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This document presents the progress towards the realization of the Nuclotron-NICA project, including the results of the Nuclotron run, preparation for the booster assembly, and development of the NICA project. It also covers tuning of the ion source and injection chain, adiabatic capture, improvement of vacuum conditions, and beam diagnostics at low intensity.
Progress towards realization of the Nuclotron-NICA project 12C 40Ar 78Kr 78Kr 2*105Tspill= 10s, kdc= 99,3% A.Sidorin, on behalf of the team PP PAC, JINR, Dubna, 18 June 2018
Contents • Results of the Nuclotron run #55 • Preparation for the Booster assembly • Development of the NICA project
Run #55 22.02 - 05.04.2018 1018 h Cooling, 9.9% Tuning, 25.6% 59.2% Experiments Repairs, 4.2% Unexpected losses, 1.1% C (5*108), Ar (2*106), Kr (5*105) ions, magnetic field 1.3 – 1.8 T
Preparations for heavy ion run • Tuning of the ion source and injection chain • Adiabatic capture • Combination of resonant and stochastic extraction • Tuning of the ring at carbon beam • Development of low intensity beam diagnostics • Improvement of vacuum conditions
Tuning of the ion source and injection chain Buncher tuning and installation (April 2017) Tuning of KRION at test bench ITEP, Chernogolovka, A.Butenko, A.Govorov E.D.Donets, E.E.Donets From April to October Optimization of the string formation for generation of Ar16+ and Kr26+ ions From October – start of tuning at LU-20 From Jun to September LU-20 run with the laser source Usage of the buncher permitted to increase the Ar beam intensity at the entrance of the Nuclotron by about 5 times
Adiabatic capture A.Eliseev, A.Butenko, V.Slepnev, O.Brovko RF Voltage vs time RUN 54 routine regime with injection at magnetic field plateau Capture efficiency 70 – 80 % 8e8 6e8
Tuning of the Nuclotron 12C+6 beam acceleration (3,5 GeV/u) 12C+6 Intensity 5*108 Beam injection, adiabatic capture, orbit correction, beam acceleration were adjusted at high intensity using standard diagnostics
Beam diagnostics at low intensity A.Baldin Diagnostics at slow extraction Diagnostics in experimental hall Ionization profile monitor
Beam diagnostics at low intensity A.Baldin Monitor on MCP from 26.02 till 5.03: on-line information in Nuclotron and LU-20 control rooms Ionization profile monitor
Beam diagnostics at low intensity A.Baldin Diagnostics at slow extraction MCP monitor (test operation) Scintillation horoscope: Dynamic profiles of the extracted beam
Beam diagnostics at low intensity A.Baldin Scintillation counters: Tuning of the extraction Measurements of nuclear fragment spectrum during total run duration in parallel with first user Diagnostics in experimental hall
Beam diagnostics at low intensity 78Kr+26 beam acceleration (3,2 GeV/u) RUN #55
Improvement of vacuum conditions Acceleration of 124Xe42+ beam RUN #41 (February 2010) Losses on residual gas
Slow extraction at low intensity Run #50, Li, 7*108, Tspill= 2.5s, kdc= 98% Run #50, Ar, 1.5*105, Tspill= 2.5s, kdc= 80%
Slow extraction development Run #54 – test of uncontrolled stochastic slow extraction (RF nock-out) using diagnostic kicker of Q-meter. Run #55 – routine operation of combined method: controlled displacement of working point into 1/3 resonance + RF nock-out A.Butenko, V.Volkov, E.Gorbachev RF kicker is Off | kicker is On 78Kr, 2.8 GeV/u, 2*105Tspill= 10s, kdc= 99,3%
Preparation for the Booster assembly H. Khodzhibagiyan, A.Kostromin - Serial production of the magnets for the NICA booster is completed - All of the dipole magnets for the NICA booster was successfully passed Cryogenic test and can be installed in the tunnel of the accelerator - Completing the cold tests and start installation in the tunnel of the magnets for the booster is scheduled for Sept 2018 There is a delay in the delivery of the beam position monitors and the corrector magnets
Scheme of the booster A.Galimov
Booster assembling (time-schedule) A.Galimov Technological commissioning Commissioning with beam
Development of the NICA project I.Meshkov • Common working group: JINR, BINP, ITEP: • Dynamic aperture investigations • Space charge effects • Control system and synchronizations • Beam cooling • … Five meetings during May - June
MAC meeting 7 – 8 June 18 talks for all elements of the NICA • Productive discussion: • using of the 20 m3 soft gasholders and inflatable gasholders • does not meet the requirements of process reliability and helium purity, • limits the possibility of automation. • MAC recommends to consider using of 1000 m3 welded vessels • and inlet of the compressors. • Movable beam scrapers for tuning of stochastic cooling • Dedicated Schottky diagnostics at collider • Diagnostic kicker for non-linear dynamics investigations