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Differentiated English. Zoning to meet the needs of all learners. Teach to reach !. Why differentiation?. One size does NOT fit all!. The dreaded B-word. I don‘t get it. I think I know !. I know this already. What’s happening?. Too Difficult. TASK DIFFICULTY. Flow of Instruction.
Differentiated English Zoningtomeettheneedsof all learners
Teachtoreach! Why differentiation?
OnesizedoesNOT fit all! The dreaded B-word I don‘tget it... I thinkI know! I know this already...
What’s happening? Too Difficult TASK DIFFICULTY Flow of Instruction Too Easy READINESS LEVEL
Meeting learners’ readiness needs Task Think – Pair - Share Think abouthowyouaredoingitnow. Whatproblemsareyouencountering?Youcanmakenotes. (3 minutes) Exchange with a partner. Youcanaddtoyournotes .(4 minutes) Share withthegroup.
Real learning keeps them hooked Real learning occurs when task difficulty and required skill levels are slightly above a learner’s current level and performance is scaffolded/supported.
More than a behaviour problem Don’t let them off the hook!
What is differentiation? Task Work alone OR in groupsof 3. Time: 20 minutes • Read thedefinitionsofdifferentiation. Whilereading, underlinekeywordsandconceptsthatresonatewithyou. • Ifyouareworking in a group, comparewhatyouhaveunderlined. • Formulateyourowndefinitionforyourcontext. • Ifyouhaveworkedalone, shareyourdefinitionwith a colleague.
Key aspects of differentiation Task Work in groupsof 3. Time: 15 minutes Put the cards face up. Talk about what the terms mean and why they are key aspects of differentiation. Definitions are provided with your set if you need them. Collaboratively arrange the cards in some kind of web that shows the way these ideas work together to meet student needs. Add connecting ideas if necessary.
Differentiated instruction is… the proactive acceptance of and planning for student differences, including their: Teachers can respond to differences by differentiating: while always keeping in mind the guiding principles of:
Is differentiation fair? Fair isn’t always equal! Fair is every student getting what he/she needs in order to grow as far and as fast as possible.
top-down bottom-up
Real learning is transformation It’s not jumping through hoops!
Unpacking the curriculum Task Work in groupsof 3. Time: 20 minutes Choose a topic from the new curriculum. Work out your ideas for each of the guiding questions for the end of lower secondary. What should the learners achieve long-term?
Differentiation by zones • from simple tocomplex • fromconcretetoabstract • fromclosedto open Teachers differentiate so that all students focus on essential understandings and skills but at different levels of complexity, abstractness, and open-endedness.
Examples Concrete Simple Abstract Complex
“Write a textaboutyourfamily.“ The Equalizer Concrete Abstract Simple Complex Small steps Big leaps Structured Open Clearly defined Fuzzy Slower Faster
“Write a textaboutyourfamily.“ Example
Strategy: Mapping • Examples: Descriptivetexts, demonstration • Exercise: Structure • Step-by-stepinstructions Lessready The Equalizer Konkret Abstrakt Einfach Komplex Kleine Schritte Große Schritte Strukturiert Offen Klar definiert Nebelig Langsamer Schneller
Example Konkret Abstrakt Einfach Komplex • Strategy: Usingimagerytodescribepeople • Examples: Advancedtextforms • Choice: Text form More thanready Kleine Schritte Große Schritte Strukturiert Offen Klar definiert Nebelig Langsamer Schneller
family • Ich kann kurze Sätze verstehen (A1). • Wenn mir das Thema bekannt ist, kann ich einfache Dialoge verstehen, z.B. über Familie. (A2) • Ich kann einfache Fragen stellen und auf solche Fragen antworten, z.B. fragen, wie alt jemand ist und sagen, wie alt ich bin. (A1) • Ich kann an einfachen Gesprächen teilnehmen und Interviewfragen beantworten, z.B. über Familien. (A2) Task
“Write a textaboutyourfamily.“ Task Work in groupsof 2 or 3. • Is it content, process, or product? • Is it appropriate for A1? A2? B1? • Analyze the CEFR factors. What are the conditions & limitations of the task? (context, language, goal)What strategies does the learner need? (planning, doing, evaluating)What is the level of difficulty? (support, time, goal, predictability, material conditions, participants) • Howcouldyoumakethetaskeasierormoredifficult?
CEFR Scales for Assessors A1 Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a memorised repertoire. A2 Uses some simple structures accurately, but still systematically makes basic mistakes. Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used “routines” and patterns associated with more predictable situations. Shows goodcontrolofelementaryvocabularybut majorerrors still occurwhenexpressingmorecomplexthoughtsorhandlingunfamiliartopicsandsituations. Can producecontinuouswritingwhichisgenerally intelligible throughout. Spelling, punctuationandlayoutareaccurateenoughtobefollowedmostofthe time. B1
“Write a textaboutyourfamily.“ My name is Patrick. I am teen years old. I live in Austria. My mother names is Petra. I heb en brouter. His nameis Thomas. He are 14 yearold. + + ? + Proficiency level? Mistakes or errors?
GERS Task Was ist „GERS“? GenerelleEuropäischeRichtliniefürSprachen GemeinsamerEuropäischerReferenzrahmenfürSprachen GemeinsameEuropäischeRichtliniefürSprachen
GERS - Ansatz Handlungsorientiertheit • Der hier gewählte Ansatz ist im Großen und Ganzen handlungsorientiert, • weil er Sprachverwendendeund Sprachenlernende vor allem als sozial Handelnde betrachtet, d. h. als Mitglieder einer Gesellschaft, • die unter bestimmten Umständen und in spezifischen Umgebungen und Handlungsfeldern kommunikative Aufgabenbewältigen müssen
GERS Sprachenniveaus • Deskriptoren & Ich-kann-Sätze für jedes Niveau, 5 Fertigkeits-bereiche: • Produktion • Sprechen • Schreiben • Rezeption • Hören • Lesen • Interaktion C2 C1 Kompetente Sprachverwender B2 B1 Selbständige Sprachverwender A2 A1 elementare Sprachverwender
Tools • Learning contracts • Learning menus • Tic-tac-toechoiceboard • Can-do pyramid • Graphicorganizers • Chunking • Demonstration • ESP
Chunking • phrasebuildersandheads • vocabularywork • texts
CEFR Scales for Assessors A1 Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and sentence patterns in a memorised repertoire. A2 Uses some simple structures accurately, but still systematically makes basic mistakes. Uses reasonably accurately a repertoire of frequently used “routines” and patterns associated with more predictable situations. Shows goodcontrolofelementaryvocabularybut majorerrors still occurwhenexpressingmorecomplexthoughtsorhandlingunfamiliartopicsandsituations. Can producecontinuouswritingwhichisgenerally intelligible throughout. Spelling, punctuationandlayoutareaccurateenoughtobefollowedmostofthe time. B1
“Write a textaboutyourfamily.“ My name is Patrick. I am teen years old. I live in Austria. My mother names is Petra. I heb en brouter. His nameis Thomas. He are 14 yearold. + + ? + Proficiency level? Mistakes or errors?
GERS Kompetenzen Welche 3 werden Sie nicht finden? Task Flexibilitaet Zusammenhängendes Sprechen Sprecherwechsel Prüfungen schreiben Konversation Notizen machen Diktate Dialoge schreiben Vor Publikum sprechen Soziolinguistische Angemessenheit
GERS Kompetenzen • Wortschatzspektrum • Kontrolle und Reparatur • grammatischeKorrektheit • Flüssigkeit • MündlicheInteraktion • ZielorientierteKooperation • InformelleDiskussion (mitFreunden) • Themenentwicklung, Kohärenz & Kohesion
Neue Ressourcen www.oesz.atwww.gemeinsamlernen.at