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Safeguards Training Kiev, Ukraine May 13, 2011. Simplified Checklist EMP for Small Scale Civil Works – Introduction and Exercise. Checklist EMP: Rationale and Beginnings. 2007 review of SG implementation in health & education sectors indicated: Most of the projects Category “low B”
Safeguards TrainingKiev, UkraineMay 13, 2011 Simplified Checklist EMP for Small Scale Civil Works – Introduction and Exercise
Checklist EMP: Rationale and Beginnings • 2007 review of SG implementation in health & education sectors indicated: • Most of the projects Category “low B” • Environmental impacts usually related only to small scale construction / building rehabilitation • EMPs existed on paper but were long, complex, impractical – and mostly ignored… in most cases, no environmental site management at all • Recognition that issues for small scale construction/rehabilitation are fairly standard… no need to continually “re-invent the wheel” • Conclusion: need a streamlined, practical instrument, which would be standardized, easy to prepare, implement and monitor, specifically tailored to small scale infrastructure
Checklist EMP: Eligibility Criteria • Category “low B” Project • Environmental issues known and limited to small scale construction/rehabilitation works* • Area of impact clearly defined & limited: either within an existing “footprint” or relatively small new areas known not to have major environmental or social issues * We’re thinking of developing one for rehabilitation of irrigation & drainage … ideas for other potential applications?
Checklist EMP: Structure and Function • components
How EMP Checklist is used • Parts 1 & 2: description of sub-project and identification of potential impacts: for use by screener/approver • Part 3: identifies issues and associated mitigation measures: becomes part of construction contract • Part 4: monitoring/supervision plan to verify effective mitigation: for use by construction site supervisor and PMU
Typically a project financing small scale works will include multiple sub-projects Project level (prior to Appraisal): a brief EMF, describing scope of sub-projects and potential issues Sub-project level (during implementation): an Checklist EMP completed for each sub-project Note: Checklist EMP approach can also be applied to one project component, with regular EMP or EA applied to others
Example: Country X Real Estate & Cadastre Project (XRECP) • Introductory information (to be filled in prior to Appraisal): • Project will finance rehabilitation of 15 Cadastre office buildings, all currently in use • (sub-projects) • No new construction or extension of facilities – all works within existing footprint • All buildings located in urban areas on commercial streets with moderate to heavy traffic. • Some may be registered historical buildings • Rehabilitation will be interior and exterior and may include: repair or replacement of roofs & windows, rewiring, removal/replacement of insulation, masonry repairs, repair/replacement of floors, repair/replacement of plumbing, painting • A site-specific Checklist EMP form will be completed for each sub-project and will be attached to the construction works contract
Sub-project Example: Cadastre office construction in Town A Part 1 (Site Description Section )
Part 2: Screening/ identification of issues (minor issues only) Question:what kind of issues might lead to decision that Checklist EMP is not appropriate?
Part 4: Monitoring Plan for selected potential impacts and mitigation measures