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K.S. Pua Jan , 2014. Driven to Success - The road to build a $1B company -. 潘健成 (K.S. Pua) Nationality: Malaysia (Sekinchan) 育群小學 (1981 ~ 1986) Pin Hwa High School ( 巴生濱華中學 ) (1987 ~ 1992) Bachelor of NCTU( 交通大學 ), Taiwan (1993 ~ 1997)
K.S. PuaJan, 2014 Driven to Success - The road to build a $1B company -
潘健成 (K.S. Pua) • Nationality: Malaysia (Sekinchan) • 育群小學 (1981 ~ 1986) • Pin Hwa High School (巴生濱華中學) (1987 ~ 1992) • Bachelor of NCTU(交通大學), Taiwan (1993 ~ 1997) • Master of Electrical & Control Engineering, NCTU, Taiwan (1997 ~ 1999) • Chairman & CEO / Phison Electronics Corp. (群聯電子) • Director / The Schoolfellow Association of NCTU, Taiwan (交大校友會) • Director / Pan Wen Yuan Foundation (潘文淵文教基金會) • Director / Global Talentrepreneur Innovation & Collaboration Association (國際創新創業發展協會 ) • Awards received: • “ Become a Fellow of Chinese Society for Management Of Technologyin 2009 (第十屆中華民國科技管理學會院士(Fellow)) • “ERSO Award 2009” of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation • “THE OUTSTANDING YOUNG MALAYSIAN AWARDS 2008 (TOYM Award 2008)” • “Entrepreneur OF The Year 2008 Taiwan” from Ernst & Young Group (2008安永年度創業家大獎) • ”The President Award of National Management Excellence Award 2006” (2006台灣國家十大傑出經理獎之總經理獎) • “2006 Dr. Horiba Entrepreneur Award” from AABI (Asian Association of Business Incubation) • “Outstanding Young Manager Award” of HsinChu, Taiwan, 2005 (2005台灣新竹區傑出經理獎之傑出青年經理人獎 ) • “Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award” of TAIWAN BUSINESS AWARDS, 2005 (2005臺灣企業獎之傑出青年企業家獎)
我的成長故事The Life Stories我的創業觀&經驗談My 2 Cents on Entrepreneurship
My Life Story 一個平凡的鄉下猴囝仔 說一個平凡但有趣的故事 A country boy is telling ordinary but interesting story
Studied in Sekinchan of Selangor & enjoyed a wonderful childhood Graduated in Pin Hwa High School and decided to earn bachelor’s degree in a foreign country Went to Taiwan when was 19 and entered National Jiao Tung University luckily. Before sophomore years, just wanted to graduate and find a job back in Malaysia. However, when entered the junior year, realize that earning a master’s degree would be nice Started to participate in some technical project development Founded Phison Electronics at 26 with 4 partners Personal Background 開始了許多煩惱的生活…Here begins the life full of worries……. 以及處理每天都有意料外的疑難雜症… And deal with unexpected things every day……..
急躁,耐性差 (Irritable, impatient) 還有一些固執 (A little bit stubborn) 至少還算用功 (But at least hard working) 肯負責任 (Responsible) 個性分析 (Personalities) 不小心CPU超頻使用太久….有時還會當機 The system may hang if CPU over clock over time 記憶體由Flash降成DRAM….容量又不足… Memory getting less & turn from Flash to DRAM
Company Introduction Phase I (2008) Phase II (2012) • NAND Flash Application Solution Provider • Controller IC Design & System Integration • Established in Nov 2000 • Based in Zhunan, Taiwan (15 min South of Hsinchu Science Park) • Phison = Founded by “5-Person”, more than 14 years of experience in NAND Flash Industry • 725 Employees (424 R&D Engineers)
Global Support Map Hsinchu, Taiwan (HQ) HQ / Direct Office Tech Support Sales Agent Tokyo, Japan N. America: USA S. America: Brazil Europe: Italy, France, Germany, UK Asia: China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Russia, Taiwan San Jose, USA Penang, Malaysia Shenzhen, China
History of Phison Electronics Corporation • ”Phison” = Five Persons - 2 Malaysians + 1 Macau + 2 Taiwanese - A bunch of university graduates - All without financial support • The founders borrowed US$1m from relatives and friends • In Nov 2000, set up the office in a little basement room at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) • Worked based on technical knowledge obtained from school • November 2002, won the Gold medal in inaugural “National Innovation Award” (by Ministry of Economic Affairs) out of 200 Taiwanese start-ups
Capital Unit: US$m
Sales Revenue US$m
Team Work Core Value Innovation & Executive Power New Business Model Concentrate & Master the business Key Relationships Financial Plan Organization Management 8 Rules for Successful Startup in High-tech
創業伙伴理念一致,有堅持恆心 (The core of starting a successful business!) 創業伙伴的信任與團結 (trust and bond among business partners) 經營階層有仲裁機制,避免多頭馬車 (having a arbitration system to avoid confusion among the adminisphere) 領導人物的心態 (the attitude of the leaders) 團隊成員之組成(the compose of the team members) The core of starting a successful business- Team Work
團隊能否建立核心價值 (the possibility of creating a consensus and core values) (special techniques or marketing experience..etc) 最忌諱人云亦云,隨波逐流 (Only dead fish swim with the stream) 核心價值的可延伸性 (the extentable of the core values) The core of starting a successful business-Core Values
有好點子卻無法快速執行,只是空談作夢! (Creativity is useless without timely execution) 人類抄襲的能力很強! (Human are born to copy one another) 要有強的執行力,須有強的經營團隊 (Strong team work leads to strong execution) 唯有強而快速的執行力,才能與對手拉開距離 (Only strong and timely execution can distinguish you from your opponents) The core of starting a successful business–創新與執行力(creativity and execution)
有好的技術,不表示創業一定成功! (Holding good techniques doesn’t necessarily lead you to success) Business Model要量身訂做! (Business model has to be customized) 多聽、多看、多想、多討論 (always keep your eyes, ears and mind open) Business Model應可及時調整 (Business model should be flexible) The core of starting a successful business–Business Model
創業需要花上200%的精神 (you have to be more than fully concentrated when starting a business) 對技術、產品、市場要專心 (concentrating on the techniques, products and the market) 市場與產品有高低潮,如何判斷? (How to determine the good days and hay days of the market and products) 隨風起舞是很危險的 (It’s dangerous to flow with the stream) The core of starting a successful business–專心、專精(concentration and dedication)
出外靠朋友! (Friends are what you can rely on) 自立自強,人助自助! (God helps those who help themselves) 要贏得他人對公司的信任與尊重 (earn other’s trust and respect toward the company) 處處將心比心 (be compassionate) 市場策略聯盟的善加利用 (the utilization of marking strategies) The core of starting a successful business–重要關係的建立(establishment of relationships)
優秀的、可信任的財務人員是必要的 (It’s necessary to have trustworthy people manage business finance) 未雨綢繆 (always be prepared for the rainy days) 善加利用初創事業的資金 (use the initial fund wisely) 開源節流 (Tap new resources and reduce expenses) The core of starting a successful business–財務規劃(financial management)
創業不易,守成更難! (It’s hard to start a business but it’s even harder to manage it) 系統化的組織管理(a systematic management) 公司永續經營的決心! (A determination on running a sustainable business) 儲備幹部之培訓(the cultivation of management trainees) 團隊文化的建立(the establishment of team culture) The core of starting a successful business–組織管理(organizing management)
有權力去流淚,氣憤,消沈.... Cry and let off as hard as you can…. 但痛苦是一天的事情! 還是要回來面對! But always remember that all those sorrows would pass and eventually, you must face it 當人生遇到挫折時...Whenever you feel frustrated, you should...
挫折有什麼了不起? Understand that here’s no big deal about frustration. 問自己要的是什麼,以後想過怎麼樣的生活 Know what you want and what kind of life you want to live. 生命誠可貴..留得青山在 Remember that there’s nothing else more important that your own life. 當人生遇到挫折時...Whenever you feel frustrated, you should...
如果說你會很成功 一種人會開始等成功從天上掉下來 另一種人開始拼命工作,因為他知道他會成功 If a person were told that he’d be successful: There’s a kind of person who waits the success to come to him. And there’s another kind of person who would work even harder because he knows he would eventually succeed. 算命的結果(心態的問題)The result of a fortunetelling
如果說你會很失敗 一種人會馬上放棄,因為已算出他會失敗 另一種人還是拼命的找方法做事,因為他不想失敗 If a person were told that he’s doomed fail: There’s a kind of person who gives up right away because he knows he’s going to fail. But there’s another of person who thus tries even harder because he doesn’t want to fail. 算命的結果(心態的問題)The result of a fortunetelling 人會恐懼是因為對未來的不確定性 (Our future is full of uncertainty that is why people fear it)
算了..(Never mind…..) 會過去的..(Sorrow will go away) 不要緊..(Will be alright…..) 再壞就這樣子了..(Can’t get even worse) 學會忘記..(Learn to forget….. ) 怎麼渡過挫折...(How do we turn the corner?) 睡醒了還是一條活龍 (But the show must go on)
當然是來自腎上腺素囉!! (Of course, comes from adrenalin!) 去想一想放棄後的結局 (To think about an outcome if you give up) 再想一想改變後的成果 (And then think about the result after changing) 面對重大轉折,勇氣從何來?Where the brave comes from when we face the big transition? 如果你想要把事情做好, 你就可以把事情做好 (You can do anything you set your mind to)
愛情(Love): No Pain No Love 創業(Start Up): No Pain No Gain 成長(Growth): No Pain No Grow 成長是什麼(What is Growth)?
人生充滿高度不確定性 (life is full of uncertainty) 太多的計劃反而不知怎麼開始 (too many planes sometimes would impede one’s execution) 找對方向 (find the right direction) 做好今天應該做好的事 (do what you can do in a day) 爬山:一天一小步 遲早會到的 (work steadily and make solid progress)
共挑肩擔闖異鄉 迷霧頓起困郊荒 左彎右轉路已盡 翻山越嶺見風光 The Poem I Wrote…. Shoulder burden together as we venture in foreign land A sudden fog leaves us lost in the wilderness Turning left and right only leads us to the ends of trail Scaling the heights only we will behold wondrous scenery
One may toss sticks and seek oracle to foretell the future But it isn’t as good as to thoughtfully ascertain the present Though the path is staked with impeding peaks We will advance with determination and perseverance every step of the way The Poem I Wrote…. 拈籤卜卦問將來 不如用心度今載 縱有群峯層層疊 堅韌毅勇步步闖
Startup is never easy, it takes hard work, a great team, the right timing and a little luck to success.I hope my humble opinions can do little contribution to you. Thank You! D-U-N-S : 65-802-3291