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Energy supply system. Intermediate products. Biomass/ waste. Pretreat-ment systems. Transpor-tation and storage systems. Conver-sion processes. Distribu-tion and storage systems. Coal. Oil. Electricity. EST to be evalu-ated. Natural gas. Heat. Hydro. Transportation fuels. Wind.
Energy supply system Intermediate products Biomass/ waste Pretreat-ment systems Transpor-tation and storage systems Conver-sion processes Distribu-tion and storage systems Coal Oil Electricity EST to be evalu-ated Natural gas Heat Hydro Transportation fuels Wind Solar energy Geothermal Novel Energy Saving Technologies Assessment by Evaluation Tool J.Klemeš1, N.Zhang1, I.Bulatov1, P.Jansen2, J.Koppejan2 1Centre for Process Integration, SCEAS, The University of Manchester, email: jiri.klemes@manchester.ac.uk 2Department of Energy Systems, TNO – MEP, Netherlands, email: j.p.jansen@mep.tno.nl Participants Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Germany VTT Processes - Finland Riga Technical University - Latvia TNO (coordinator) - Netherlands SINTEF Energiforskning AS - Norway The University of Manchester - UK Instituto Superior Tecnico - Portugal Brno Technical University - Czech Republic Risø National Laboratory - Denmark Moscow State University – Russian Federation Main Objective To identify and accelerate the introduction and implementation of leading edge European energy and environmental technology into the worldwide market place How? • EMINENT a software tool is developed. It identifies and assesses the potential of early stage technologies • A series of workshops, media initiatives and a website to provide public awareness of the technologies. • Translation of the technologies into European Policies and measures to enhance implementation. WWW.EMINENTPROJECT.COM Eminent Assessment Tool Evaluates the market potential of Early Stage Technologies (ESTs) and their absolute performance in terms of CO2 emissions, costs of energy supply and use of primary fossil energy in different subsectors of society Apply EMINENT tool to assess the new technology potential In Search of Early Stage Technologies (ESTs) Methodology used in EMINENT tool
Third Generation Cells Efficiency 30% Solar Radiation Electricity for Households • EMINENT server main program: • Session management • Invoke all external satellite applications • Model calculations • Report generation Biomass Electricity Overall Efficiency 45% Coal Methanol O2 Demand Manager EST Manager Details of the assessment • Worldwide geographical coverage • Model consumers are used, with average energy demand • Energy supply chains consisting of up to 5 technologies (1 EST + 4 existing) can be compared • Evaluation benefits from the model which combines EST with resources and other technologies in the most logical way • Evaluation permits inclusion of many resources, technologies and demands Main Program Analysis Tool Subsector Editor Resource Manager Maintenance Resource Manager Demand Manager EST Manager DATABASES Early Stage Energy Technologies + Reference Technologies National Energy Infrastructure (Demand + Supply) EMINENT software tool structure Implementation of EMINENT software and its components Case Studies Several case studies analysed using EMINENT assessment tool, among them… Three generations of solar photovoltaic cells application in UK households Methanol Synthesis Biomass Gasification Process • Results of analysis: • Costs of supplied energy are still higher than those from the grid, however with certain governmental incentives the third generation cells can become applicable in domestic sector • Results of analysis: • The technology enables varying feed • Allows the gasifier to operate in a steady-state mode • Stored methanol can be used as back-up fuel for the combined-cycle power block used for peaking power in gas turbines or diesels, or sold on the market Acknowledgement Energy Project NNE5-2002-00075 "EMINENT“ gratefully acknowledges financial contribution of the EC DG TREN