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GEOPOLITICA DELLA NARRAZIONE: L’USO DELLO STORYTELLING NELLE PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS. Tesi di laurea di ELENA PECORA Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Andrea Fontana Anno Accademico:2009/2010 Correlatore: Chiar.mo Prof Giampaolo Azzoni. PSYOPS AND STORYTELLING.
GEOPOLITICA DELLA NARRAZIONE:L’USO DELLO STORYTELLING NELLE PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS Tesi di laurea di ELENA PECORA Relatore: Chiar.mo Prof. Andrea Fontana Anno Accademico:2009/2010 Correlatore: Chiar.mo Prof Giampaolo Azzoni
PSYOPS & STORYTELLING • Storytelling & PsyOps have the same aim: to persuade a particular target • They have the same sociolocal and psychological basis • Oratory is the same far origin • You can have a right PsyOps campaign only using a welldone plot
PSYOPS & STORYTELLING PSYOPS Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator's objectives. STORYTELLING A particular narrative technique that through the rhetorical speech, want to persuade a particular target to change their opinion, way of life or ideas. The audience have been influenced by the plot and the hero in which they have been embodied.
PERSUASION • Both Psyops and storytelling’s aim • PsyOps uses storytelling to PERSUADE target • Storytelling uses PsyOps to PERSUADE audience • PsyOps and Storytelling use each other to PERSUADE a choosen group
TARGET • Mores • Uses • Hopes • Worryed • Knowledge • Traditions PsyOps or Storytelling could be welldone only if you really know the target you want to influence the mood. A psychological operators or a storyteller have to know a lot of thing about the audience to do the right plot to influence them. So they hawe to know:
PSYOPS A MILITARY TECHNIQUE • PsyOps, as a particular subject, was born in US, during the Cold War particullary • PsyOps are preciouses in all theatre of war • Psyops are very important before the war to motivate , during the war to encourage, after the war to reconstruct
WAR’S PLOT US Intelligence, with PsyOps department studyed different plot to tell during the war. Different plot come from the different theatre of war the psychological operators and the storyteller have to persuade: • PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES • PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIES • BATTLEFIELD PSYCHOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES • PACE SUPPORT PSYCHOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES
WAR’S PLOT • White • Grey • Black PROPAGANDA Used to spread PsyOps and welldone war plots According to provenance, it could be:
THEORICAL BASIS SOCIOLOGY • Catastrophic theoryes about media and advertising • Language: a sociological theory individuals uses language to comunicate each others and they build plot to understand the word, to narrate their vision, to recaunt themself, and to influence each other PSYCHOLOGY • A lot of studyes about crowd’s psycology, about the different mood between individuals and bunch • The persuasive comunication: tell to prevail upon someone to do something use storytelling to do PsyOps
HISTORICAL BASIS • Greek philosopher such as : • Sofisti • Platone • Aristotele • The latin latterature’s father: Cicerone • The 20° century dictators: • Mussolini • Hitler • Stalin • The 21° century most famous terrorist: Bin Laden ORATORY Is the far storytelling and PsyOps basis A lot of historical characters used PsyOps and storytelling’s techniques
CRISIS & PSYOPS Is there a link between the real and strong 2008/2009 economical crisis and the PsyOps? • Mass media used catastrophic plot to describe a situation • Self-fulfilling prophecy
PSYOPS & STORYTELLING • There is a very strong link between storytelling and PsyOps. • They have the same aim so thay use each other to arrive to target • Only through the right plot you can do the right PsyOps campaign • Only through the right PsyOps campaign you can tell the right plot
MOST IMPORTANT REFERENCES • Mini, F., La guerra dopo la guerra, soldati, burocrati e mercenari nell’epoca della pace virtuale, Einaudi, Torino, 2003 • Rotkopf, D.K., Superclass, Mondadori, Milano, 2008 • Zezima, M., Le sette menzogne capitali,impero, guerra e propaganda, Gaffi Editore, Roma, 2006 • www. ccdu. org • www.cesdis.it • www. cimicgroup. org • www. difesa.it • www. military. com