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Communication means at the beginning of the Antique Period. Presentation was prepared by the English teachers : Guchkova Vera Vadimovna Pastukhova Alla Grigorevna November, 2013 Moscow School 2047 .
Communication means at the beginning of the Antique Period Presentation was prepared by the English teachers : Guchkova Vera Vadimovna PastukhovaAllaGrigorevna November, 2013 Moscow School 2047
The Antique period lasted thirteen centuries. It started in the eighth century BC and ended in the fifth century AM. The Antique civilization is divided into two local ones: the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman. All the civilizations appeared much earlier. We are going to tell you about the languages spoken at the beginning of the Antique period. The great achievement of the Greek culture was the creation of the alphabet. At the beginning of the Roman civilization the Latin alphabet was created. People could write on stones and wooden small boards.
Here you can see the map of the world during the Antique period. There are several languages spoken in the world. • The Slavonic languages were spoken in this part of the world (pointing). • The Germanic languages were spoken in Europe and North America. • The Romanesque languages were spoken in Europe and South America.
Dead languages not used in oral speech. They are Latin, Ancient Greek, Babylonian language and many others. We can find them in written speech.
There are a lot of dead languages. The most popular of them are: Pre-Slavonic, Ancient Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Sanskrit, and Hattic. Праславянский Древнегреческий Латинский Египетский Санскрит Хаттский
Санскрит Sanskrit is the ancient literature language of India. It was mentioned in 1500 BC. This language is included in the list of 22 official languages of India now.
Праславянский Pre-Slavonic language is the father of all Slavonic languages. People had used it before the VI-th century. But no written monuments of Slavonic languages can be seen now. Let`s look at some letters (repeat after me): АЗ, ЖИВЕТЕ, ЕСТЬ, ПОКОЙ,
Латинский Its name came from а small tribe lived in the centre оf the Apennine peninsula. The brothers, Romulus and Ram founded Rome in 753 BC here. It was one of the basic written languages of the Western science, culture, public life. Now this language is being used in biology, medicine. Repeat after me some statements:
Некоторые высказывания на латинском: • Aleajactaest - жребий брошен • Veni, vidi, vici – пришел ,увидел , победил • Conscientia mille testes - совесть тысяча свидетелей • Divide et impera- разделяй и властвуй • Qui tacet - consentirevidetur - молчание знак согласия • Scio me nihilscire - я знаю, что ничего не знаю Fiat lux- да будет свет Errarehumanumest – человеку свойственно ошибаться Ibivictoria, ubiconcordia – там победа, где согласие
Египетский Egyptian language is one of the most ancient languages of the world. The bases of these languages are hieroglyphs.
Древнегреческий The Ancient Greek language was used in philosophy, literature and Biblia. It was the second official language of the Roman Imperia. Let`s look at several letters. Point the letters mentioned by me: α – альфа β – бетаπ – пи ω – омега
There are about 6809 «living» languages in the world. The half of the world population uses 8 languages in their life.
Here you can see a large black bull and a cow with a black head.
The pictures in the cave demonstrate bulls, bisons, horses, people`s hand prints etc.
Here we can see the pictures of cows and bulls, different colours of pictures.
People have always wanted to communicate with each other. First they used sounds, gestures. Later they began speaking.
In the 6th century BC skilled slaves and soldiers stood on high towers and reported the news shouting.
In ancient China people used gongs. In America and Africa people communicated with the help of tom-toms.
The sounds of tom-toms were heard far from the place. The other means of sound communication were trumpets, bells, later- guns and cannons.
In Moscow people could hear the sound of bells in the case of fire.
Sometimes people communicated with each other using clocks. This fact was mentioned by famous Greek historian Polibiy.
Here you can see one of communication means with the help of torches and letters.