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Decoding The Legal Lingo

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Decoding The Legal Lingo

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  1. Decoding The Legal Lingo Technical legal terms and jargon can often leave you baf?ed. This infographic decodes the legal lingo so that you can better understand the legal document when you read it next. A jury verdict which states that the criminal defendant is not guilty. Acquittal - Admissible - The evidence that is considered by the jury or judge in civil and criminal cases. The party against whom an appeal is taken. Appellee - The party who appeals the decision or judgment to a higher court. Appellant - Collateral - Property that has been kept as security against debt. It is a Latin word meaning “in fact” for something that exists in fact but not as a matter of law. De facto - It is a Latin word meaning “in law” for something that exists by operation of law. De jure - It refers to a proceeding brought before a court by one party only, without notice or challenge by the other side. Ex parte - A person or business that files a formal complaint with the court. Plaintiff - Prima facie - It is a Latin word meaning “at first look" i.e something that can be presumed after the first disclosure. A command issued by court, to a witness to appear and give testimony. Subpoena - A written order by the court directing a person to take, or refrain from taking a certain act. Writ - www.king?rm.org 330 N. Main Street, Kaysville, UT 84037 Phone: (801) 543 - 2288

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