parts of textbooks, drug references and pharmacotherapeutical sources, which underwent 3 to 7 editions. The aim of the repetitorium is not to replace the textbooks, but to make it easier and deepen the assimilation of pharmacology as a base of pharmacotherapy.
http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/RP.htm http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/
11. АНТИИНФЕКЦИОЗНИ ЛЕКАРСТВА • ТЕМИ • Антибиотици • Сулфонамиди • Хинолони, оксихинолини, нитрофурани • Антимикобактериални лекарства • Противовирусни лекарства • Антимикотици • Принципи на рационалната противомикробна • терапия и профилактика • Антипротозойни лекарства • Антихелминтни лекарства • Антисептици и дезинфектанти • Имунизационен календар • Начало ^^ • 11. АНТИИНФЕКЦИОЗНИ ЛЕКАРСТВА • ТЕМИ • Антибиотици • Сулфонамиди • Хинолони, оксихинолини, нитрофурани • Антимикобактериални лекарства • Противовирусни лекарства • Антимикотици • Принципи на рационалната противомикробна • терапия и профилактика • Антипротозойни лекарства • Антихелминтни лекарства • Антисептици и дезинфектанти • Имунизационен календар • Начало ^^ English version http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/lectures_tests.htm#6
COMPENDIUM PHARMACOLOGICUM (88 pages, format A4) is an extended and updated version of the curriculum of pharmacology for medical and dental students. In it, they appear in a semi- classification form, general pharmacology and individual pharmacotherapeutic groupswith accentuation on the representation of particular pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and toxodynamic features of the main drugs, and in some cases, their dosages are given. The compendium is illustrated with appropriate figures and tables. It also has modular tests. The main aim of the compendium is to introduce students to the subject of the studied topic, and to serve as quick revision.
http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/ Компендиум – служи за бърз преговор.
SELECTA MEDICAMENTORUM (2017) – free electronic pdf edition is dedicated to doctors, pharmacists and dentists. It’s in A4 format and has 809 pages. It includes more than 7100 drugs, which are registered in Bulgaria based on the Bulgarian Drug Agency (BDA) database and registered by European Medication Agency (EMA). There are also some drugs, which are registered in the USA, the UK and Russia. Apart from that, the handbook contains some herbal drugs, alimentary supplements, homeopathic and other products.
The book has been written based on the idea of our cardiologist academician Ch. Nachev, who loved to say often: “Many of the cardio- vascular diseases are due to the wrong way of life”.
The main aims of Selecta medicamentorum are: a) to make it easier for the young medics and pharmacists in fast orientation among the vastly growing arsenal of drugs; b) to show the products according to the ATC classification of WHO; c) to update this classification with some rational pharmacological and pharmacotherapeutical additions; d) to provide information about the risk categories of pregnancy (PRC) and lactation (LRC); e) to inform colleagues about many useful herbalpreparations, alimentarysupplementsetc.
Формат: А4 Обем: 809 стр. Препарати:> 7 100 Размер на основния текст: 9 http://sotirmarchev.tripod.com/
МЕДИЦИНСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ – СОФИЯ Електронни книги / Electronic books http://hdl.handle.net/10861/1240
Ctrl + F: • Nexium • Bisoprolol • МИ, ХД, ХПП • Дозиране • при деца • Index http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/
Electronic drug refenrece (274 p.). It consists of 26% from drug and other pharmaceutical products, described in the third edition of Selecta medicamentorum (2017). It is available for free installation on PC, tablets and smartphones for quick and precise online reference. Development and update of Selecta medicamentorum and Electronic drug reference, their introduction and maintenance in Internet is done and financed only by the author. This is a special electronic gift to all doctors, pharmacists, dentists, representatives of pharmaceutical companies, students from medical universities, midwives, nurses, technicians, etc. who work in the difficult conditions in Bulgaria.
Мъдър е не този, • който много чете, • а който извлича • полза от четенето. • (Аристип) • Ако вярваш • на всичко, • което четеш, • по-добре не чети. • (Японска пословица) http://hdl.handle.net/10861/1241
Other often-visited websites, mainly from students from medical colleges, are Introduction in Phytotherapy and aromatherapy (861 slides). Often visited is the directory “Files for reflection and relaxation”, especially the section “Reflection without passions” (where you can find quotes from renown people – writers, scientists, politicians) and “Cerebral sorting” (describing the social evolution of human brain, the opportunities of accurate evaluation of its functions and why we – people are so different from one another and often don’t understand each other).
http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/izbr_lek_info.htm http://www.medpharm-sofia.eu/ Благодаря за вниманието.