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Mr. MM. Muhammed Afrath (N.D.T – English)

Mr. MM. Muhammed Afrath (N.D.T – English). KM/ Addappallam Sahitha Vidyalaya Nintavur. GENERAL ENGLISH. GRADE 12. PRESENT BY: MM. Muhammed Afrath (N.D.T – English). PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON. Learn to form present continuous verb

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Mr. MM. Muhammed Afrath (N.D.T – English)

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  1. Mr. MM. Muhammed Afrath (N.D.T – English) KM/ Addappallam Sahitha Vidyalaya Nintavur


  3. OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON Learn to form present continuous verb Learn to use present continuous tense Use question and negative form of present continuous tense Describe pictures and actions

  4. USES OF PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE • For an action going on • For a temperory action that may not be actually happening • For an action that is planned or arranged to take place in near future At the time of speaking

  5. Eg:- Action going on The baby is crying. She is singinga song.(now) Temporary action I am reading Village in the Jungle. Action planned or arranged We are inviting several people to the party


  7. play +ing watch+ing drink + ing write +ing wash + ing =playing = watching = drinking = writing = washing PROGRESSIVE VERB FORMATION VERB SUFFIX Base form + ing Eg:-

  8. DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROGRASSIVE VERB FORMATION Verbs end in ‘e’ Write writ e + ing = writing Verbs end in ‘ee’ + see see ing seeing = Unusual verbs dying + ing die die =

  9. Verbs end in a single vowel and a single consonant clap ing = clapping clap p + Eg:- cut, beg, dig, hit Unusual verbs open open + ing = opening

  10. Perception Appearing Possession VERBS NOT NORMALLY USED IN CONTINUOUS Emotion Thinking

  11. VERBS OF PERSEPTION Eg:- See Hear Smell Notice Recognize

  12. VERBS OF APPEARING Eg:- Appear Look seem

  13. VERBS OF EMOTION Eg:- Want Wish Desire Feel Like Love Hate Prefer

  14. VERBS OF THINKING Eg- Think Believe Know Imagine Mean Mind Suppose Agree Consider Trust Forget understand

  15. VERBS OF POSESSION Eg:- Own Possess Belong to Contain

  16. is HELPING VERBS USED am are

  17. “iS”WITH SINGULAR NOUNS He She Nimal The teacher My friend is Verb + ing + + Eg:- She is singing a song

  18. They We You Children My friends “are” WITH PLURAL NOUNS + are + Verb + ing Eg:- Children are playing badminton

  19. I “am” WITH I + am + Verb + ing Eg:- I am typing a letter

  20. STUDY THE PICTURE Now look at the conversation about the picture

  21. Are they playing badminton? No they are not playing badminton. They are playing netball Yes they are playing netball

  22. HOW TO FORM NEGATIVE? They are playing cricket. They are not playing cricket. They are not playing cricket.

  23. NEGATIVE FORM With Singular He is writing a notice. He is not writing a notice. They are playing cricket. With Plural They are not playing cricket. I am typing a letter. With I I am not typing a letter.

  24. HOW TO FORM QUESTION? They are playing cricket. Are they playing cricket? Are they playing cricket?

  25. QUESTION FORM Singular He is writing a notice. Is he writing a notice ? Plural They are playing cricket. Are they playing cricket? I I am typing a letter. Am I typing a letter?

  26. STUDY THE PICTURE Now write sentences describing the actions of people by using present continuous tense

  27. Visit the school premises in the interval and write few sentences describing the actions of students.Use present continuous sentences. END

  28. My sincere thanks to the Manager and the staff of IDM Kalmunai for the guidance to do this project successfully

  29. Thank you very much

  30. Good Bye

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