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Introduction to Syntactic Analysis

Discover the fundamentals of syntactic analysis, exploring how words form sentences and convey meaning in natural language. Learn about constituent groups, grammatical relations, and syntactic modification. Dive into modeling syntax and formal languages to describe the structure of language. Explore the rules and components of formal languages, with examples and applications in parsing and generating strings. Uncover the significance of syntax in language structure and computational methods.

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Introduction to Syntactic Analysis

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  1. Introduction to Syntactic Analysis after John Bryant

  2. What Is Natural Language? • Form • Written • Sound • Motion (Sign Language) • Bridged to Meaning • Factual meaning (what the form literally asserts) • Pragmatic meaning (what the speaker wanted the hearer to know). • In Some Context • Shared world knowledge • Common situation • Shared knowledge of the discourse

  3. What is Syntax? • The Way Words Are Put Together • For example, Determiners come before Nouns in English. • Constituency • How words group together to behave as a single unit. • Grammatical Relations • E.g. What word functions as the subject of the sentence. • Subcategorization and dependency • How particular words constrain the sentence.

  4. Why Are We Interested In It? Beyond the scientific interest in the structure of language, syntax is important because it tells us (along with the words) what the sentence means. Syntactic modification is indicative of semantic modification.

  5. Modeling Syntax The standard approach for modeling syntax is to treat natural language as a formal language.

  6. Using Formal Languages for Describing Syntax • Problematic • Different ways of specifying formal languages have different levels of expressive power. • Much care must be taken to choose a mechanism that is expressive enough, but not too expressive. • But Necessary • Knowledge of a process like language must be formalized for computational methods to be effective. • Which type of formal language is the right one?

  7. What Is a Formal Language? • A (possibly infinite) set of strings • String here means a sequence of words or symbols. • Mary had a little lamb could be a string in some set. • Defined by a set of rules • The rules are a compact way of representing which strings belong to the set. • They provide a strict mathematical definition of which strings are in the set, and which are not. • They are called the grammar of the language. • Allowing these rules to be more complex, lets us define more complex sets of strings.

  8. More Precisely… • A finite set of terminals • Terminals are the atomic symbols in our language (the words). • A finite set of nonterminals • A nonterminal is a special symbol that refers to a chunk of terminals and nonterminals. (a.k.a. a constituent) • Nonterminals are the syntactic categories of the language. • A set of rules • For defining how the symbols can be grouped/ordered • A designated start symbol • This is the symbol from which rule application must originate.

  9. An Example Language • Terminals: {b} • Nonterminals: {S} • A designated start symbol: {S} • A set of rules: {S  bS; S  b} • The rules are read “S goes to bS” or “S goes to b” • Can be interpreted in both directions, either as saying S can be rewritten into a bS or that bS can be reduced to an S. • This language generates all strings containing at least one b that only have b’s.

  10. Things We Can Do With a Formal Language • Determine if a particular string is in the language. • By trying to derive it. Deriving a string just means finding a mapping, via the grammar rules, between the start symbol and the string. It is also called parsing. • Generating all the strings in the language • Trying every possible rule combination from the start symbol allows us to check that we only allow the “good” strings. • Compare it to other formal languages • Different ways of defining the rules leads to different amounts of expressive power.

  11. S is the designated start symbol. So instead we use rule 1 which at least gives us a nonterminal to expand. S 1 2 bS b 1 2 Using rule 2 here is the wrong move because there are no more nonterminals to rewrite and we have not derived ‘bbb’. Using rule 2 here is right because we will have matched the desired string, and don’t have anymore nonterminals to deal with. bbS bb 2 bbb Deriving the string ‘bbb’going top down. 1) S  bS 2) S  b

  12. Top Down Parsing as Search • The initial state is the designated start symbol • The states are combinations of terminals and nonterminals derivable from S • The operators are the grammar rules. • Any chunk of a state that matches the left hand side of a rule can be replaced by the right hand side of that rule. • The goal state is the input string without extra nonterminals.

  13. Deriving the string ‘bbb’going bottom up. 1) S  bS 2) S  b SSS SSS SS SSS SSS SS SS SSS SS SSS SS SS S SSb SSb bSS Sb SbS bSS bS SbS Sbb bSb bbS bbb Start with the input string, and try to find the start symbol.

  14. Bottom Up Parsing as Search • The initial state is the input string • The states are combinations of terminals and nonterminals • The operators are the grammar rules. • Any chunk of the state that matches the right hand side of a grammar rule can be replaced by the left hand side of that rule. • The Goal state is the designated start symbol.

  15. Parsing as Search • Using search appears to have drawbacks. • Repeated states (infinite search trees) • Exponential with respect to the desired string • Ambiguity: Is the derivation we found the right one? • Actual Natural Language Parsers • Keep a table of states (a chart) so as not to repeat them • The chart allows the parser to keep track of multiple derivations which makes it possible to deal with ambiguity. • With the chart, we also don’t get caught in infinite loops. • The chart makes parsing polynomial. • Even with ambiguous grammars

  16. More on the Rules They can schematically be represented as:  Where  and  are ordered lists of terminals and nonterminals. Constraining the number of terminals and nonterminals in  and  constrains the expressive power of the rules. i.e. the more complex we let  and  be, the more complex our languages can get.

  17. Context Free Grammar Is a type of grammar that constrains the rules such that:  can only be a single nonterminal.  can be any number of terminals and nonterminals. Some flavor of Context Free Grammar is usually used to recognize English syntax.

  18. A Tiny NL CFG Using context free grammar rules, we can make a tiny natural language grammar.

  19. The Lexicon Noun  soul | pipe | fiddlers | bowl ProperNoun  King Cole Verb  was | called | plays | play Adjective  old | merry | three Article  a | the Possessive  his Conjunction  and Preposition  for Pronoun  he The Lexicon is the list of words that we support, organized by part of speech. These words are the terminal symbols.

  20. The Syntax Rules S  NP VP | S Conjunction S NP  Adjective* ProperNoun | Possessive Adjective* Noun | Article Adjective* Noun | Pronoun VP  Verb NP | Verb PP PP  Preposition NP The * means any number of NP, VP, and PP stand for Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase and Prepositional phrase. They are the constituents in our grammar as well as some of the constituents of actual English.

  21. What’s a Constituent? • Consider the noun phrase • A sequence of words surrounding a noun referring to something • The screaming monkey; The laptop on the table; • How do we know these words form a constituent? • Noun phrases can all appear before a suitable verb • The screaming monkey grabbed my tie. • The laptop on the table beeps when it’s low on power. • But each piece can’t appear before a verb • Screaming grabs…*; the beeps…*; on beeps…* • There is other evidence for constituency

  22. A Tiny NL CFG Lexicon Grammar Rules S  NP VP | S Conjunction S NP  Adjective* ProperNoun | Possessive Adjective* Noun | Article Adjective* Noun | Pronoun VP  Verb NP | Verb PP PP  Preposition NP Noun  soul | pipe | fiddlers | bowl ProperNoun  King Cole Verb  was | called | play | plays Adjective  old | merry | three Article  a | the Possessive  his Conjunction  and Preposition  for Pronoun  he The complete tiny grammar. It can generate lines from the Old King Cole nursery rhyme.

  23. Parse Trees • When a parser derives a string • It also outputs the associated parse tree(s). • Parse trees are different from the search tree that was used to find a derivation in that a parse tree just shows the successful rule applications, ignoring the order in which they were applied. • A parse tree is the graphical representation of the derivation of a sentence. • Each node represents a rule used in the derivation • Getting the parse tree out of the search tree is basically just equivalent to remembering the operators that led to a successful parse.

  24. A Parse Tree With Our Grammar S VP NP NP Adj PropNoun Verb Art Adj Adj Noun Old King Cole was a merry old soul

  25. Constituency (Graphically Speaking) S The constituents of this S node are the NP and VP. VP NP NP Adj PropNoun Verb Art Adj Adj Noun Old King Cole was a merry old soul The children of a node are referred to as itsconstituents. i.e. each nonterminal on the rhs of a rule is a constituent of the lhs.

  26. CFG’s are useful They let us model syntactic phenomena like word order and constituency.

  27. But are CFGs the right way? Let’s take a look a closer look at our grammar…

  28. A Tiny NL CFG Lexicon Grammar Rules S  NP VP | S Conjunction S NP  Adjective* ProperNoun | Possessive Adjective* Noun | Article Adjective* Noun | Pronoun VP  Verb NP | Verb PP PP  Preposition NP Noun  soul | pipe | fiddlers | bowl ProperNoun  King Cole Verb  was | called | play | plays Adjective  old | merry | three Article  a | the Possessive  his Conjunction  and Preposition  for Pronoun  he One way of measuring a grammar’s performance is to see if it generates unwanted sentences.

  29. The subject and verb disagree about whether the subject should be singular or plural. Generated Sentences  Old King Cole was a merry old soul.  A merry old soul was he.  He called for his pipe.  He called for his bowl.  He called for his three fiddlers.  The fiddlers play for old King Cole.  The fiddlers plays for old King Cole.

  30. With our grammar, any verb will do. S VP NP PP NP Poss Noun Verb Prep Adj Adj PropNoun The fiddlers ? for merry old King Cole Any combination of verb and noun is fine according to our grammar. In other words, any verb is derivable regardless of whether it agrees with the noun.

  31. How do we solve this problem? • Maybe we don’t… • Allowing the grammar to over-generate is fine for some applications. • Allowing over-generation makes life harder after the parser because it means that we will have many more parses for the same sentence. • Assuming that we do want to fix it… • We need to build the distinctions we need into the grammar.

  32. Agreement • Number • Singular vs plural : “They play” vs “They plays”* • Person • 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person : “I am” vs “You am”* • Case • nominative vs accusative: “I hit him” vs “I hit he”* • Gender • In languages like German all the words have a gender and the adjectives and articles must mark this gender. • “Ein kleines Huendschen” vs “Eine kleine Huendschen”*

  33. Subcategorization • Verbs usually have a default number of things they like to refer to • Fred slept. (intransitive) • I hit Paul. (transitive) • The screaming monkey gave Annea book. (ditransitive) • Verbs also have preferences for other types of constituents • Tom walked into the café. (a path) • I thought the screaming monkey was dead. (a sentence) • These preferences are called the verb’s subcategorization.

  34. Subcategorization • The verb “hit” is said to subcategorize for an NP. • The subject must always be there, so it isn’t mentioned. • That word is used because we are breaking verbs up into subcategories based upon their semantic requirements. • Verb subcategorization is also a source of overgeneration problems. • Tom slept Lindsay the puck.*** • Tom washed Lindsay the puck.*** • But there is some freedom. • Tom hit Lindsay the puck. • Regina sneezed the napkin off the table.

  35. Fixing the Lexicon SgNoun  soul | pipe | bowl PlNoun  fiddlers SgProperNoun  King Cole SgArticle  a | the PlArticle  the 3rdSgNomPronoun  he 3rdPlPronoun  They 1stSgPronoun  I 1stSgIntrans  sleep 3rdSgIntrans  sleeps 3rdPlIntrans  sleep … 1stSgTrans  play 3rdSgTrans  plays 3rdPlTrans  play … Within the lexicon, it’s necessary to indicate with new nonterminal symbols all the distinctions we would like to make. Verbs also need to be marked with their subcategorization.

  36. Updating the Grammar Rules Updating the lexicon is not the worst of it though! NP  Article Adjective* Noun For each of the combinations, we need to enforce agreement, turning just one NP rule into two NP rules: 3rdSgNP  SgArticle Adjective* SgNoun 3rdPlNP  PlArticle Adjective* PlNoun Similar changes must be made for the other NP rules as well as the VP rules.

  37. Updating the Grammar Rules But then changing to new NP and VP nonterminals means that our SNP VPrule now needs to be updated for all the possible legal combinations. S 1stSgNP 1stSgVP | 3rdSgNP 3rdSgVP | 3rdPlNP 3rdPlVP | … It’s already annoying to have to deal with this, and we don’t even have a large grammar!

  38. It’s Unsatisfying • Adding lots of syntactic categories works, but we lose a lot of elegance in our syntax rules. • All the different nonterminals make the grammar harder to maintain. • Once the grammar reaches a certain level of complexity, supporting agreement, subcategorization etc. makes the number of rules explode.

  39. An Alternative Approach • Leave all the syntactic categories the same • Using the old categories allows us to keep our syntax rules simple. • But add a data structure to each nonterminal • This data structure can hold our special syntactic features like agreement. • Change the parsing process to also deal with these data structures • The grammar rules would indicate to the parser how to interact with these data structures.

  40. Feature Structures • Simple Role, Filler data structure • Basically a table that associates a particular value for a particular feature (or role) • Each lexical rule can set the values for the relevant roles in its associated feature structure. • This data structure can hold the agreement features. • The syntactic rules then just need to make sure that each constituent has features that are in agreement.

  41. Basic Feature Structure A new rule for “I” The corresponding fstruct Pronoun  I number SG person  1st -The top part of the rule is the old CFG rule. -This data structure is attached to the nonterminal during parsing so that the parser can use the information. -The next two lines set the agreement features. -The feature is on the lhs of the colon And the value is rhs of the colon. -The  denotes assignment to the feature listed on the lhs.

  42. Complex Feature Structures A new rule for “I” Pronoun  I agreement.number  SG agreement.person  1st The corresponding fstruct Features can be filled by feature structures too.

  43. Reentrant Feature Structure The {1} is a pointer. It constrains the article.Agreement, Noun.Agreement and NP.agreement features to be the same. All three features are filled by the exact same value. Another name for this connection between the slots is co-indexation.

  44. Updating the Grammar Rules NP  Article Adjective* Noun Article.agreement Noun.agreement NP.agreement Noun.agreement NP.agreement.person  3rd The  is the operator responsible for co-indexation. Because it insures sameness, it is the operator used to guarantee compatibility between each constituent. The last two constraints listed in the rule are there to percolate the information about the noun up to the NP so that the sentence rule will be able check agreement between the subject and verb.

  45. Feature Structure Unification • To check the compatibility of two fstructs • Two feature structures are compatible if they have the same value for every feature they have in common (or if one or both leave the value unspecified). • This process of checking compatibility is called unification. • Unification • Is a recursive process that takes two feature structures and either returns the combined feature structure if they are compatible or it returns failure. • Base case: Two values unify if they are the same string. • Recursive Case: Two feature structures unify if for each feature they have in common, those values unify. • The resulting feature structure just adds the features they don’t have in common to the resulting structure.

  46. Unification Example = It’s ok if the two features structures have different features, the result is just the union of the features. The empty value unifies with anything.

  47. Unification Failure = FAILURE! But if both feature structures do have the same feature, except with different values, that will cause a unification failure.

  48. Free word order languages Some Languages mainly use marking and agreement Latin is famous for this, also Turkish. German and Russian to some degree. The good girl loves the poor boy. Puella bona amat puerum parvum. Xoroshaya devochka liubit bednovo malchika. Das gute Mädchen liebt den armen Jungen.

  49. Where Do We Go From Here? • Remember, what we really want is the meaning of the sentence • There are representational issues. • What knowledge needs to be represented for a language understanding system? • How does the syntax interact with the semantics? • The next lecture will address these issues • Hint: Notice that we’re not forced to limit our features to syntactic ones. We could also put semantic features in the feature structures…

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