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Pimlico Community Development Authority

Pimlico Community Development Authority. PCDA Business Meeting Tom Stosur Presentations Chairman’s Report Tom Stosur Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting Background on Slots Revenue Process for Spending Plan Development Updates on Current Projects Housing Wendi Redfern

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Pimlico Community Development Authority

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  1. Pimlico Community Development Authority PCDA Business Meeting Tom Stosur Presentations • Chairman’s Report Tom Stosur • Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting • Background on Slots Revenue • Process for Spending Plan Development • Updates on Current Projects • Housing Wendi Redfern • Park Heights Renaissance Cheo Hurley • Mayor’s Office for Human Services Olivia Farrow • Recreation and Parks Valerie McGuire • Transportation Valorie LaCour • Baltimore Development Corporation David Garza • General Services Mary Clapsaddle • Community-implemented Projects Mark Sissman Neighborhood-based Break Out Sessions Open House

  2. Purpose of Tonight’s Meeting • Discuss process and schedule for development of the FY16 Spending Plan • Review status of current VLT-funded projects • Brainstorm community priorities for FY16 • Open House: agencies, human service providers

  3. Background on Slots Revenue • In 2007, the State legislature passed the Maryland Education Trust Fund – Video Lottery Terminals legislation (2007 SB 3) • Provides slots revenue funding to the City of Baltimore to support community and economic development in the Pimlico area. • The legislation was subsequently amended to extend the Pimlico area slots revenue funding from 15 years to 20 years and to expand the eligible area. • Of the funds that are earmarked for the Pimlico area, at least 75% are allocated for the Park Heights Master Plan area and up to 25% are allocated for three surrounding areas (commonly referred to as the “One Mile Radius”): • Census block groups within 1 mile of the track, excluding the Park Heights Master Plan area; • Any neighborhood in the Northwest Community Planning Forum Strategic Neighborhood Action Plan; and • Effective with the opening of the Baltimore casino (FY15), any neighborhood in the area bounded by Liberty Heights Avenue, Northern Parkway, Druid Park Drive, and Wabash Avenue.

  4. FY 16 Spending Plan Schedule • September 9 Community-wide meeting to discuss priorities and to get implementation updates • October 1 Community-wide meeting for additional priorities discussion • October 21 Release proposed Spending Plan electronically to stakeholders • October 29 PCDA and community discussion on proposed Spending Plan • November 19 PCDA work session to develop recommendations for Mayor • December 5 PCDA comments and recommendations submitted to Mayor • January 2015 Final FY16 Spending Plan issued by Mayor

  5. Current Project Updates

  6. Housing and Community Development • Park Heights Major Redevelopment Area • Acquisition, relocation, and demolition of 113 properties underway • Current acquisition focus is 4700 block of Delaware and 4600, 4700, and 4800 blocks of Park Heights • Blight Elimination near Renaissance Gardens • Acquisition and demolition on Rosewood and 4300 block of Park Heights • Stabilize properties in 2600 block of Loyola Northway

  7. Park Heights Renaissance Receives annual operating grant from VLT revenues for: • Community engagement: • Monthly resident council meetings; neighborhood clean-ups; community health fair • Community capacity building: • Strengthen neighborhood associations • Neighborhood marketing: • Quarterly newsletter; “bold new heights” banners; marketing new and rehabbed housing • Human services: • Collaborate with provider network; participate with job training efforts

  8. Mayor’s Office of Human Services Park Heights Master Plan Area • Human service program grants are being managed by the Family League • To date, funds have been allocated to four programs: • The Kujichagulia Center – partnership of Sinai Hospital and New Vision Youth Services • Project Engage – partnership of Boys & Girls Club and Bon Secours Hospital • Project YES! – partnership of Park Heights Community Health Alliance, Baltimore Healthy Start, and Holistic Life Foundation • Project PAYE – partnership of Holy Nativity/St. John’s Development Corp. and Smart Steps Children’s Centers

  9. Mayor’s Office of Human Services • Family League has issued two rounds of Requests for Proposals for FY15 dollars • One program (Project PAYE) has been selected; up to two more may be funded • RFP is on the Family League website www.familyleague.org under “Funded Partnerships” • Proposals are due October 3 • Information sessions: • September 10: 1:00 – 3:00 at 3939 Reisterstown Road • September 11: 5:30 – 7:30 at the Family League, 2305 N. Charles St.

  10. Recreation and Parks Park Heights Master Plan Area • CC Jackson Rec Center: • VLT funds ($700,000) supported construction of the Youth Development Sport Complex (Phase I) in collaboration with the Cal Ripken Sr. Foundation • Phase II funds ($400,000) will be used for athletic lighting and site improvements, with construction completed by fall 2015

  11. Recreation and Parks NW Community Planning Forum • Northwest Park: • Funds allocated to implement the park master plan • First efforts focusing on playground improvements • Pimlico Safety Academy: • Funds allocated for ball field improvements • Schematic site plan in development

  12. Recreation and Parks NW Community Planning Forum • Luckman Park: • Park re-opening event in May 2014 • Funds for site furnishings and signs • Western Run Park: • Funds for benches, planters, and general beautification • Cheswolde Neighborhood Pocket Park • Funds for a green space on Green Meadow Parkway

  13. Recreation and Parks Coldspring Newtown • Jones Falls Trail amenities: • Due to technical issues, the project was changed from a seat wall to benches and landscaping • Project is in design

  14. Transportation NW Community Planning Forum • Traffic/transportation study of SNAP area: • Draft scope of study has been developed and is under review by community • Revisions are ready for distribution and review by community • Work can begin upon approval of scope • Mt. Washington Light Rail Station: • Technical evaluation has been conducted – additional lighting needed at ends of underpass • Property, light poles, fixtures, and power owned by MTA • Working on agreement to install one spot light at each approach to brighten the area • Options for wayfinding signage in development • Meeting with merchants association in September on sign language • DOT graphics and sign shop will fabricate and install

  15. Transportation Liberty-Wabash Area • Dolfield Commercial Corridor: • Funds allocated to development of streetscape and landscaping plan, initial implementation, and beautification • Study with phased implementation and cost estimates has been accepted by communities • Garrison Blvd/Dorchester lighting plan: • Funds allocated to identify insufficiencies and develop a lighting plan • Scoping of study area under development

  16. Transportation Coldspring Newtown • Coldspring sign: • Vendor identified and approved • Final sign design proposal under review, awaiting approval by community • Notice to Proceed pending • Fencing and guardrails: • Project scope and installation locations identified • Vendor identified and approved • Purchase order in process through City purchasing department • Crosswalks and traffic calming: • Previous studies are under review • Scheduling meeting with community and DOT

  17. Baltimore Development Corporation Liberty-Wabash Area • Façade improvement grants: • Owners of two commercial properties offered improvement grants • Both have agreed and implementation steps can begin

  18. General Services NW Community Planning Forum • Reisterstown Road Library parking: • Several nearby lots determined to be unfeasible • Adjacent property owner has refused to discuss possible sale to the City • Community and library representatives are re-evaluating options

  19. Community-Implemented (HNI) NW Community Planning Forum • Bi-lingual community organizer: • Draft grant agreement under review by CHAI and CASA de Maryland • Employ Baltimore involved in recruitment efforts • Sanitation services in high traffic areas: • Scope of services identified • HNI to meet with Chimes as possible provider • Hatzalah Community Center • Development agreement signed • Plans, specifications, contractor’s contract, MBE compliance being compiled • Cheswolde Community sign: • Community working on design/scope and bids

  20. Community-Implemented (HNI) NW Community Planning Forum • Safety and security initiatives: • Cheswolde community in planning phase for security cameras • Funds also allocated for additional security patrols by Northwest Citizens on Patrol and Shomrim • Housing-related initiatives: • Draft development agreement to rehab vacant houses under review by CHAI • Funds also allocated for a rental housing coordinator and a responsible homeowner campaign • Small community grants: • Competitive grant application and process has been drafted • Will schedule a meeting to review draft process with community presidents

  21. Community-Implemented (HNI) Liberty-Wabash Area • Sanitation services in Dolfield area: • Scope being identified • HNI to meet with Chimes as possible provider • Boys & Girls Club at Kendall Rec Center: • Project scope and budget defined and grant agreement has been signed • Boys & Girls Club to coordinate recruitment with Employ Baltimore • Community capacity building: • Focus will be on ability to identify community priorities and becoming effective advocates for those priorities • Potential consultants being identified • Small community grants: • Competitive grant application and process has been developed • Will schedule a meeting to review draft process with community presidents

  22. Community-Implemented (HNI) Coldspring Newtown • Swim & Tennis Club: • Community is to provide a detailed budget of proposed improvements • Community Cottage/Mercantile Building: • Community has re-evaluated vision and priorities for this area • Goal is for Baltimore Housing to issue an RFP for possible development of this site

  23. Estimated FY16 Revenues • Funding has fluctuated as the State’s gaming industry has evolved: FY 12 $1.0 million FY13/FY14 $6.0 million (funds for two years were combined) FY15 $4.5 million FY16 $4.5 million (current estimate for upcoming year) • State law requires that at least 75% be allocated for the Park Heights Master Plan area and up to 25% for the “One Mile Radius” • For FY16, this breakdown is: • Park Heights Master Plan Area $3,375,000 • One Mile Radius Area $1,125,000

  24. Estimated FY16 Revenues • The City’s practice has been to allocate the “One Mile Radius” funds based on land area and population; for FY15 and FY16 the allocation is: Northwest Community Planning Forum 70% $787,500 Liberty/Wabash Area 25% $281,250 Coldspring Newtown Area 5% $56,250

  25. Break-Out Sessions • Brainstorm community priorities • Consider funding needs for continuing projects • Facilitators: • NW Community Planning Forum Mary Clapsaddle • Park Heights Master Plan Area Sara Paranilam • Liberty-Wabash Chad Hayes • Coldspring Newtown Mark Sissman

  26. Open House • Visit with agency and program representatives for more information and to get your questions answered

  27. Next Meeting OCTOBER 1, 2014 6:00-8:00 TOWANDA COMMUNITY CENTER Pimlico Elementary/Middle School 4849 Pimlico Road

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