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The Basics

Welcome to: BAE 2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials M, F 2:30 – 3:20 W 2:30 - 5:20 Lab or Lecture Dr. Jones. The Basics. Instructor: Dr. Carol Jones 216 Ag Hall 744-6667 jcarol@okstate.edu

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The Basics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to:BAE 2023 Physical Properties of Biological MaterialsM, F 2:30 – 3:20W 2:30 - 5:20 Lab or LectureDr. Jones BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  2. The Basics Instructor: Dr. Carol Jones 216 Ag Hall 744-6667 jcarol@okstate.edu Open office hours….when I’m there and not meeting with someone…I’m available to help you. Don’t hesitate to come by. Usually in office around 7:30 AM until 4:30 or 5:00 pm Cell phone: 405-612-1133 if you have an emergency I do travel a lot and will try to keep my class absences to a minimum. When I am gone, one of my grad students or research engineers will be able to help you. More information later…. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  3. The Basics Class website: http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/index.htmlPrint out lecture slides before you come to class, please Syllabus, outline, schedule Books (1): OSU bookstore… Book isn’t stellar! My apologies…short of paying $700, it’s the best out there. I will be using extensive handouts. Large Three-ring Binder: I strongly suggest that you keep a class notebook… BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  4. The Basics How do we do Wednesdays? Not all Wednesdays are LAB DAYS Check your online schedule When it IS a lab day… go at your section time…to the BAE Labs across to the east from the Colvin Center. When it IS NOT a lab day…we will have lecture in room 122 AG Hall from 3:30 – 4:20. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  5. HW 1 (10 pts) : Turn in on Friday. 1/13/12 Name, hometown, classification, one cool thing you did over Christmas break Why did you enroll in this class What do you wish to gain from this class other than 3 hours credit and a good grade on your transcript ?!!! BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  6. Short Class…. I know! We’ll make up for it later, I promise. You will get your money’s worth from this class!!!!Next class meeting:Friday, January 13th2:30 – 3:20202 Ag HallRemember to bring your homework assignment to turn in. BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

  7. Questions?Please email, call, or stop by office Dr. Jones 216 Ag Hall 744-6667 jcarol@okstate.edu http://biosystems.okstate.edu/Home/jcarol/Class_Notes/BAE2023_Spring2011/2023_home.html BAE2023 Physical Properties of Biological Materials

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