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UP D ATE INFORMATION: Listed below are three important initiatives taking place in Chico Unified and across the state. CUSD will be providing updates to help parents stay informed about the impact of these initiatives. The new Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts.
UPDATE INFORMATION: Listed below are three important initiatives taking place in Chico Unified and across the state. CUSD will be providing updates to help parents stay informed about the impact of these initiatives. • The new Common Core State Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts. • The new Local Control Funding for district budgets • The implementation of Chico’s Measure E funding and work on schools remodeling. • Information: For a clear, short video about the Common Core standards, go online to http://vimeo.com/51933492 . • The English Language Arts Common Core Standards require shifts/changes from the old California State Standards. In the next three newsletters, these shifts/changes will be explained. • Shift 1: Students will read as much non-fiction as fiction to learn about the world by reading. Students in elementary school by 4th grade will read 50 % non-fiction (informational text) and 50% fiction (literary text ) in the classrooms. By 8th grade this will be 45 % literary text and 55% informational text. • When does Local Control Funding begin? The transition to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) begins in the current school year, 2013-14, and will be phased in gradually. Based on revenue projections, districts will reach what is called “full funding” in eight years—in 2020-21. Until full funding is reached, each year districts will get additional funds based on student attendance and the percentage of a district’s children who are low-income, English learners, and foster • youth. This projection assumes that the state’s economy will improve each year at a healthy rate. If the economy falters, it could take longer to reach full funding. If the state’s recovery accelerates, it could be sooner. • The Facilities Master Plan may be found at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxr1PVDQgFyfa3VENlFaQnhZVzg/edit?pli=1 This is a draft document and needs to be downloaded to view. It was posted on the board agenda page of the district website for the December 11, 2013 board meeting. • The Facilities Master Plan is a compilation of information, educational guidelines, and demographic projections that provide a basis for planning educational facilities that will meet the changing needs of our community for the next 10 to 15 years. The plan includes a complete assessment of all District facilities, a definition of the facility standards for the District to strive towards, the identification of all potential funding opportunities, and a prioritization of short and long range projects. The Facilities Master Plan is a “living” document that is meant to be reviewed and revised on a regular basis. Jan. 7, 2014