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September 2013 GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT With the coming of September, the intensive water season is coming to an end and the water users should start to consider adjusting their sprinkler times to reflect a lower demand for water by grass and other plants. Watering every day is not necessary and the length of time set for the sprinklers to run can be reduced. White City Water Improvement District is fortunate to have a plentiful water supply through its deep wells, but we, like all water systems throughout the State, encourage all of our residents to be wise in their water use and to not waste this most precious resource. As the Utah Supreme Court recently reminded everyone in the water community: “In Utah and other arid western states, ‘a drop of water is a drop of gold.’” Delta Canal v Vincent Family Ranch, 213 UT 54 ¶19, quoting Carbon Canal Co. v. Sanpete Water Users Ass'n, 425 P.2d 405, 407 (Utah 1967). This past summer has seen the District continue to improve and update the pipes and wells that bring water to homes and property. Since purchasing the old White City Water Company in 1995 for approximately 5.96 million dollars, the District has put in over $9 million dollars worth of improvement in the form of deep wells, a three million gallon water storage tank and miles of new pipelines. What started out as a 1950's water system with limited well and water storage capacity has been transformed into an up to date 21st century water system that is one of the best in the State of Utah. Indeed, a recent analysis of the water system by Sunrise Engineering determined that the cost to replace the system, today, would exceed 44 million dollars. Not a bad investment by the water users of the old water company that had the foresight to buy the company, through the District, when they had the chance. The District is governed by a five member elected Board of Trustees, whose terms of office run for 4 years. Every two years a set number of the Board stands for election and this year is no exception, with two of the five members up for re-election. The two members whose terms are set to end this year, but who have each filed for re-election are Garry True and Dortha Robinson. (A third individual had also filed a timely declaration of candidacy to run for a Trustee position, but that individual recently withdrew her name from consideration and will no longer be listed on the ballot.) Many of you will receive the ballot in the mail starting in October from the Salt Lake County Clerk’s office, and others of you, living in Sandy City, will have the opportunity to vote for the Trustee position at City polling locations on November 5, 2013. We encourage all registered voters to vote. As a service, and pursuant to a resolution adopted in 1997, the District is including in this mailing, on the opposite side of this report, a short biographical statement from those candidates whose names will appear on the ballot. The District did not write or give input into the statements, other than to inform the candidates that no “inflammatory rhetoric” is allowed. Please take time to review the statements and if you have questions, please feel free to contact the candidates directly. White City Water Improvement District999 E. Galena DriveSandy, UT. Office: 801-571-3991 Fax: 801-571-2688E-mail: info@wcwid.OrgWebsite: www.wcwid.org General Manager Paul H. Ashton , J.D. Board of Trustees Paulina Flint, Chair Arthur L. Kimball, Vice Chair Robert Johansen, Clerk Garry True, Treasurer Dortha M. Robinson Inside this issue: General Manager Page 1 Report Candidates Biographical Page 2 Statements
Vote For Proven Results Garry True, is an incumbent candidate seeking reelection for the Water City Water Improvement District Board of Trustees (WCWID). Why should you reelect him? The answer is simple he keeps his campaign promises: NO PROPERTY TAXES - would be used to operate the WCWID. Salt Lake County records confirm the WCWID has a 0.00 tax rate from 1996 to 2013. NO HIDDEN FEES - costumers pay only for the water they use. In short cost based rates. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY - as WCIWD treasurer Garry has helped prepare annual balanced budgets. Over the years these budgets proved to be reasonable and accurate. Annual year end audit confirmed WCWID planned well and administered the budgets in a fiscally responsible manner. MODERNIZE & UPGRADE THE WCWID WATER SYSTEM - Master plan projects completed in the last seventeen years; 1) new three million gallon water tank; 2) replaced main trunk lines throughout the district; 3) rebuilt well # 9 to increase water production; 4) drilled new well # 10; 5) new radio read meters which saves countless man hours with 100% accurate meter reads; 6) drilled new well # 5 - in essence modernizing a 1950's water system into a computerized 21st century operation to economize and better serve it’s customers. Modernization has increased the districts’ value from $6.6 million (1996) to approximately $22 million (2013). TAX REMOVED - Before 2007 Sandy City residents, living in WCWID, paid taxes to Sandy-Metro Water District for water service they did not receive. After numerous requests by Garry, in public meetings, the Sandy-Metro Board agreed and voted to remove Sandy residents living within WCWID from their tax rolls. When was the last time you had someone successfully and permanently remove a tax from your property tax bill? EXPERIENCE & EDUCATION - Garry has served as trustee and treasurer for 17 years. In that time he has attended state mandated training and seminars related to water industry. He hold’s a Masters degree in Education Leadership and is employed as a high school administrator. This knowledge and experience has been put to use for your benefit - the water user. Contact Email: garrytrue@q.com Dortha Robinson……joined the White City Community Council ‘Water Users’ in 1991; she held the office of vice-chair on the Water Users before being elected to the board of trustees of the new White City Water District, October of 1994. A 35 year resident of White City Township, she is dedicated to preserving ‘The Water District’ as it now stands and still is committed to COST BASED RATES and NO PROPERTY TAXES. She votes for repairing and improving the District's assets every time there is a need, and works to hold down rates. The last rate increase was in 2007 and, hopefully, there will be sufficient funds to prevent the District from ever needing to go out for bonds again. All bond payments are made from water sales, thus preventing the need for property taxes. The past nineteen years of improvements has the District in good condition, financially and functionally. Our on-going battles appear to be in the Legislature as others fight to garner water rights to expand, and Dortha has experience in lobbying, so as to be an asset to the District to protect our water rights. EXPERIENCE & INSTITUTIONAL MEMORY are, indeed, the best assets Dortha can use on behalf of the residents of the Water District, as well as her LOYALTY to the cause. She is willing and able to serve another term to preserve what we have. If any residents have questions regarding the history of White City Improvement District (WCWID), please give her a call: @ 801-572-3803