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World. Religions :. A Six Part Series. Presented by the Diversity Committee: Making World Connections.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World Religions: A Six Part Series Presented by the Diversity Committee: Making World Connections

  2. This presentation introduces the five major religions of the world. Each forthcoming series will focus on one of these religions, including a list of resources, a “quick facts” section, and a bibliography. The Diversity Committee’s purpose of these presentations is to increase awareness of other religions practiced around the world and in our own backyard.

  3. The five major religions of the world are: Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism *Religions are represented in alphabetical order

  4. Creation stories… Explain the earth, its life and its peoples. The following presents some of these stories from the major religions.

  5. Buddhist Creation Story

  6. Buddhist Creation Story The queen of the kingdom of Sakyas dreamt that a silver elephant entered her womb through her side, which priests predicted she would give birth to a son, who would become a Buddha. Siddhartha was born ten months later and when he became a man, certain incidents that he witnessed, led him to renounce his princely life and later become the Enlightened One.

  7. Christian Creation Story

  8. Christian Creation Story In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.“ So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. Taken from the King James Bible

  9. Hindu Creation Story

  10. Hindu Creation Story When Purusha (man as primeval being), who had a thousand heads, eyes, and feet, was sacrificed, from his “clarified butter” beasts were made to inhabit the earth. This also produced the gods Indra (king of gods), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Wind), the Sun and the Moon. The atmosphere was born from Purusha’s navel; from his head the heavens were produced; from his feet, the earth; and from his ear, the sky.

  11. Islamic Creation Story

  12. Islamic Creation Story Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He established Himself on the throne [of authority]: He draweth the night as a veil o’er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, [all] governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds! Translation of the Qur’an (Al-A`raf 7:54)

  13. Jewish Creation Story “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light;’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day and the darkness Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. Taken from the Book of Genesis (1:1-5)

  14. Stay tuned for the first installment in the series, featuring Buddhism.

  15. Bibliography • Park, M. (2009). Introducing Anthropology: An Integrated Approach. 4th edition. Boston et al: McGraw-Hill • Conze, M.; Conze, E. (2000). Buddhism: A Short History. Oneworld Publications • Cohn-Sherbok, L.; Cohn-Sherbok, D. (1999). Judaism: A Short Introduction. Oneworld Publications. • Couliano, I.; Eliade, C.; Wiesner, H. (1991). The Harpercollins Concise Guide to World Religions. Harpercollins Publishers. • Religionfacts website, (www.religionfacts.com)

  16. Image Sources: • Slide 5: http://mech.ioe.edu.np/pragati/Gautama%20Siddhattha%20Buddha_files/buddhadream.jpg • Slide 7: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2593/4018250989_cdecfe78ee.jpg • Slide 9: http://www.irfwp.org/content/archives/indra.jpg , http://www.chennaimuseum.org/draft/gallery/03/01/012/images/vayu.jpg , http://www.eprarthana.com/images/gallery/others/agni.jpg • Slide 11: http://www.dhikrullah.com/lectures/images/lectures/qadhi/angels.jpg • Slide 13: http://www.ucdesigners.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/stockxpertcom_id21589-world1-1024x794.jpg • Slide 15: http://www.majikalwishes.com/picts/religions_earth.jpg

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