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English In A Changing World. Wu Ligao wuligao@beiwaionline.com. Brief self-introduction. Education: BA in English Language and Literature, Anhui Teacher’s University; MEd in Educational Technology and TESOL, University of Manchester, UK
English In A Changing World Wu Ligao wuligao@beiwaionline.com
Brief self-introduction • Education: BA in English Language and Literature, Anhui Teacher’s University; MEd in Educational Technology and TESOL, University of Manchester, UK • Work Experience: 17 years of English teaching at university level, 4 years of teaching with BeiwaiOnline, Chair tutor of AE 3 and English in a Changing World
Overview of the tutorial • Course introduction • Learning orientation • Unit one: Changing English in a Changing world:An overview • Unit two: English in the Past
1.1 Course survey (1) • Skill course or content course? • What do we learn from the course? • Why do we learn this course?
1.1 Course survey(2) • Skill course or content course? Content course: Learn about English with English • What do we learn from the course? History of English, English varieties, … • Why do we learn this course? A degree course, Interesting knowledge for English majors
Unit No. Title Unit Focus 1. Changing Eng in a C W: Overview English Language Varieties / Change 2. English In The Past Historical Place Of Standard Eng 3. Spread of Eng Beyond Britain English: Its Spread & Uses E.C.W. SEMESTER OUTLINE 4. Social Varieties of English The Social Usage of English 5. Trade In/Across Language Barriers Pidgins, Creoles & Trade 6 Changing Eng Since WWII International English Usage 7. Emerging 'New Englishes' 'New' English / Quirk-Kachru 8. Eng in a Shrinking World English - Future Directions
1.2 Resources for this course • 学习资源简介(平台学习园地-课程辅导材料) • 课程学习指导,课程考前指导 • 教师课堂讲义 • 考核资源 • 考试样题、考核说明(平台学习园地-课程考核) • 课程要点(focal points) (平台学习园地-复习与自测) • 教师助学 • 课程论坛(Course-based Forum) (平台社区-论坛- 专生本课程论坛-English in a Changing World) • 课程vob (平台社区-网院之声)
2.1 Advice : Text And Concepts • Readthe texts and go over the concepts • Understand the concepts and remember the important ones • Tell the difference between surface material and real content • Study happily and don’t suffer
2.2 Advice: Dealing with resources online • Read the important resources • Get help from online • Build an online community • Find time for online activities
2.3 Building a community • Have you got a close learning mate? • Are you in a learning group? • Do you contact your learning center? • Do you contact our learner support center? • Do you contact your tutor?
Unit 1 Changing English In A Changing World: An Overview
Language Change & Langauge Use(Activity 1: Tasks 1-3:pp6-15) • How many languages are there in the world? • Is there a definite number of languages? • If there isn’t, what is the problem?
Language Change & Langauge Use(Activity 1: Tasks 1-3: pp6-15) • 4000-5000 • There isn’t a definite number of languages. • It’s difficult to count how many languages there are in the world, because it’s hard to say which is a language and which is a dialect.
*Experience of language change • Do you speak the same way as before? • Do your classmates, friends, colleagues speak the same way as they did before? • Have you noticed some special ways of speaking by young kids? (their vocabulary, their pronunciation) • Is Standard Chinese the same two hundred years ago?
Some concepts • Dead language: Language without living speakers • Living language: Language that is still in use • Idiolect: A person’s individual language
Variation in English Unit 1: Activity 2 – Task 1 (pp15-17) • What does the term regional variation mean? • Listen to three short language samples and see if you can tell which one is which regional variation? • Regional variation: When one language is spoken in different regions, they may sound differently.
Standard English: Unit 1: Activity 2 - Tasks 2-3(pp17-23) • Which is the Standard English to study, AE or BE or Australian English? • Who decides which is the best English to study? • What does the term Standard English (SE) mean? Small group discussions (10minutes) / Written Answers read out by each group (5 minutes)
Standard English: Unit 1: Activity 2 - Tasks 2-3(pp17-23) • Received Pronunciation (RP)—BBC English • Educated American English—Network English • Australian English • Standard English: written English, accepted worldwide
Vocabulary Change In English: Unit 1: Activity 3 – Tasks 1-3 (pp23-29) • How has computer technology, business, sports and politics changed language?(English and Chinese, group work) • What role do abbreviations play in the English language? What about Chinese? • Has the English language had any impact on the Chinese language? Has the Chinese language had any impact on the English language?
Some language samples • 既然爱已遥远,何不刻一张爱情的光盘,存储昨天,存储万年。 因为爱已遥远,所以刻一张爱情的光盘,拷贝昨天,拷贝那张脸。 • 体力透支、盘点张艺谋 • 爱情长跑、中欧贸易谈判即将冲线 • 中国金属包装业与世俱进、保先教育
Languages And Dialects In The United Kingdom: Unit 1: Activity 4 – Tasks 1-3(pp30-40) • Why are there regional language differences in the U.K./China? • Why are there less regional language differences in the U.S./Australia? • Is there going to be more regional differences or less? Small group discussion (5 minutes)
What Is The Difference Between A ‘Dialect’ And An ‘Accent’? • A ‘dialect’ is ……… • An ‘accent’ is ……… Write down, in your own words, your definitions of each of the above (5 minutes)
Some Textbook Definitions: • A ‘dialect’ is a language variety (e.g. English / Chinese) or a different way of speaking by people of a certain region, locality or class within a country with grammar, words or pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language. • An ‘accent’ is the way in which people speak and refers only to the sounds of the language. An emphasis given to a syllable or word by means of pitch or stress.
Some Regional Variations In The English Language Understanding Regional Variations Of The English Language Within The U.K.
Regional Language Varieties In The United Kingdom: • Unit 1:Activity 5 – Tasks 1-3[Tape Task 2] • Compare the different regional ways of speaking in the U.K. using either phonics or phonetics (pp 43-44) In Groups: List the phrases / words you had difficulty comprehending (10 minutes)
Discussion Questions: • Should people today be required to learn, or be able to understand, regional varieties of English / Chinese? Class Discussion (10 minutes)
Unit 2 English In The Past
The English Language And Its History: • How has history been responsible for the distribution and the change of the English language throughout the U.K.? • What do you know?
Some confusing concepts • Scandinavian invasions • Germanic invasion • Germanic group (branch) • Viking
English Language Style And Variation – 13th To 18th Centuries Unit 2: Activity 1 – Task 2 (pp 58-62) • How can we tell, by comparing these four language examples of the 13th to the 18th centuries, that the English language has altered over this period? In pairs (using these examples) list ways in which the English language seems to have changed over this 500 year period. (15 minutes)
Language Families Unit 2: Activity 2 – Task 1 (pp 64-66) • The Indo-European family (the Aryan family) • The Sino-Tibetan family
The Indo-European family • English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Hindi, German, Bengali • Latin, Greek, Persian, Sanskrit
The Indo-European family • The Celtic Branch • The Germanic Branch • The Latin Branch • The Slavic Branch • The Baltic Branch • The Hellenic Branch • The Illyric Branch …
The English Language And the Romans: • Unit 2: Activity 2 – Tasks 1-2 (pp64-67) • What are some of the Latin ‘root’ forms that Tim and Mrs Robinson discussed? • What English words do you know that have these ‘roots’?
What Do These Words Mean? • proficient; progress; subtitle; subscriber • anticlockwise; antisocial; antenna; antenatal; • transit; transparent; intervene; interracial
Examples of English Change • door, gate, portal, entrance, exit, • cottage, hut, cabin, palace, mansion, villa • go up, rise, ascend, mount, climb
English has a rich store of vocabulary that originates in Ancient Greek and Latin and, more recently, in French. Greek gives English words like politics, telephone, ecology and drama, while Latin is responsible for agriculture, family, order and ambulance. Words derived from French include disease, patrol, riot and basket. As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English clearly has numerous words of Germanic origin, examples being house, honey, half and hair.
‘Standard English’: Where didit start? • Unit 2: Activity 3 – Tasks 1-3 (pp74-82) • How and where did SE originate? • Why was the 15th century responsible for the rapid spread of the English language?
An important concept: • Standard English is written English. • It has a grammatical system • It has a formal lexicon (vocabulary) • It is used internationally • It changes slowly • It has prestige
Some Definitions: Unit 2: Activity 3 – Task 4 (pp79-83) • First printing press… • Bi-dialectal means ……… • Bilingual means ………
Some Definitions: • ‘First printing press ’set up in 1475by William Caxton • Bi-dialectal means having two dialects • Bilingual means having two languages
The English Lexicon: Unit 2: Activity 4 – Tasks 1-4(pp84-92) • How large is English vocabulary? • What is the difference between a ‘receptive’ and ‘productive’ vocabulary? • What is the difference between a ‘synonym’ and an ‘antonym’? • Class Discussion (10 minutes)
The English Lexicon: • Some put the number as low as 50,000 and other as high as 250,000 words. • Receptive vocabulary is the words you use for listening and reading. Productive vocabulary is the words you use for speaking and writing. • A synonym is a word which means the same as another word. The antonym of a word is another word which means the opposite.