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APA, Division 52. &

APA, Division 52. & The Interamerican Society of Psychology: A Fruitful Collaboration Andrés J. Consoli - UCSB Judith L. Gibbons - SLU Héctor Torres - TCSPP. APA, Division 52, & The Interamerican Society of Psychology: A Fruitful Collaboration Andrés J. Consoli - UCSB Judith L. Gibbons – SLU

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APA, Division 52. &

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  1. APA, Division 52. & The Interamerican Society of Psychology:A Fruitful CollaborationAndrés J. Consoli - UCSBJudith L. Gibbons - SLUHéctor Torres - TCSPP

  2. APA, Division 52, & The Interamerican Society of Psychology: A Fruitful CollaborationAndrés J. Consoli - UCSBJudith L. Gibbons – SLU Héctor Torres - TCSPP • Presentation Outline • Brief overview of SIP • Collaborations with APA • Collaborations with Div 52

  3. SIP Sociedad Interamericana de PsicologíaInteramerican Society of PsychologySociedade Interamericana de PsicologiaSociété Interaméricaine de Psychologiewww.sipsych.org founded in México, DF, on December 17, 1951

  4. SIP Objectives to foster scientific, academic, and professional collaborations among persons (NA-CA-Ca-SA). to contribute in the development of psychology as a science and as a profession in all of the countries of the Americas. to facilitate international understandings through a broader comprehension of cultural similarities and differences beyond national borders.

  5. SIP’s Organizational Structure SIP’s Board of Directors SIP’s Central Office National Representatives

  6. SIP’s Collaboration with APA Interamerican Congresses (34 in 16 different countries, every other year) Regional Congresses (5 in as many countries – Guatemala, Cuba, Paraguay, Bolivia, El Salvador) Seed monies Ambulatory Library – APA booth APA Reception – APA president

  7. SIP’s Collaboration with APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology CIRP members also SIP members Recognition APA: Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology Rubén Ardila & Maria Cristina Richaud SIP: Interamerican Psychologist Award Albert Bandura, Alice Eagly, Robert Sternberg, Judith Gibbons

  8. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 Outstanding International Psychologist Awards 2010: Oliva Espin (U.S.) & Maria del Pilar Grazioso (non-U.S.) 2007: Martha E. Givaudan Moreno (non-U.S.) 2003: John G. Adair (non-U.S.)
 2002: Harry C. Triandis (U.S.) & Susan Pick (Mexico)

  9. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation Edited by Judith Gibbons SIP’s President, 2013-2015

  10. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International Perspectives in Psychology Mission: to publish international research that addresses the everyday issues that people face. Recent examples: Construction of wife and mother identities in women’s talk of intrafamily violence in Saraycık-Turkey by Gülden Güvenç. Attitudes and behaviors regarding traffic regulations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by Wondwesen Girma Mamo and Deanna Haney, Yaya: Philippine domestic care workers, the children they care for, and the children they leave behind by Maria Rosario T. de Guzman Bribe taking acceptability and bribe payment among Thai organizational employees: The mediating effect of reciprocity obligation by Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs and Chanchira Hongladarom

  11. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 Interamerican Society of Psychology (SIP) Some current efforts in SIP: Sponsor Interamerican Congress of Psychology in Lima, Peru, 2015 Sponsor Regional Congress in Rosario, Argentina in 2016 Collaborate with other international organizations, including APA Increase membership, particularly in North America Recognize the rights and needs of unaccompanied child migrants

  12. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International Psychology Bulletin Series featuring the accomplishments of the recipients of the Interamerican Awards Spanish/Portuguese Rogelio Díaz Guerrero Consoli, A. J., & Morgan Consoli, M. L. (2012). Psychology in Latin America: Legacies and contributions - Part 1. International Psychology Bulletin, 16 (3), 71-74. Consoli, A. J., Morgan Consoli, M. L., & Klappenbach, H. (2013). Psychology in Latin America: Legacies and contributions - Part 2. International Psychology Bulletin, 17 (2),36-41. Consoli, A. J., Morgan Consoli, M. L., & Klappenbach, H. (in preparation). Psychology in Latin America: Legacies and contributions - Part 3. International Psychology Bulletin.

  13. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International Psychology Bulletin Heritage Mentoring Project Neal Rubin & Grant Rich Series featuring distinguished Latin American Psychologists Consoli, A. J., Corbella Santoma, S., & Morgan Consoli, M. L. (2013). International engagement as oxygen: Héctor Fernández Álvarez - Argentina. International Psychology Bulletin, 17 (1),39-42. Consoli, A. J., Pérez Acosta, A. & Morgan Consoli, M. L. (in preparation). Heritage mentoring project: Rubén Ardila - Colombia. International Psychology Bulletin.

  14. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International handbook of psychological ethics Edited by M. Leach, M. Stevens, G. Lindsay, A. Ferrero, & Y. Korkut Consoli, A. J., Ardila, R., & Ferrero, A. (2012). Psychological ethics by Region: Latin and South America. In M. Leach, M. Stevens, G. Lindsay, A. Ferrero, & Y. Korkut (Eds.), International handbook of psychological ethics (pp. 308-320). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

  15. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 International case studies in mental health Edited by S. Poyrazli & C. Thompson Consoli, A. J., Hernández Tzaquitzal, M., & González, A. (2013). Mayan cosmovision and integrative counseling: A case study from Guatemala. In S. Poyrazli & C. Thompson (Eds.), International case studies in mental health (pp. 141-154). New York, NY: Sage.

  16. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 Michael Stevens Current Secretary for North America of SIP Previous Roles in Division 52 President Treasurer Member-at-Large Chair, Award Committee Chair, Finance Committee Chair, International Liaisons Committee Chair, Information Clearinghouse Committee Chair, Nominations & Elections Committee Chair, Teaching and Curriculum Committee Co-chair, Program Committee

  17. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 National Latina/o Psychological Association (NLPA) Presidential Initiative Latina/o identities across borders & International Engagement Chaired by Héctor Torres

  18. SIP’s Collaboration with Div 52 NLPA International Liaison Goals Internationalization work group identify and support opportunities for international partnerships and collaborations Facilitate awareness and advocate for the inclusion of international/global perspective in the organization’s discussions, publications, and other means of communication.

  19. Contact information Andrés Consoli aconsoli@education.ucsb.edu Judith Gibbons gibbonsjl@slu.edu Héctor Torres htorres@thechicagoschool.edu

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