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Advanced topics in HR Employee Selection and Staffing

Advanced topics in HR Employee Selection and Staffing. MGT 467/667 Dr. Yvonne Stedham. Pre-requisites. MGT 323 Organizational Behavior MGT 367 Human Resource Management. Course Content and Purpose. Major? Management, IB, Other Focus on HR? Management degree with concentration in HR

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Advanced topics in HR Employee Selection and Staffing

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  1. Advanced topics in HR Employee Selection and Staffing MGT 467/667 Dr. Yvonne Stedham

  2. Pre-requisites MGT 323 Organizational Behavior MGT 367 Human Resource Management

  3. Course Content and Purpose • Major? • Management, IB, Other • Focus on HR? • Management degree with concentration in HR • Practical background in HR • Limited interest in HR

  4. Course Materials available on http://wolfweb.unr.edu/homepage/ystedham

  5. Readings • Nine articles • In-class handout, on reserve in library, website, or find online • Five with assignments or quizzes • Sign-up for presentations

  6. Employee Selection Course Introduction • Content Overview • Format Overview (Syllabus) – Readings/ HRMagazine/WSJ/Fortune • SHRM – Society for Human Resource Management (www.shrm.org) Personal Introductions • Instructor • Students – Background Sheet

  7. Employee Selection Course Introduction • What do you know about HR? • Organizational Performance and HR • External Environment

  8. What do you know about HR?Table Tents • What is Human Resource Management? How does it contribute to the success of an organization? • List the specific functions entailed in HRM. • What does KSAs stand for? What is a JE and a JA? What is the FMLA? • List the most important federal anti-discrimination laws. • What are the primary provisions of Title VII? What is a BFOQ?

  9. What do you know about HR? • Distinguish two types of Sexual Harassment. • Does money motivate employees? Explain. • How do you determine whether an individual has the skills and knowledge required for job? • What is the primary purpose of an employee interview? • To what extent is employee turnover desirable?

  10. The Staffing Function Recruitment Generating a pool of qualified applicants Selection Assessing/Measuring Applicant KSAs – Development of KSA Measures

  11. Definitions • The most important HR function • Budget and time spent • Definition - Staffing • Mutual process by which • the individual and the organization become matched to • form the employment relationship. • Mutual Process: Series of interrelated activities - R, S, DM, job offers, hiring.

  12. Definitions • Definition - Selection • The process of obtaining • and using information • about job applicants • to determine who should be hired. • Focus here is on how to collect relevant info on applicants’ KSA’s.

  13. Course Format • Syllabus

  14. Introductions • Students – Table Tents and Background Sheets? • Name and Major • Expected graduation • Work Experience • Interest in HR • Aspirations

  15. Selection, Staffing, and the bottom line: A Framework • Why a course in employee selection? • What is the relationship between organizational effectiveness and HRM?

  16. HR and Organizational Performance • What is an organization? • What is organizational effectiveness? • How does HR contribute?

  17. HR and Org effectiveness • Individual effectiveness is the foundation for organizational effectiveness. • Individual effectiveness depends on ….

  18. HR and Org effectiveness Individual effectiveness = Performance Individual effectiveness = f(Ability,Motivation) Performance = Ability * Motivation

  19. HR and Org Effectiveness Match Individuals (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Needs) With Jobs (Requirements and Rewards)

  20. The HRM Framework

  21. Introductory Exercise • Have you ever been involved in hiring an employee? Describe. • Did you like being involved in the hiring process? Why/why not? • When selecting an employee, what do you think is the most important criterion to consider? Why? • How do you know whether you have an effective hiring/selection process in place?

  22. External Environment • Economic Developments • Labor Market and Social Changes • Legal Environment

  23. Economic conditions Competing in the Third Wave • What is the Third Wave? • Implications for HR? • Implications for selection?

  24. Economic Conditions From land based to capital based to knowledge based = From agriculture to factory to computer

  25. Economic Conditions • Information Age • Implications for demand for labor - Types of jobs and KSA requirements • Implications for selection – KSA Assessment • Management of Knowledge Workers • International competition

  26. Economic Conditions • Old economy: Mass production – high volume and efficiency • New economy – current … Info age transition • private sector: product - service and quality; variety and choice; customization; convenience; timeliness; • public sector: taxpayer demand .. Education, healthcare, welfare, competition  KSA requirements

  27. Role of HR The Human Equation - Putting people first, Jeffrey Pfeffer Seven common practices: • Employment security. • Selective hiring, • Self-managed teams and decentralization, • High compensation, • Extensive training, • Reduction of status differences, • Sharing information

  28. Role of HR The Human Equation Putting people first – Jeffrey Pfeffer • Theoretical foundation – how/why do these practices work? • Increased involvement and commitment, more control and say in their work, work smarter because they are encouraged to build skills and competence.

  29. HRM – Four Pillars • Involvement • Communication • Commitment • Community

  30. HR Department and Its Influence • Department vs Functions/Activities (Japan, Europe) • Influence of organizational units on organizational decisions… two viewpoints: • Strategic contingencies • Resource dependency

  31. Labor Market • Demand– Derived Demand • Quantity - Job growth: about 20%, service • Quality - Types of jobs and KSA’s • Supply – Workforce Quantity and Quality • Number • Composition – Diversity, Generations, Values • KSA’s

  32. Labor Market Psychological Contract Reading (September 4)

  33. Labor Market Generations at work • WWII Generation 60+ • Baby Boom 40-60 • Generation X 20-40 • Millennial Generation birth-20 (Gen Y)

  34. Generations WWII 60+ • Outlook: practical • Work Ethic: dedicated • View of Authority: respectful • Leadership by: hierarchy • Relationship: personal sacrifice • Perspective: Civic

  35. Generations Baby Boom 40-60 • Outlook: optimistic • Work Ethic: driven • View of Authority: love/hate • Leadership by: consensus • Relationship: personal gratification • Perspective: team Also: workholic – defined by work, competitve, trophies, rebellion

  36. Generations Generation X 20-40 • Outlook: skeptical • Work Ethic: balanced • View of Authority: unimpressed • Leadership by: competence • Relationship: reluctant to commit • Perspective: self

  37. Generations Millennials 20and younger • environmentally conscious • connected • more tolerant of differences • generally optimistic • achievement oriented • team players • sociable • want to fit in not revolutionize

  38. Generations in the Workplace

  39. External Environment – Summary Economic Conditions • Information Age • Management of Knowledge Workers • Job Growth • The New Economy • Implications for Selection

  40. Summary Labor Market • Demand • - QUN and • - QUL - Labor Shortage • Supply • - QUN and • - QUL - Composition and KSA type and level; and, needs and values of employees

  41. Summary • Labor Market • Diversity of values • Generational Differences • WWII • Baby Boomers • Generation X • Generation Y

  42. Legal Environment • The Employment Relationship • Psychological Contract – September 4 • Employment Contract • Formal agreement, voluntary: Defines and governs the terms and conditions of the employment relationship; promises and expectations … change with time • Written or oral --- both are legally enforceable

  43. Workplace Torts Civil wrong = violation of a duty by the ER that leads to harm or damages suffered by others

  44. Common Law • Refers to laws applied in the English-speaking world when there were few statutes. • Courts wrote opinions explaining the bases for their decisions • These opinions became precedents for later decisions in similar cases

  45. Workplace Torts • Breaches of legal duty • by ER • when establishing or modifying • the initial relationship (common law)

  46. Workplace Torts Examples • Fraud or misrepresentation: lie/mislead applicant when communicating conditions and terms -> ER violates a duty to be truthful in the presentation of information 2. Negligent hiring: ER violates duty to protect Ees and customers against unreasonable and foreseeable risk of harm 3. Wrongful Discharge

  47. Wrongful Discharge • Tort – civil wrong – due process – just cause • Good faith – fair dealing • Implied contract • Contract renewal • Performance evals • Fire for cause (Employment at Will) • Violation of company policy • Poor performance

  48. Need for Laws and Regulations • Balance of Power  Laws limit discretion of ER in establishment of terms and conditions • Protection of EEs Employment Standards - Minimum acceptable terms and conditions of employment … min. wage, overtime, safety and health (FLSA 1938, OSHA)

  49. Need for laws Individual Rights Labor Relations, Civil Rights Protection, Restrictions on employment-at-will … implied contract

  50. Legal Environment • Consistency of Treatment: Procedural justice  Standardized Systems Protection of ERs • Permissble and impermissible practices: CRA specifies what is OK … e.g., to use ability tests • Administrative predictability and stability

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