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EU and Italian GRID Initiatives at University of Salerno. SAVERIO SALERNO Coordinator Centre of Excellence “Learning & Knowledge” Scientific Coordinator of the PON Project “e-Science” Member of the Committee for Industrial Research at MIUR. Agenda. Our initiatives on Learning and GRID
EU and Italian GRID Initiatives at University of Salerno SAVERIO SALERNO Coordinator Centre of Excellence “Learning & Knowledge” Scientific Coordinator of the PON Project “e-Science” Member of the Committee for Industrial Research at MIUR
Agenda • Our initiatives on Learning and GRID • National • European • Our Vision on Learning GRID
Our Italian Initiatives PON Projects (UniSA and UniBN) –GRID Infrastructure for e-Science • Main Objective • To create an infrastructure based on GRID tecnologies, that provides the researchers of the University of Salerno with advanced tools for the scientifc cooperation with italian and european research structures in the sectors of simulation, optimization, mechanical engineering, learning and knowledge management • Duration: 24 Months • Budget PON UniSA: 2.000.000€ • Budget PON UniBN: 1.000.000€ • Scientific Coordinator (SA): Saverio Salerno • Scientific Coordinator (BN): Aniello Cimitile
GRID Infrastructure for e-science • The infrastructure aims at creating a scientific cooperation environment putting at the researchers’ disposal: • Services for communication, data and resources sharing, and cooperation at application level. • Facilities for distributed calculation, virtual laboratories, digital libraries, simulation.
GRID Infrastructure for e-Science 1/2 • The infrastructure will be used for the development of the following research themes: • Study and experimentation of GRID and commodity technologies for infrastructures oriented to the scientific and technological cooperation in Virtual Organizations • Study and experimentation of environments and platforms for the services oriented application cooperation (intelligent agents, semantic web, …), based on commodity technologies. • Study and definition of methodologies and techniques to make the existing applications GRID-aware • Experimentation of advanced and innovative methods and systems for the collaborative-experiential didactics
GRID Infrastructure for e-Science 2/2 • Study and definition of GRID domain-specific platforms for the high-performance distributed elaboration, on the following domains • techniques and problems of Mathematical Simulation and Optimization; • economic simulation; • structural problems of Civil Engineering • Techniques of mechanical computer aided engineering (MCAE). • Study and experimentation of models and systems for the Net Economy, with particular reference to logistics and supply-chain
Our Italian InitiativesCentre of Excellence on Learning and Knowledge • Main Objective • To study, apply and verify the use of a unitary approach for learning and knowledge, based on the experience and induction approaches in various fields, and according to different didactical models • Duration: 36 Months (from 1/4/2001 to 30/3/2004) • Budget: 1.230.000€ • Scientific Coordinator: Saverio Salerno
Our Italian Initiatives Centre of Excellence on Software tecnologies (RCOST) of the University of Sannio • The University of Salerno has the responsability of the WP “Advanced Simulation Models and Environments in Grid Architecture” • The objective is to study and define a GRID domain specific architecture based on Microsoft tecnologies for the scientific simulation (HLA) and the optimization • Duration: 36 Months (from 1/4/2001 to 30/3/2003) • Budget (WP): 800.000€
Main Objective To design and implement an innovative infrastructure for the ASP based on GRID middleware suitably integrated with Commodity Technologies (in particular Microsoft .NET) investigating the use of new business models To validate it through the realization of three test-beds: e-Learning, ERP in the financial sector, data mining in the medical sector Consortium LogicDIS (GR – Financial Coordinator and Industrial Partner) CRMPA (IT –Scientific Coordinator) CLRC (UK – Technological Partner) University of Stuttgart (D –Technological Partner) CS - Systèmes d’Information CSSI (F – Tech. and Ind. Partner) SchlumbergerSema (E – Industrial Partner) Duration: 30 Months (from 1/4/2002 to 30/9/2004) Budget – 3.056.274€ Our European Initiatives GRASP – Grid based Application Service Provision To realize a technological infrastructure based on the integration of GRID general purpose services and emerging technologies for the creation of GRID domain specific in non scientific sectors (e-Business, e-Learning, e-Health, ...)
Our European Initiatives LeGE-WG – Learning GRID Excellence Working Group • Main Objective • To facilitate the implementation of a GRID infrastructure for Learning through an intense dissemination activity that foresees the organization of thematic workshops (on learning and GRID) and a closing event in which a demonstration will be carried out • Consortium • 23 partners from 9 European countries + USA (NCSA) • Duration: 24 Months • Budget: 700.000€
IP Proposals for FP6 1st Call – E-LeGI (European Learning GRID Infrastructure) Priority: Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage • Three main Objectives • To study and define new learning paradigms enabling the ubiquitous and collaborative learning, merging experimental, personalised and contextualised learning approaches. • To study, design and implement a GRID based technology infrastructure for implementing virtual collaborative learning communities and apply the new paradigms and related learning approaches. • To experiment through three major test-beds (alphabetisation in developing countries, learning and training of chemistry researchers and certification in the Open Universities) the applicability of these new learning paradigms together with the GRID infrastructure and validate the effectiveness of our solutions both from the pedagogical and business point of view
IP Proposals for FP6 2nd Call – (GRASP follow-up) Priority: GRID-based Systems for solving complex problems • Based on GRASP project experience and in relation with TrustCoM proposal (aiming at solving trust&security issues in all layers that may damage the take-up of Grid technology in business environment) • The aim will be to provide architecture, design and development of Grid Service Providers for g-Business, also thanks to the extension of existing building blocks for enabling “collaborative business in dynamic virtual organization” • The involved activities will contribute to lead to industry open standards