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Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

Strengths:. -Use their body to communicate and solve problems - P refer to learn through activities and games -Like hands-on tasks and building things -Learn new information through movement and the five senses -Like being physically active -Enjoy playing sports

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Kinesthetic (Body Smart)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strengths: -Use their body to communicate and solve problems -Prefer to learn through activities and games -Like hands-on tasks and building things -Learn new information through movement and the five senses -Like being physically active -Enjoy playing sports -Like dancing and acting -Enjoy doing crafts and working on projects Kinesthetic (Body Smart) Source: http://www.casacanada.com/whatare.html#bod

  2. Tips To Be Successful in School: • -Create a movement or a sequence of movements to demonstrate what you are learning • -Take a walk while discussing or thinking about what you are studying • -Build models of concepts you are learning • -Do arts and crafts projects relating to what you are studying • -Squeeze a fidget or a stress ball while you study • -Act out the topics you are learning • -Use a keyboard to study or write stories • -Take movement breaks while studying or learning • -Make a board game or floor game to study a topic • -Make time for physical activities, such as dance, sports, martial arts and other exercise to release energy and help you focus Kinesthetic (Body Smart) Sources: http://www.casacanada.com/chart.html; http://www.literacyworks.org/mi/practice/engage-social.html; http://www.georgefox.edu/education/resources/mentoring/Resources%20for%20Teachers/Multiple_Intelligence_Guide.pdf; Armstrong, Thomas. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 2003.

  3. Career Options: Kinesthetic Intelligence: acrobat actor actress aerobics teacher architect assembler athlete cabinet maker carpenter choreographer clown/circus performer coach commercial artist construction worker craftsperson dancer drama coach dentist equestrian gymnast hair dresser/cosmetologist inventor jeweler jockey juggler magician martial arts instructor massage therapist mechanic mime pianist physical education teacher physical therapist rodeo rider sculptor stunt person surgeon trainer Kinesthetic (Body Smart) Source: http://www.casacanada.com/career.html; Armstrong, Thomas. You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 2003

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