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HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC)

HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC). THE POINT PROJECT FY:2010 (RESPECT, CTR, CRCS). HEPPACs MISSION.

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HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC)

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  1. HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC) THE POINT PROJECT FY:2010 (RESPECT, CTR, CRCS)

  2. HEPPACs MISSION The mission of the HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC) is to stop the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C among injection drug users (IDUs), their families and to reduce the impact of drug-related harm to the communities of Alameda County through the integration of needle exchange into the spectrum of HIV services offered in Alameda County. HEPPAC is committed to a low-threshold, harm reduction approach to disease prevention and health promotion. Our services are primarily for African-American and Hispanic communities of Alameda County who are IDUs.

  3. HEPPACs GOALS For IDUs to: • Decrease needle sharing among their peers • Increase the use of sterile syringes • Increase SEP utilization • Increase non-SEP services utilization • Know their HIV and HCV status • Utilize Casa Segura drop-in center • Be aware that we are an avenue to drug treatment

  4. Syringe Exchange Program Mobile Wound Care Clinic Counseling, Testing and Referral Services Unstructured Harm Reduction Workshops Herbal/Acupuncture Services Overdose Prevention Training STI Clinic Referral Services Donated clothes & blankets HEPPAC: An Integrated Model

  5. HEPPAC: An Integrated Model Cont.

  6. ANNUAL SEP-IDU ASSESSMENTS • HEPPAC conducts annual surveys to capture information on IDUs current risk and protective practices • FY08: SEP-IDUs needle sharing practices • FY09: SEP-IDUs Condom Use • FY10: SEP-IDUs non-exchange service utilization

  7. IDU ASSESSMENT SEP-IDUs Condom Use CONCLUSION HEPPACs SEP-IDUs • Reduced their needle sharing practices by 83% after one year of SEP utilization • 79% knew their HIV and/or HCV status • 41% used a condom during their last penetrative sexual encounter

  8. IDU ASSESSMENT SEP-IDUs Condom Use LESSONS LEARNED Condom use among HEPPACs SEP IDU population is at 41%. Syringe exchange studies have concluded that IDUs who access syringe exchange programs need an intervention that addresses the under utilization of condoms

  9. IDU ASSESSMENT SEP-IDUs Condom Use LONG TERM GOALS • Increase the number of SEP IDUs who visit Casa Segura Drop-in Center • Increase the percentage of condom use among HEPPACs SEP IDUs • Maintain high level of customer service • Increase the number of IDUs who access SEPs


  11. HEPPAC: WHAT WE NEED • Structured, multiple individual time dedicated to addressing their immediate needs and current increased risk behaviors • An intervention that will assist in enhancing client’s sense of self-risk • Risk reduction counseling services • MORE INDIVIDUAL TIME!

  12. HEPPAC: THE POINT PROJECT SUMMARY: A comprehensive HIV prevention program that provides structured individual level counseling to increased risk intravenous drug users and crack users in Oakland, CA. . PROGRAM GOAL: By June 2015, to reduce the rate of HIV infection among IDUs in Oakland by increasing their protective behaviors, HIV testing rate and self efficacy.

  13. HEPPAC: THE POINT PROJECT CORE ELEMENTS RESPECTShort term (two sessions) HIV prevention counseling sessions with the goal of increasing clients perception of self risk CRCS Intensive, ongoing, individualized prevention counseling and support services CTR(L) HIV antibody testing: Rapid testing


  15. HEPPAC: THE POINT PROJECT OBJECTIVES a) To increase the number of IDUs who are aware of their HIV status by providing HIV testing and their results, with direct linkages to medical care and partner services b) to increase the use of prevention strategies among IDUs and crack users, while decreasing the behaviors that place them at risk for the acquisition/transmission of HIV, by providing the RESPECT intervention and c) to decrease the risk behavior among high risk negative IDUs and crack users by providing CRCS .

  16. HEPPAC: Contact Us LORIS A. MATTOX lmattox@casasegura.org Executive Director ANDRE ROBERTSON arobertson@casasegura.org Programs Manager OFFICE: 510-434-0307 FAX: 510-261-8365 WWW.CASASEGURA.ORG

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