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PERAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN DALAM BIDANG EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL. Menurut Anda , bagaimanakah cara meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing perekonomian Indonesia ?. WHAT ENTREPRENEURS DO?. Taxes/Govt. Revenues. Higher Productivity & Innovations. Poverty Alleviation. EMPLOYMENT & INCOME GENERATION. Output &
MenurutAnda, bagaimanakahcarameningkatkankeunggulanbersaingperekonomian Indonesia ?
WHAT ENTREPRENEURS DO? Taxes/Govt. Revenues Higher Productivity &Innovations Poverty Alleviation EMPLOYMENT & INCOME GENERATION Output & Exports ENTERPRISES Wealth ENTREPRENEURS
PeranKewirausahaan • Terjadiperubahanstrukturperekonomian, dimanaprinsipskalaekonomis yang dikuasiperusahaanbesarmulaidigeserolehprinsipfleksibilitasdaninovasiperusahaankecilmenengah • Kewirausahaanseringdikaitkandenganfungsi-fungsi • Inovasidlmpencariankombinasifaktor-faktorekonomiuntukmemenuhikebutuhanmanusia • Pengelolaansumberdayasecaraefektifdanmenguntungkanmelaluipenciptaanusahabaru • Penciptaankesejahteraanmelaluipembukaanlapanganpekerjaan • Namunwirausahatidakhanyaberada di dalamaktivitasekonomitetapiiajugaberadapadakehidupansosial
HirarkiPeranKewirausahaan Scope of activity (Wickham,1998)
Perankewirausahaandalaminovasi • Wirausahasebagaidisruptor • Wirausahasebagaiopportunity identifier • Wirausahasebagairisk taker • Wiruasahasebagairesources shifter • Wiruasahasebagaibreakthrough innovator
Inovasi & Perubahan • “innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service” (Drucker, 1997) • Dalambisnisinovasiberarti • A new way of delivering an existing product or service • A new way of informing the consumer about a product and promoting it to them • New ways of organizing labor and capital in order to produce the product or service • New approach to managing relationship with consumers and others organization
Type Perusahaan berdasarkantingkatInovasi • Elephant-the typical large, slow growth companies that unresponsive to change in the economy • Mice-small, no-growth firms • Gazelles-new ventures that grow rapidly and are based on significant innovation
PeranKewirausahaandalamEkonomi Entrepreneur as a catalyst of economy growth and national competitiveness
DayaSaingEkonomi • World Economic Forum (WEF) adalahsalahsatulembaga yang melakukanpemeringkatanposisidayasaingsuatunegara • Dayasaing (competitiveness) menurut WEF adalah “the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity of a country.” • Sedangkanpengertiantingkatproduktifitas (the level of productivity) adalah “the level of prosperity that can be earned by an economy”. .
Tingkat DayaSaingEkonomiberdasarKunciPertumbuhan Factor -driven Efficiency-driven Innovation-driven Basic requirement-----------Efficiency enhancers ---------Entrepreneurship conditions
Kontribusi UMKM thd Export, thdkeseluruhanperusahaan, danthdpenciptaanlapanganpekerjaan di beberapanegara Asia-Pasifik 2001-2009
JumlahTenagaKerja di Indonesia berdasarkanskalausaha , 2005-2012