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This paper delves into the complexities of effective dose calculations in radiation exposure, challenging the current postulates and assumptions. Alexey V. Yablokov questions the constant impact of radionuclides, variability in irradiation levels, and the inadequacy of "conditional person" models. The discrepancies in estimating external and internal irradiation doses from multiple sources are highlighted, emphasizing the impracticality of tracking numerous radionuclides in varying biological tissues. Yablokov's research sheds light on the inaccuracies of current dose calculation methods and the uncertainties that render them ineffectual in radiation protection.

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  1. Fourth International Conference, dedicated to N.W.Timofeeff-RessovskyModern Problems of Genetics, Radiobiology, Radioecology, and EvolutionSt. Petersburg, 2-6 June, 2015 FUNDAMENTAL DIFFICALTIES DOSE CALCULATION Alexey V. Yablokov N.K. Koltzoff’ Institute of Developmental Biology, Programme of nuclear and radioactive safety by International Socio-Ecological Union А. Яблоков, 2015

  2. The effective doses’ calculations are based on several postulates А. Яблоков, 2015

  3. Postulates: The impact of each radionuclide is constant; external dose be calculate by the time in an ionized environment; internal irradiation can be derermind by radionuclides that enters the body; β-, γ-emitters is equal, α-emitters 20 times higher; - there are constant “tissues weighting factors”; “Conditional person” is a proper model; It is necessary to sum irradiation from all sources.

  4. All these postulates or incorrect, or non-achivemental А. Яблоков, 2015

  5. The impact of each radionuclide on a person is constant in time and space. This is an incorrect assumption. • Radiation to which a person is exposed is not homogenous in space and time. • The level of ionizing radiation in contaminated areas may change more than 10,000 times during a year. А. Яблоков, 2015

  6. Spotted pattern of concentration (Ci/km2) of Cs-137 (top) and Ce-144 (bottom) in a 30 km zone of forest surrounding the Chernobyl NPP.Scale 1:600(Scheglov, 1999) А. Яблоков, 2015

  7. Pattern of Chernobyl’ Cs-137 and Ag-125 in Greece, 1986 А. Яблоков, 2015

  8. The level of external irradiation can be determined by calculating the time in an ionized environment (e.g., surface layer of atmospheric air). This is an incorrect assumption.In any given location, an individual's exposure dose over the course of a year could increase and decrease multiple times. A single exposure measurement or even a series of measurements is unlikely to provide the true picture of an actual person's radiation exposure.

  9. The level of internal irradiation can be determined by calculating the amount of radionuclides that enters the human body with water, air, and food.It is not possible due to: the variation in the concentration of radionuclides in different kinds of food; an individual's age, gender, seasonal etc. food preferences; variability of radionuclide decorporation, etc., etc. А. Яблоков, 2015

  10. Amount of γ-emitters in body in rural Belarussian settlements, and distance their settlements from forest(Vinsenberg, 2008) А. Яблоков, 2015

  11. Biological effectiveness of β-, γ-emitters is equal, of slow neutrons 3 times higher, and α-emitters and superfast neutrons, 20 times higher. This is an methodologically incorrect simplification. Effectiveness within groups of α-, β-, γ- emitters is specific to each radionuclide. It is determined not only by the number of emerging electrons, gamma quanta or α-particles, but by energy transferred (up to 18 000 times differ).+ ransmutation and simultaneous α-β-decay. А. Яблоков, 2015

  12. Relative radiosensitivity organs and tissues ranked as: gonads (0.2); red bone marrow (0.12); stomach (0.12); intestines (0.12); lungs (0.12); mammary (0.05); liver (0.05); esophagus/trachea (0.05); bladder (0.05); thyroid (0.05); skin (0.01); upper bone tissue (0.01); all other in sum 0.05. “Tissues weighting factors"simplifies the situation to the loss of biological sense. А. Яблоков, 2015

  13. “Conditional person” is an appropriate model for the impact of radiation on the each person It is not adequate due to significant intra-species variability in radiosensitivity (by race, nationality, gender, age, physiology etc.). The radiosensitivity of these groups could differ by several times. А. Яблоков, 2015

  14. It is necessary to sum up internal and external irradiation doses from all sources of radiation. Practically impossible track the distribution of not just Cs-137, but dozens of other radionuclides as well. А. Яблоков, 2015

  15. Concentration of Chernobyl radionuclides in 0-5 cm soil (Bq/m2) ntar Krakov (Poland) on May 1, 1986 (Broda, 1987) А. Яблоков, 2015

  16. Chernobyl radionuclides (Bq/kg) in the leaves Aesculus in Kiev, end of June, 1986 (Grodzinsky, 1995) А. Яблоков, 2015

  17. Main radionuclide composition and activities have tro be realeaseds from Fukushima, March 2011http://www.meti.go.jp/press/2011/06/20110606008/20110606008-2.pdf) А. Яблоков, 2015

  18. All postulates of the effective doses’ calculation are incorrect А. Яблоков, 2015

  19. The assumptions underlying the calculations of effectivedoses of total bear such uncertainty that the whole calculation is meaningless in terms of radiation protection.(It possible use only for controlling irradiation for personal). А. Яблоков, 2015

  20. Two main official conclusions (UNSCEAR, ICRP etc.) (1. low levels of ionizing radiation result in cancer and major genetic disorders that can only be detected statistically because they occur in just a handful of individuals out of millions exposed;2. the acceptable level of irradiation, resulting in less than 1 additional death annually per million people, is the effective equivalent dose of 1 mSv per person per year)are wrong. А. Яблоков, 2015

  21. Fourth International Conference, dedicated to N.W.Timofeeff-RessovskyModern Problems of Genetics, Radiobiology, Radioecology, and EvolutionSt. Petersburg, 2-6 June, 2015 Thank you for your attention! • Yablokov yablokov@voxnet.ru А. Яблоков, 2015

  22. More details in: Yablokov A. 2013. A Review and Critical Analysis of the “Effective Dose of Radiation” Concept. Journal of Health and Pollution, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 13 - 28. Yablokov A. 2014. Review and Critical Analysis of the “Effective Dose of Radiation” Concept. Part. 2. An Approach to an Objective Assessment of Human Radiation Risk. J. Health & Pollution, # 7 . pp. 62 – 74. Yablokov A. V. 2014. What the World Health Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, and International Commission on Radiological Protection Have Falsified. In: Crisis Without End: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe. New York, The New Press, pp. 103 – 119. Яблоков А.В. 2013. Неадекватность официальной концепции радиационной защиты в области влияния малых доз. Радиоактивность и радиоактивные элементы в среде обитания человека: матер. IV Межд. Конф. (Томск, 4 – 8 июня 2013 г.), Томск, сс. 580 - 588. А. Яблоков, 2015

  23. А. Яблоков, 2015

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