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Syntactic Alternations of Hindi Verbs with Reference to the Morphological Paradigm. Debasri Chakrabarti Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Center for Indian language Technology Solution, Computer Science Department. Overview. Introduction Motivation
Syntactic Alternations of Hindi Verbs with Reference to the Morphological Paradigm Debasri Chakrabarti Dr. Pushpak Bhattacharyya Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. • Center forIndian language Technology Solution, Computer Science Department.
Overview • Introduction • Motivation • Methodology • Conclusion • Future work
Introduction • Importance of Verbs • Verbs are the most important categories in parts of speech • Sentence without a verb is unthinkable • Inspired by Beth Levin’s English Verb classes and Alternations • Syntactic Alternations • Refer to the argument structure of the verbs
Motivation 1. Absence of deep hierarchical semantic tree. 2. Hypothesis of Beth Levin : Semantic natureofverbs are largely predictable by their syntactic structure. 3. Absence of any such work in Indian languages.
Type of Alternation • Transitivity Alternation Middle alternation, Causative alternation, Substance alternation. • Dative Alternation • Locative Alternation Clear alternation, Material Product alternation, Fulfilling alternation. • Oblique Subject Alternation Passive alternation.
Transitivity Alternation a. Jannet broke the cup. b. The cup broke. Hindi: rama nao kp taoD,a. kp TUT gayaa. Alternation Pattern: ‘NP1 NP2 V’ with ‘NP cause to V intransitive’.
Tree Diagram of Transitive Alternation S NP VP N V NP spec N cup the Jannet broke
Tree Diagram of Transitive alternation (contd…) S NP VP spec N V cup broke The
Tree Diagram of Transitive alternation (contd…) S NP VP V NP Post-position N N V rama kp taoD,a nao
Tree Diagram of Transitive alternation (contd…) S NP VP Aux N V gayaa kp TUT
Dative Alternation a. Bill sold a car. b. Bill sold Tom a car. Hindi: rama nao gaaD,I baocaI. rama nao Syaama kao gaaD,I baocaI. Alternation Pattern: ‘NP1 P NP2 V’ with ‘NP1 NP2 P NP3 V’.
Tree Diagram of Dative alternation S VP NP V NP N spec N sold a car Bill
Tree Diagram of Dative alternation (contd…) S VP NP NP NP N V spec N N sold Tom a Bill car
Tree Diagram of Dative alternation (contd…) S NP VP Post-position NP V N N baocaI rama gaaD,I nao
Tree Diagram of Dative alternation (contd…) S NP VP NP Post-position N NP V N Post-position N baocaI kao gaaD,I Syaama rama nao
Locative alternation a. The eggs mixed with the cream. b. The eggs and the cream mixed. Hindi: AMDo ko saaqa ËIma imalaaš gaš hO. AMDa AaOr ËIma imalaayaa gayaa hO. Alternation Pattern: ‘[NP NP1 P NP2 ]V’ and ‘[NP NP1 and NP2] V’.
Tree diagram of Locative alternation S NP VP PP V spec N P NP spec N mixed the eggs cream The with
Tree diagram of Locative alternation (contd) S NP conj NP VP spec N spec V N cream and mixed eggs the The
Tree diagram of Locative alternation (contd…) S NP VP Post-position N V Aux N AMDo ko saaqa ËIma imalaaš gaš hO
Tree diagram of Locative alternation (contd…) S VP NP V Aux conj N N ËIma imalaayaa AMDa AaOr gayaa hO
Structure of Verbs in Hindi • Simple verbs Kanaa, ilaKnaa. • Conjunct verbs Noun and verb AarMBa krnaa. Adjective and verb maIza laganaa. Adverb and verb dUr hTnaa. • Compound verbs PaZ,naa – ilaKnaa, Kanaa – pInaa. Causative verbs Kanaa , iKlaanaa , iKlavaanaa.
Morphological paradigms of verbs in Hindi • Nominal verb formation • Intransitive- causative formation • Transitive- causative formation
Process of Intransitive-causative formation Syllable structure of igarnaa and igaranaa syllable syllable a n a n a g i r g i r n o n o c o n n o n o
Process of Transitive-causative formation Syllable structure of ilaKnaa and ilaKanaa syllable syllable a n a l i kh n a l i kh n o n o c n o n o n o
Conclusion • Present work deals only with the syntactic pattern and does not handle the semantic part. • The work deals only with the simple verbs. • It gives detail phonological, morphological and syntactic information of Verbs in Hindi. • 4. Inclusion of such information crucial to Machine translation.
Future Work • Semantic categorization according to syntactic pattern. • Extend the work to other Indian languages.