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Exocytosis and endocytosis Anne Kenworthy, Ph.D. Dept. of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics 718 Light Hall
2. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
3. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
4. Getting molecules into cells: crossing the plasma membrane Diffusion across the plasma membrane
water, gases, small molecules
Protein-mediated transport
ion channels, transporters
Pore formation
Membrane fusion
Formation and internalization of membrane-limited vesicles
5. Endocytosis Small region of the plasma membrane invaginates to form membrane-limited vesicles (0.05-0.1 mm diameter)
Internalized molecules retain topology (lumenal = extracellular)
Cargo can be specifically selected
Destination of cargo can be controlled; destination depends on pathway of uptake
Cargo receptors can be recycled to the cell surface
Conditions under which internalization occurs can be regulated
6. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
8. 1. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis
9. Compartments and pathways in clathrin-mediated endocytosis
10. 2. Caveolae
11. Caveolar endocytosis
12. Caveolar endocytosis Caveolae are 50-100 nm invaginations on the cells surface
Caveolin, a membrane protein, is the coat protein of caveolae
Do not undergo constitutive endocytosis but can undergo endocytosis in response to a signal (ex. SV40 binding) in a cholesterol- and dynamin-dependent fashion
Internalized caveolae recruit actin to form comet tails
Upon internalization caveolae are delivered to novel endosomal compartments known as caveosomes
13. 3. Non-clathrin/non-caveolae Currently poorly understood
Defined by process of elimination
Multiple mechanisms for testing for clathrin-mediated uptake mechanisms
Both caveolae and clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves dynamin
Caveolae endocytosis can be inhibited by dominant negative caveolin
Caveolae endocytosis is inhibited by cholesterol depletion
Emerging theme: involves detergent-resistant membranes/ lipid rafts
14. Lipid rafts Membrane microdomains enriched in glycolipids and cholesterol
Function by segregation: some proteins are enriched in rafts, others are excluded
Participate in TGN-to-PM trafficking of apically-destined proteins
Function at the PM in endocytosis and in organizing cell signaling pathways
Controversial model
15. 4. Pinocytosis/ phagocytosis Pinocytosis: internalization of fluid
Actin dependent
Generated at sites of ruffling at the plasma membrane
Includes macropinocytosis (vesicles > 1 mm in diameter) and micropinocytosis (vesicles < 200nm in diameter)
Phagocytosis: internalization of particles
Occurs in specialized cells ex. neutrophils and macrophages
Actin dependent
Clathrin independent
Particles > 0.5 mm in diameter
16. Phagocytosis vs. clathrin-mediated endocytosis
17. How can you tell if endocytosis is clathrin mediated? Should be inhibited by
Overexpression of mutant forms of coat proteins- dominant negatives (DN) interfere with function of normal proteins
DN Dynamin K44A (also inhibits caveolae)
DN Eps15- binds AP-2, arrests coat assembly
Clathrin hub domain overexpression
Expression of m2 subunit of AP-2 (affects YXXŘ but not di-leucine containing proteins)
Potassium depletion or incubation in hypertonic medium- interfere with clathrin coat assembly
Typically use a marker for this pathway (ex. transferrin) as a positive control in conjunction with these treatments to show they are effective
18. How can various endocytic routes be further differentiated experimentally?
19. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
20. Some of the functions of endocytosis Nutrient uptake
Receptor recycling
Plasma membrane protein downregulation and/or degradation
Synaptic vesicle recycling
Transcellular signaling
Exploitation: virus and toxin entry into cells
21. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles are a carrier for cholesterol
LDL particles are taken up by clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Mutant LDL receptors in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia are defective in internalization
ex. tyrosine to cysteine change in YXXŘ motif in cytosolic domain
The ligand and receptor separate in late endosomes due to low pH
The LDL receptor is recycled to the cell surface
The LDL particle is broken down in lysosomes
22. Transferrin is a glycoprotein that binds and transports iron
Apotransferrin = iron-free
Ferrotransferrin = two bound iron atoms
Transferrin receptors bind ferrotransferrin at neutral pH
At low pH (of late endosomes), iron releases from transferrin while apotransferrin remains bound to the receptor
Apotransferrin and the transferrin receptor are recycled to the cell surface where apotransferrin is released
23. Removal of activated receptors from the cell surface i.e. receptor downregulation Ligand binding induces receptor internalization
Targets receptors for degradation
Some receptors can continue to signal until they are incorporated into multivesicular bodies
24. Some viruses like influenza exploit the low pH in endosomes as a fusion trigger
25. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
28. Sorting signal for clathrin-mediated endocytosis AP-2 is the PM clathrin adaptor
Sorting signals for incorporation into clathrin coated pits include di-leucine motifs and YXXŘ
Many other regulatory proteins involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis
Sorting signals into non-clathrin endocytic pathways are not well understood
29. Protein-protein interactions that suggest a link between endocytic and cytoskeletal machinery Actin filaments faciliate clathrin-mediated endocytosis under some conditions but disruption of filaments does not universally inhibit vesicle formation in higher eukaryotes
Genetic evidence in yeast indicates a link between actin and endocytosis
Actin tails associate with some endocytic vesicles
30. Endocytosis Why do cells need endocytosis?
Is there more than one endocytic pathway ?
Clathrin-mediated uptake
Non-clathrin/non-caveolae pathways
Pinocytosis/ Phagocytosis
What are the functional consequences of endocytosis?
How are endocytic structures formed and how do they know where to go?
Where do the textbook models come from?
31. Example from the literature:defining a clathrin-independent internalization pathway How does cholera toxin get inside cells?
32. Cholera toxin modifies Gsa subunits and constitutively activates adenylyl cyclase Cholera toxin binds to and enters intestinal cells
Once inside the cell, it covalently modifies a heterotrimeric G-protein
Leads to persistant adenylyl cyclase activation, elevation of cAMP, and chloride secretion
Causes diarrhea
33. How does cholera toxin (CTX) get to the right place to do its dirty work?
34. Endocytosis and retrograde transport of bacterial protein toxins
35. Is cholera toxin internalized to the Golgi complex by a clathrin-dependent process? Epsin and eps15 mutants inhibit clathrin-mediated transferrin (Tf) uptake to recycling endosomes
Epsin and eps15 mutants do not affect cholera toxin B-subunit (CTXB) uptake to the Golgi complex (marked by b-COP)
Suggests CTXB is delivered to the Golgi complex by a clathrin-independent pathway
36. Does internalized CTXB pass through early endosomes? Early endosome function requires the GTPase Rab5
Dominant negative rab5 S34N (GDP bound) expression perturbs early endosomes and blocks transferrin uptake
Rab5 S34N does not affect delivery of CTXB to the Golgi complex
Suggests CTXB does not pass through early endosomes
37. Current questions What are the physiological cargo carried by non-clathrin mediated endocytic pathways?
How does cholera toxin get targeted into caveolae/ lipid rafts?
What role does caveolin play in the internalization of cholera toxin?
Do clathrin-mediated and non-clathrin mediated endocytic pathways intersect?
What cellular machinery is responsible for non-clathrin pathways?