Use of Proper Nouns “Writers know the power of names. Name dropping in texts does so much work for writers: brand names, peoples’ names, place names. Using proper nouns gives writing a specificity that makes readers trust the authority of the narrator. Proper nouns, especially in the form of brand names, can almost take on the role of adjectives because in their specificity, they call up so many sensory images for readers.”
Literary Examples forProper Nouns • Missing May ( 1992) by CythiaRylant: “Before she died, I know my mother must have loved to comb my shiny hair and rub that Johnson’s baby lotion up and down my arms and wrap me up and hold me all night long” (4) (Can’t you just smell that lotion?) • Baby (1993) by Patricia MacLachlan: “he danced every evening before dinner, after his six crackers ( Ritz) with cheddar cheese ( extra sharp), between the first glass of whiskey that made him happy and the second that made him sad” (5) • Missing May (1992) by Cynthia Rylant: My eyes went over May’s wildly colorful cabinets, and I was free again. I saw Oreos and Ruffles and big bags of Snickers. (p.8)
Proper Nouns A reminder that good writers will “show”, not just tell their thoughts. Think of a special person in your life. Describe him/her briefly pointing out why he/she is so special. As you write try to incorporate this new technique. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________