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The Reformation

The Reformation. Key Concepts. End of religious unity in the west Attacks on the church (institutions, doctrine, practices and personnel) “Protestant” First used for protesting German princes who met in 1529 150 years of religious wars Creation of Protestant faiths Lutheranism Calvinism.

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The Reformation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Reformation

  2. Key Concepts • End of religious unity in the west • Attacks on the church (institutions, doctrine, practices and personnel) • “Protestant” • First used for protesting German princes who met in 1529 • 150 years of religious wars • Creation of Protestant faiths • Lutheranism • Calvinism

  3. The Church’s Problems • Controversy over the sale of indulgences • Charges of greed • Political power challenged • Corruption of the Papacy • The Borgia Family (1430 – 1500) • Growing human confidence vs. “original sin” • Anti-clericalism HELL

  4. Technological Revolution Printing Press (1440) • Paper becomes easier and cheaper to make • “Radical” thoughts could be quickly passed on and in multiple languages • Ideas spread before Catholics could squash them

  5. Cultural Revolution Erasmus (1456 – 1536) • Dutch priest and Humanist • Knew Latin, Greek and Hebrew • Retranslated the Bible and found errors • Used printing press

  6. Cultural Revolution England • Better educated population • John Wycliffe translated Eramus’ Bible into English (1382)

  7. Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) • Sense of unworthiness and a fear of God • Confronted the Church • Married Katherine von Bora

  8. Martin Luther • Troubled by the sale of indulgences • Dominican friar, Tetzel, was selling indulgences in Wittenberg in 1517 • Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517

  9. One of the 95 Theses “Again, why does not the Pope, whose riches are at this day more ample than those of the wealthiest of the wealthy; build the one Basilica of St. Peter with his own money, rather than with that of poor believers?”

  10. Luther’s Teachings • “Sola Fidei”(Salvation by Faith Alone) • “Sola Scriptura”(Authority of the Scriptures Alone) • Luther translated the Bible into German

  11. Martin Luther • Pope paid little attention to Luther at first • Eventually Luther was excommunicated

  12. England • Henry VIII (1491 – 1547) desired a male heir • Henry created the Church of England and made himself the leader • The Anglican Church • Queen Elizabeth I (1533 – 1603)

  13. Spain • Hard core Catholics • Pope paid Spain to invade England • Spanish Armada defeated in 1588 • Victory seen as God being on the side of Protestants • Promoted English pride and imperialism • Promoted Protestantism in rest of Europe

  14. Scripture interpreted by wisdom Good Works and Faith 7 Sacraments Stick with Latin Clergy must be celibate and chaste Purgatory is real Honor Saints Scripture as you read it Faith Alone 2 Sacraments(Eucharist & Baptism) Language of the people Clergy could marry Go to Heaven or Hell Criticized Honoring Saints Catholicism vs. Protestantism

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