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ITEC441- IS Security. Chapter 11 – Web Server Security. How WEB Servers Work. WEB servers use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure ( HTTPS ) to allow web-based clients to connect them. To view To download the files
ITEC441- IS Security Chapter 11 – Web Server Security
How WEB Servers Work • WEB servers use Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to allow web-based clients to connect them. • To view • To download the files • HTTP is an application layer protocol in TSP/IP stack. • Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to create web pages. • HTML pages are rendered by web browser software on web clients.
How WEB Servers Work • HTTP components
How WEB Servers Work • The WEB client initially opens a connection to the web server IP using TCP port 80. • The WEB server waits for a GET request from the client requesting the home page of the web server. • The web server responds with the HTML code for the web server homepage. • The client process the HTML code and the web client’s browser software renders the page on the client device.
How to Hack/Protect a WEB Servers • Understand how the web server work. • Know the vulnerabilities of a web server. • Learn the type of attacks to the web servers • Know the patch-management techniques • Know how to harden the web servers
Types of WEB Server Vulnerabilities • Misconfiguration of the WEB server software • Default permissions and settings may leave the site open to attack (i.e.. “everyone” group privileges should be shorten ). • Operation System or Application Bugs, or Flaws in Programming Code • OS, WEB Server Application should be patched, updated regularly • OS security patches, hot fixes and updates should be applied to the system automatically or manually. • Vulnerable Default Installation • Do not leave your system with its default settings. • Close un-needed services and ports
Types of WEB Server Vulnerabilities • Hackers exploit these vulnerabilities to gain access to the web server. • WEB servers are usually located in a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). • DMZ is a publicly accessible area between two packet filtering devices (firewalls) and can be accessed easily by the organization’s client systems. • An exploit of a web server offers a hacker easier access to internal system or database.
The Term: exploit • An exploit is , • a piece of software, • a chunk of data, or • sequence of commands • It that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipated behavior to occur on computer software, hardware, or something electronic. • This frequently includes such things as gaining control of a computer system or allowing privilege escalation or a denial-of-service attack.
Gathering the Page Content • In many cases it is it is useful to gather all or a portion of the files that make up a website. • Use ‘View Source” from the context menu, then download one-by-one the content. • Use “Black Widow” like automated software tools to analyze the structure of a web page, and then select and gather all or a portion of a site.
Attacking a WEB Server • Web servers typically listen on TCP port 80 (http) and TCP port 443 (https). • These ports have to be open and available to web clients. • Any firewall or packet filtering device between the web client and web server passes traffic destined for those ports. • WEB application software also may allow access to additional ports.
Attacking a WEB Server • Banner Grabbing • It is an information gathering step targetting web servers. • It is attempting to gather information about a web server as: • OS • Web server Software (ISS, Apache,...) & version
Attacking a WEB Server • Banner Grabbing • Steps: • At the command prompt telnet <IPAddress> 80 • Next, in the telnet window type HEAD/HTTP/1.0 Then press Enter. • The web server banner will then be returned. Server: Microsoft-ISS/5.0 Date: Tue. 6 Dec 2011 13:41:42 GMT+2 Content-Length:340 Content-type: text/html
Attacking a WEB Server • Banner Grabbing • The banner grabbing usually gives you the web server type and version. • This information is important because exploits against this web server type and version can be identified. • Next step after banner grapping would be to • Attack the web server • Attack the web application • To gain access to data on the server.
Attacking a WEB Server • Defacement • It is a visible type attack against a web server. • Hackers defice website for sheer joyand enhance their reputations • Not for gathering any usefull data • Hackers exploits a vulnerability in the OS or WEB server software and then alters the web site files to show that the site has been hacked.
Attacking a WEB Server • Defacement • Often the hacker displays his/her hacker name on the website’s homepage. • Common website attacks for defacement • Capturing administrator credential through man-in-midddle attacks • Revealing an administrator password through a brut-force attack • Using a DNS attack to redirect users to a different web server
Attacking a WEB Server • Common website attacks for defacement (continues) • Compromising an FTP or email server. • Exploiting web application bugs that result in a vulnerability • Misconfiguring web shares • Taking advantage of weak permissions • Rerouting a client after a firewall or router attack • Using SQL injection attacks (if the SQL server and web server are the same system)
Attacking a WEB Server • Common website attacks for defacement (continues) • Using telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) intrusion • Carrying out URL poisoning, which redirects the user to a different URL. • Using web server extension or remote service intrusion • Intercepting the communication between the client and the server and changing the cookie to make the server believe that there is a user with higher privileges (applies to cookie-enabled security)
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Windows IIS is one of the most popular web server software product. • Three most common attacks against IIS: • Directory traversal • Source disclosure • Buffer overflow
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Directory traversal attack (DTA) • The web clients are limited to specific directories within the windows file system. • Only the initial directory (root) and sub-directories of the root is allowed to be accessed for the web clients. • However, a directory-traversal attack permits access to other directories within the file system.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Directory traversal attack (DTA) • The unpatched Windows 2000 with IIS has a vulnerability for DTA, also known as Unicode exploit. • This exploit affects CGI scripts and Internet Server Application Interface (ISAPI) extensions sch as .asp • The reason is: IIS parser was not properly interpreting Unicode, thus giving hackers system-level access.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Directory traversal attack (DTA) • The Unicode converts characters of any language to a universal hex code specification. • However, the Unicode is inerpreted twice, and the parser only scans the resulting request once. • Hackers could therefore sneak file requests through IIS. • Example: Utilizing %c0% af instead of a slash in a relative pathname exploits the IIS vulnerability.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Directory traversal attack (DTA) • This exploit lets the hacker gain access to files normally forbidden to him/her. • Worse, this exploit allow hacker to add, change, or delete files, or upload and run code on the server (a Trojan or a backdoor). • The IIS Unicode exploit is an outdated vulnerability and it is presented to be a proof that the vulnerability exist and can be exploited.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Buffer overflow attacks • Not unique for web servers • Can also be launched against other types of systems • Buffer overflows involves sending more data then the web server is capable of handling. • The primary entry point for buffer overflows is a web form on the web server.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • Source Disclosure Attacks • Occurs when the source code of a server application can be gathered. • It can lead to a hacker identifying the application type, programming language, and other application-specific information. • With this information a hacker can identify security holes and potential exploits for them.
Hacking Internet Information Server (IIS) • The most of a hacker’s time is spent gathering information about a target in order to identify the best point of entry for an exploit. • White Hat Hackers must be aware of all information gathering techniques to identify potential vulnerabilities in web servers and web applications. • So, they can defend against the same attacks and implement countermeasures to prevent attacks.
Patch-Management Techniques • It is a critical role in preventing and mitigating the risk of attack against web servers and web applications. • It is the process of updating appropriate patches and hot-fixes required by a system vendor. • Proper patch-management involves choosing how patches are to be installed and verified. • Also it involves testing those patches on a non-production network prior to installation.
Patch-Management Techniques • You should maintain a log of all patches applied to each system. • To make patch installation easer, you can use automated patch management systems.
WEB Server Hardening Methods • Rename the administrator account, and use a strong password. • Disable default websites and FTP sites. • Remove unused applications from the server. • Disable directory browsing in the web server’s configuration settings. • Add a legal notice to the site to make potential attackers aware of the implications of hacking the site.
WEB Server Hardening Methods • Apply the most current patches, hot-fixes, and service packs to the operating system and web server software. • Perform bound checking on input for web forms and query strings to prevent buffer overflow or malicious input attacks. • Disable remote administration • Use a script to map unused file extensions to a 404 (“File not found”) error message.
WEB Server Hardening Methods • Enable auditing and logging. • Use a firewall between the server and the Internet and allow only necessary ports (such as 80 and 443) through the firewall. • Replace the GET method with POST method when sending data to a web server.
WEB Appliction Vulnerabilities • Web application vulnerabilities are as much riskly as Web server vulnerabilities. • Web applications are programs that reside on a web server to give the user functionality beyond just a web server. • Database queries • Webmail • Discussion groups • Blogs
WEB Appliction Vulnerabilities • A web application uses a client/server architecture • The client part runs on web browsers • The server part runs on web server. • The server is acting as the application server. • The JavaScript use is the most popular way to implement user interractivity on the client side (web browsers).
WEB Appliction Vulnerabilities • The purpose of hacking a web application is to gain confidential data. • Web applications are critical to the security of a system because they usually connect to a database that contains: • Identities • Credit card numbers • Passwords
WEB Appliction Vulnerabilities • Web application vulnerabilities increase the threat that hackers will exploit the operating system and web server or web application software. • Web applications are essentially another door into a system and can be exploited to compromise the system. • Hacking web application is similar to hacking other systems.
WEB Appliction Vulnerabilities • Hackersfollows a five step process
WEB Application Threats and Countermeasures • Cross-Site Scripting • A parameter entered into a web form is processed by the web application. • The correct combination of variables can result in arbitrary command execution. Countermeasure: Validate cookies, query strings, form fields, and hidden fields.
WEB Application Threats and Countermeasures • SQL Injection • Inserting SQL commands into the URL gets the database server to dump, alter, delete, or create information in the database. Countermeasure: Validate the user variables. • Command Injection • The hacker insert the programming commands into a web form. Countermeasure: Use language-specific libraries for the programming languages
WEB Application Threats and Countermeasures • Cookie Poisoning and Snooping • The hacker corrupts or steals cookies. Countermeasure: • Don’t store passwords in cookies. • Implement cookie timeouts. • Authenticate cookies. • Buffer Overflow • Huge amount of data are sent to a web application through a web form to execute commands Countermeasure: • Validate user input length • Perform bound checking
WEB Application Threats and Countermeasures • Authentication Hijacking • The hacker steal s a session once a user has authenticated. Countermeasure: • USE SSL to encrypt traffic • Directory Traversal/Unicode • The hacker browses through the folders on a system via a web browser or Windows Explorer. Countermeasure: • Define access rights to private folders on the web server • Apply patches and hotfixes.
Google Hacking • Google hacking refers to using Google’s powerful search engine • to locate high-value targets • To search valuable information such as passwords • The Google Hacking Database (GHDB) is a database of queries that identify sensitive data. • Although Google blocks some of the better known Google hacking queries, nothing stops a hacker from crawling your site and launching the Google Hacking Database queries directly onto the crawled content.
Google Hacking • Some of the more popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. • The following search query would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them. • It is normal for default installations of applications to include their running version in every page they serve, e.g., "Powered by XOOPS 2.2.3 Final".
Google Hacking • Information that the Google Hacking Database identifies: • Advisories and server vulnerabilities • Error messages that contain too much information • Files containing passwords • Sensitive directories • Pages containing logon portals • Pages containing network or vulnerability data such as firewall logs.
Google Hacking • The following search query will locate all websites that have the words "admbook" and "version" in the title of the website. • It also checks to ensure that the web page being accessed is a PHP file. intitle:admbook intitle:version filetype:php
Google Hacking • Another technique is searching for insecure coding practices in the public code indexed by Google Code Search or other source code search engines. • One can even retrieve the username and password list from Microsoft FrontPage servers by inputting the given microscript in Google search field: "#-Frontpage-" inurl:administrators.pwd • Devices connected to the Internet can be found. • With the search string below you can find public web cameras: inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode="
Google Hacking • Check the following links to get more information about Google hacking: • http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=170880 • http://www.acunetix.com/websitesecurity/google-hacking.htm • http://www.eyupcelik.com.tr/guvenlik-araclari/google-hacking-database • Preventing Google hacking attacks • Remove all pages identified by Google hacking queries
Web Based Password Cracking Techniques • Authentication Types • Web servers and web applications support multiple authentication types. • The most common is HTTP authentication. • The two types of HTTP authentications are: • Basic • Digest • The basic HTTP authentication sends the username and password in cleartext, • The digest authentication hashes the credentials and uses a challenge-response model for authentication.
Web Based Password Cracking Techniques • Authentication Types • In addition, web servers and web appications support the following types of authentication: • NTLM Authentication • Cerfificate-Based Authentication • Token-Based Authentication • Biometric Authentication
Web Based Password Cracking Techniques • Authentication Types • NTLM Authentication • Uses Internet Explorer and IIS web servers • More suitable for internal authentication on an intranet that uses Microsoft Operating Systems • Uses Windows serversKerberos authentication for more secure option • Certificate-Based Authentication • Uses an x.509 certificate for public/private key technology.
Web Based Password Cracking Techniques • Authentication Types • Token-Based Authentication • A token such as SecureID, is a hardware device that displays an authentication code for 60 seconds. • A user uses this code to log into a network. • Biometric Authentication • This type uses a physical characteristic such as fingerprint, eye iris, or handprint to athenticate the user.
Web Based Password Cracking Techniques • Password Attacks and Password Cracking • Three types of password attacks are: • Dictionary • Uses passwords that can be found in a dictionary • Brut-Force • Guesses complex passwords that uses letters, numbers, and special characters • Hybrid • Uses dictionary words with a number or special character as a substitute for a letter (i.e.. ‘@’ as letter ‘a’, ‘$’ as letter ‘S’)