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My Cub Scout. Scout Name. It seems it was just yesterday, you first put on the Blue So handsome in that uniform, I was so proud of you . You learned the promise “Do Your Best” , and duty to c ountry and God To help all others when in need, inside my heart applaud.
It seems it was just yesterday, you first put on the Blue So handsome in that uniform, I was so proud of you. You learned the promise “Do Your Best” , and duty to country and God To help all others when in need, inside my heart applaud.
You learned to “Know”, “Commit” and “Practice” the tradition of the pack Of meaning “Do Your Best” as well as the meaning to give back. You learn the shake, salute, the sign and We Be Loyal Scout The character that’s revealed in you, as I see your manhood come about.
You worked hard to earn your Tiger beads and get your Bobcat too. And just like that you had your badge, a Tiger scout so true.
On you went as if possessed, the Wolf badge to attain Your effort on your feats of skill, the flag, to fill your brain. You learned to make wise choices, to be safe and healthy too The Wolf howl and to build and fix, it seems the time it flew.
You learned to do those feats of skill, some cooking you did acquire With tools you learned to build and fix, these things they did inspire. You learned about your living world and the ways protect preserve Of safety, choices, family fun, your faith in God to serve.
Arrow points were next your goal, to be the best Wolf scout And time did tell, you earned them well, the Wolf badge you did sprout.
Now on to Bear with zest you go, to learn and grow and share You learn of past, your faith in God, our country and of prayer. You build your body, mind and soul and learn a knot or two You hammer, nail and cut some wood and even drive a screw.
You learn the treasure that is our home its beauty to preserve The ways we all should treat it and protect it and conserve. You have outdoor adventures and sing by campfire light You dream you are at King Arthur’s table crusading like a knight.
So many things to learn and do, more arrow points to get You challenge all the other scouts, best bear scout they have met.
The Webelo crew you did move next, with vigor did employ To reach the light the arrow brings, its radiance enjoy. To be outdoors in fitness grow prepared for all you face A citizen of pride foretold and readymanembrace.
You learn the precept leave no trace, and follow code outdoor You learn to craft, of forest land, the earth and family lore. You learn of tools and car repair, of scholar and of show And earn the highest cub award, the light of the arrow.
Of Boy Scout you did learn of next, of promise, oath and law The challenges that lay ahead to conquer all you saw.
And now it’s time to climb that hill, perhaps to Eagle Scout Adventures new inspire you, achieve I have no doubt. For when it comes to honesty, integrity, and will To reach that pinnacle of scout, no doubt you’ll climb that hill.
This presentation is a gift from a very proud Mom & Dad!Congratulations ScoutWe love you!