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The I&M Canal. Scene on Old I&M Canal, Joliet, IL. Using Primary Sources By Janet Flaa Dec. 8, 2012. Lesson Plan Outline Grades 3 and 4. Day 1 : Introduction, discussion (KWL chart), and create a class bulletin board. Day 2: Where is the canal ? Start scrapbook.
The I&M Canal Scene on Old I&M Canal, Joliet, IL Using Primary Sources By Janet Flaa Dec. 8, 2012
Lesson Plan OutlineGrades 3 and 4 • Day 1 : Introduction, discussion (KWL chart), and create a class bulletin board. • Day 2: Where is the canal? Start scrapbook. • Day 3: When did they build the canal? Create timeline for scrapbook. • Day 4: Why are there locks in the canal? Interview the passengers crossing the locks. Add to scrapbook. • Day 5: What kind of boats used the canal? Draw or print a picture of a canal boat to add to scrapbook. Create a model. • Day 6: Who built the canal? Complete SEA worksheet. • Day 7: What is the canal used for now? Create a poster that shows the things you can do in and around the canal today. • Day 8: Reflection
Introduction: The I&M Canal! How did they make that? • Complete first two sections of KWL (above) on Day 1 and the L component on Day 8. • Decorate a bulletin board to add “Did you know?” Facts during the lessons. I Know: I Want to Know: I Learned:
Where is the canal? 1st: Let’s explore the links below to learn about where the canal is located in Illinois. • http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1771.html • http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/teaching_packages/I_and_M_canal/iandmex.html 2nd: Let’s cut out the Illinois map shape and draw on the map where the canal is. 3rd: Let’s add our map to our I&M Canal scrapbook.
When Did They Build the Canal? • Click the link to find the answers: http://www.lewisu.edu/academics/library/corridor/chapter.htm?id=3 • With you “peer buddy” create a timeline that shows the dates of the building of the I&M Canal. Be sure to label your timeline. Put your finished timeline in your scrapbook.
Why are there locks in the canal? Watch this video on the Panama Canal and look carefully at the water. http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=27417&title=Panama_Canal 1st: Decide if you want to be the interviewer or the passenger on the boat. 2nd: Pick a partner and work together to create an interview and answers that are true facts about the locks. 3rd: Share your interview! You can do a live interview or ask to record it to show everyone later. By Chris Light - Wikipedia
What kind of boats used the canal? • Use the link below to start your search: http://www.lewisu.edu/imcanal/photoarchive/index.htm?pages=2&kw=boat 1st: Now it’s your turn! Print or draw a picture of one of the boats that used the I&M canal. Put the picture in your scrapbook and write a description of the boat and what it carried! 2nd: Build a model of a canal boat! You can use legos, cardboard or any material you have. 3rd: “Did you know?” Put any new facts you learned on the class bulletin board.
Who built the I&M canal? • Listen to this song and see if you can tell where they are from? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uU2WyFiF9A With your “peer buddy” complete the SEA worksheet together. Class Discussion: (Write notes below and print from interactive whiteboard when done)
Irish Song: Paddy on the Canal The Library of Congress Can your write your own song about the I&M Canal? Give it a try! Put your song in your scrapbook. You may share your lyrics or song when you are done!
What is the canal used for now? • Use the links below to search for the answers with your “peer buddies”. http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/greenwaysandtrails/Pages/IMCanal.aspx http://www.canalcor.org/ Now make a poster that shows all of the ways that people use the canal now! You may draw or print the pictures.
Conclusion/Reflection: Together we have explored the I&M Canal. Let’s share what we have learned! • 1st: Share scrapbooks, video, songs, posters. • 2nd: Discuss what facts were placed on the “Did you know?” bulletin board. • 3rd: Let’s go back to the KWL chart and complete what we have learned. • 4th: Share what you liked best about the I&M Canal.
References: • Lewis Universiry Postcard collection • http://collections.carli.illinois.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/lew_post&CISOPTR=136&CISOBOX=1&REC=7 • Encyclopedia of Chicago • http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/1771.html • Lewis University – A corridor in Time • http://www.lewisu.edu/academics/library/corridor/chapter.htm?id=3 • Locktenders House by Chris Light. Wikipedia • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SR_Locktender_house_AuSable_Aqueduct.jpg • The Library of Congress • http://memory.loc.gov/rbc/amss/sb3/sb30407b/001r.jpg • Postcard of a boat on the I&M Canal • http://collections.carli.illinois.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/lew_post&CISOPTR=136&CISOBOX=1&REC=7 • Department of Natural Resources • http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/recreation/greenwaysandtrails/Pages/IMCanal.aspx • Canal Corridor Association • http://www.canalcor.org/