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Has anyone ever told you that you’re a hands-on learner? Then, you might possess kinesthetic intelligence.
Do You Learn Best By Doing? YouMay Have Kinesthetic Intelligencel
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a hands-on learner? Then, you might possess kinesthetic intelligence. Kinesthetic intelligence, or bodily intelligence, is one of Gardner’s nine types of intelligence. It’s an incredibly useful skill to have and we can learn to develop it to ouradvantage. We’ll explore what kinesthetic intelligence is all about and how you can develop yours to become the hands-on superlearner you were born tobe. What Are The 9 TypesOf Intelligence? Before we hop into bodily intelligence, let’sfirst take a look at where this theory of multiple intelligences camefrom.
Back in the 1980s,developmental • psychologist Howard Gardnersuggested there there were nine types ofintelligence: • Musicalintelligence • Spatial intelligence • Linguisticintelligence • Logical-mathematicalintelligence • Kinestheticintelligence • Interpersonalintelligence • Intrapersonalintelligence • Naturalisticintelligence • Existentialintelligence • Gardner identified kinesthetic smarts as one of the nine forms that human intelligence can take. So, what does it mean to have this type ofintelligence?
What Are The Characteristics Of Bodily KinestheticIntelligence? Kinesthetic intelligence is intelligence of the body. Having this form of intelligence means you experience the world primarily through yourtactile
senses. You’re skilled at communicating with your body and have top notch motor skills and coordination. Those with bodily kinesthetic intelligence are movers and shakers. They learn best by doing, in a dynamic, hands-on environment. They are active individuals who are highly aware of the movement of theirbodies. A good way to learn more about kinesthetic intelligence is to learn about its inverse intelligence: logical intelligence. What Is LogicalIntelligence? Logical-mathematical intelligence is another of Gardner’s multiple intelligences. People withthis form of intelligence are skilled analytical thinkers. They excel at deductive reasoning and rely on rational thinking to problemsolve. Logical intelligence is an intelligence of abstract thoughts and ideas. Whereaskinesthetic
intelligence is an intelligence of the concrete and tangible. And even though these two intelligences are quite different, it’s entirely possible that you could possess themboth!
What Does It Mean ToBe Kinesthetic? Those with kinesthetic intelligence are well suited to jobs and positions that enable them tomove. They make excellent dancers, actors,mechanics, physical therapists, athletes, andartisans. Having this type of intelligence doesn’t necessary mean you’re a natural athlete. Kinesthetic intelligence can manifest itself in a number of ways. Perhaps you’re a tactile learner. Or love to craft or tackle DIYprojects. People that prefer to process and communicate information with their bodies have kinesthetic intelligence. How Can I Improve My KinestheticIntelligence?
So, if kinesthetic intelligence isn’t your strong suit, can you learn to develop it?Absolutely. • Developing a skill is all about what you choose to put your energyinto. • Jim Kwik, Author of Mindvalley’s Superbrain Program, explains, “If you argue foryour • limitations, you get to keepthem.” • We’re all born with different talents. But what you choose to strengthen is entirely up toyou. • If you want to work on your kinesthetic intelligence, here are a few things totry: • Practiceyoga • Go for awalk • Try a new sport orhobby • Start an exerciseroutine • Take an actingclass • Start each morning with some simplestretches • Take up a DIYproject
Dance to your favoritesong • Playcharades • You can develop your body smarts in all sortsof ways, but the bottom line is: get up and get moving!