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Gender of Nouns

Gender of Nouns. Natural gender vs. Grammatical gender 3 grous of nouns : masculine ( der-nouns ), neuter ( das-nouns ), feminine ( die-nouns ) The definite articles der, das, die function like the English definite article the

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Gender of Nouns

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gender of Nouns Natural gender vs. Grammatical gender • 3 grous of nouns: masculine (der-nouns), neuter (das-nouns), feminine (die-nouns) • The definite articles der, das, die function like the English definite article the • Most nouns referring to males are der-nouns, most nouns referring to females are die-nouns, and most nouns referring to young beings are das-nouns • Der Junge (the boy), but das Mädchen (the girl): nouns ending in –chen are das-nouns

  2. Genders and Nouns Masculine Neuter Feminine der Mann das Kind die Frau der Computer das Radio die Lampe All nouns in German take the gender of either masculine, neuter or feminine Capitalize ALL nouns in German ALL THE TIME!

  3. DerBleistift

  4. Der MP3-Player

  5. Der Computer

  6. DerFernseher

  7. DerKugelschreiber (Kuli)

  8. Der Rucksack

  9. DerStuhl

  10. DerTisch

  11. DerSchreibtisch

  12. Das Buch

  13. Das Fenster

  14. Die Tür

  15. Die Uhr

  16. Die Landkarte

  17. Die Tafel

  18. Die Tafellappen

  19. Der Marker

  20. Die Lehrerin

  21. Der Lehrer

  22. DerRechner

  23. DerRadiergummi

  24. Das Lineal

  25. Die CD

  26. Klasse/Klassenzimmer

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