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2012 CCOSA Legislative Report. Steven Crawford Andrea Kunkel Ryan Owens. Hot Topics. Laws Impacting School Districts Laws Impacting Employees Laws Impacting Career Technology Centers Laws Impacting Students, Curriculum and Assessment Laws Impacting State Programs / Agencies
2012 CCOSA Legislative Report Steven Crawford Andrea Kunkel Ryan Owens
Hot Topics • Laws Impacting School Districts • Laws Impacting Employees • Laws Impacting Career Technology Centers • Laws Impacting Students, Curriculum and Assessment • Laws Impacting State Programs / Agencies • State Budget and Funding Information
HB 2306 – Education Omnibus Bill • HB 2306 requires RSA plans to be electronically submitted and annually updated. • HB 2306 requires districts to report the highest-achieved state test performance level, rather than student performance level, on EOI exams. • HB 2306 deletes the requirement for districts to submit four-year capital improvement plans to the SDE. • HB 2306 requires persistently lowest-achieving schools to annually update and submit their school improvement plan, including alt. ed. plans, to the SDE. • Effective 90 days after Adjournment.
HB 3000 & HB 2306 – School Boards • HB 3000 prohibits members, elected to a full term of office (HB 2306 prohibits members appointed), from being reappointed or reelected to the local board of education if the member fails to earn required continuing education credits. • HB 3000 prohibits appointment or reelection for a full term. • Effective May 7, 2012.
HB 2285 – Alternative Certification • HB 2285 extends the deadline for alternative certification of SPED, early childhood and elementary education teachers to July 1, 2014. • Effective July 1, 2012.
HB 2684 – Support Personnel • HB 2684 defines support personnel, for purposes of FBA, as persons working a minimum of six hours per day for a minimum of 1,032 hours per year. • Effective July 1, 2012.
HB 2727 – Substitute Teachers • HB 2727 deletes the current prohibition on non-certified subs serving a maximum of 20 days in a single assignment and allows local boards to decide length of placement. • Effective November 1, 2012.
HB 2330 – Background Checks • HB 2330 authorizes state agencies, higher education institutions, career technology centers and common education institutions to use nationally approved third-party vendors to conduct background screenings. • Effective November 1, 2012.
HB 2306 – Substitute Background Checks • HB 2306 allows school districts to employ returning employees as substitute teachers, without a national background search, if the returning substitute teacher previously served as a full-time teacher in the same district for at least ten consecutive years preceding the application to serve as a substitute teacher. If the substitute applies in another district a national background search shall be performed. • Effective 90 days after Adjournment.
HB 3043 – Government Construction Act • HB 3043 prohibits districts from discriminating or preferring contractors based on their status / willingness to collectively bargain with their employees. • Effective November 1, 2012.
SB 1882 – Use of School Facilities • SB 1882 allows local school boards to open indoor and outdoor school facilities, outside of normal operating hours, to the public for recreational purposes. • SB 1882 provides protection from liability for any claim or loss resulting from use of the facilities. • Effective November 1, 2012.
SB 1316 – Use of School Facilities • SB 1316 protects school districts from liability for any loss or claim resulting from use of a school facility during an emergency. • Effective November 1, 2012.
HB 2750 - Safety • HB 2750 authorizes a superintendent and/or principal to order any person attending an official school activity or field trip to leave if the person threatens the peaceful conduct of students. • Effective November 1, 2012.
HB 2244 - Alternative Certification • HB 2244 changes the grade point average requirement for alternative placement certificates from 2.5 cumulative to 2.5 retention. • Effective Nov. 1, 2012.
SB 1565 – Dyslexia Training • SB 1565 authorizes the State Regents for higher education to create a comprehensive dyslexia teacher training pilot program. • Effective May 3, 2012.
HB 2790 – Superintendent Certification • HB 2790 allows persons who have completed a M.Ed. or coursework deemed similar by OCTP to approved programs between 7/1/05 and 7/1/12 to sit for the superintendent certification exam. • Effective 90 days after adjournment.
HB 2790 – National Board Certification • HB 2790 extends the moratorium on OCTP accepting any new National Board Certification applications until June 30, 2013. • Effective 90 days after adjournment.
HB 2623 - OTRS • HB 2623 requires any member of OTRS convicted of a felony, while employed in a district, to forfeit OTRS benefits. • HB 2623 allows convicted felon OTRS members to keep all employee contributions. • Effective November 1, 2012.
HB 2320 - OTRS • HB 2320 authorizes the Board of Trustees of OTRS to invest up to 10% of the total value of assets of the system in real property owned or to be acquired by the State of Oklahoma. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1056 – Trade Certifications • SB 1056 authorizes career technology districts to establish pilot programs to increase the number of students taking industry certification exams. • Career technology districts are authorized to make general fund expenditures to pay for certification exams. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1863 – Post-Military Credentials • SB 1863 requires the board of a career technology center to adopt a policy to award educational credit to students enrolling within three years of honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces. • SB 1863 authorizes career technology centers to use the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services when assigning educational credits. • Effective November 1, 2012.
SB 1182 – Building Fund • SB 1182 allows career technology centers to use building funds to purchase / pay for: • Computer Systems • Student Transportation • Grounds Maintenance • Instructional and Maintenance Equipment • Effective July 1, 2012.
HB 2970 - ACE • HB 2970 requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules creating an appeal process for students denied a standard diploma for failure to meet the requirements of ACE. • HB 2970 provides students 30 days to appeal to the State Board of Education. • HB 2970 provides SBE 45 days to act on the appeal. • Effective April 18, 2012.
HB 3090 – Lindsey Nicole Henry Program • HB 3090 allows the SDE to prorate a scholarship to reflect the number of days in the current school year in which a student is enrolled in a private school. • HB 3090 allows the SDE to notify private schools of scholarship amounts within 10 days of determining State Aid Factors for the current fiscal year. • HB 3090 creates the “Rethinking Special Education, Competency and Transition Taskforce” until May 31, 2013. • Effective 90 days after adjournment.
HB 2494 – Grading Schools A-F • HB 2494 adds to the data to be collected for purposes of grading high schools A through F. • HB 2494 will include AP courses taught at technology centers or regional sites of OSSM, including cooperative college alliance credit courses, to count towards the sending high school’s grade of A through F. • Effective 90 days after adjournment.
HB 2511 – Reading Screening Tests • HB 2511 authorizes the State Board of Education to approve reading screening instruments (removes current restriction of three). • HB 2511 requires the SBE to adopt one instrument that assesses for phonological awareness, phonics, reading fluency & comprehension; has data management system with diagnostic capability. • Effective 90 days after adjournment.
HB 2516 – Social Promotion Ban • HB 2516 requires screening of kindergarten students. • HB 2516 takes away the authority of teachers to notify parents / guardians of a student the teacher believes has an undiagnosed health issue interfering with the student’s ability to read. • HB 2516 provides a good cause exemption to students with an IEP requiring OAAP testing. • HB 2516 requires principals to document and assess good cause exemption claims and make a retention/promotion recommendation to the superintendent. • HB 2516 distributes remediation formula on a per student basis; taking total available funds and dividing by the total number of students in need of remediation. • Effective July 1, 2012.
HB 2641 – Counseling Students • HB 2641 authorizes the Office of Juvenile Affairs to identify to school districts an evidence-based individual and group counseling program that prevents self-defeating, destructive, or disruptive behavior. • The program is subject to the availability of funds. • Effective 90 days after Adjournment.
SB 1119 – Hearing / Visual Impairments • SB 1119 requires local districts to provide parents / guardians of students with hearing / visual impairments with written information about programs offered at the School for the Deaf / School for Blind during the IEP process. • SB 1119 requires district staff working with such students to have access to resources and information provided by the School for the Deaf / School for Blind. • Rules will be developed by the Commission for Rehabilitation Services. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1228 – Virtual Students • SB 1228 deletes the requirement for the SBE to adopt rules creating an electronic student transfer system which doesn’t require a student to personally appear when seeking to transfer to another district. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1816 – Virtual Charter School • SB 1816 authorizes the SBE to sponsor one statewide virtual charter school for the purposes of providing full-time virtual programs to Oklahoma students. • SB 1816 does not stop districts from offering full-time virtual instruction to non-resident students; but does impose new reporting requirements. • SB 1816 creates a statewide virtual charter school board and requires the SDE to staff the statewide board. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1797 – Consolidation of Education Agencies • SB 1797 creates the Commission for Education, Instruction Quality and Accountability, beginning January 1, 2013. • SB 1797 places the Office of Accountability and the Commission for Teacher Preparation under the newly- created Commission. • Requires collaborative creation of rules regarding teacher preparation programs among SBE, OSRHE, OSBCTE. • Total implementation of the mandate occurs by January 1, 2015.
HB 2676 – Bridge to Literacy • HB 2676 requires the SBE to establish the Bridge to Literacy Program to improve reading skills for students up to the 4th grade. • Before 10.1.12, and each 10.1 thereafter that the program is funded, the SDE shall issue an RFP seeking to award grantmoney to private (non-school) entities delivering reading programs to students. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SB 1975 – GA Bill • SB 1975 provides the general appropriation: • Formula: $ 1,007,314,081.00 • 1017 Fund: $ 726,162,530.00 • Technology Revolving: $ 47,372,299.00 • Mineral Leasing (2013): $ 3,800,000.00 • Lottery (2013): $ 25,873,305.00 • Lottery (2011): $ 3,529,510.00 • Special Cash Fund: $ 1,463,127.00 • Mineral Lease (2011): $ 576,503.00
SDE Line Items / Activities Budget • FBA – • Certified Staff: $226,842,833.00 • Support Staff: $117,321,148.00 • Total Appropriation: $344,163,981.00 • National Board Teachers: $ 11,695,000.00 • Speech Path, Audiologist Bonuses: $ 3,247,350.00 • Alternative Education: $ 14,877,366.00 • Reading Sufficiency Act: $ 6,952,869.00 • Sooner Start / Early Intervention: $ 14,417,922.00 • Early Childhood Pilot Program: $ 10,000,000.00 • Federal School Lunch Match: $ 4,960,288.00 • OTRS Offset Credit: $ 35,311,375.00 • Truancy Program in Urban County: $ 185,000.00 • Unrestricted Program Funding: $ 7,925,974.00 • Textbook Funding to SDE*: $ 33,000,000.00 • Total SDE Activities Appropriation: $486,737,125.00**
SB 1443 – Moratorium on Accreditation Standards • SB 1443 extends the moratorium on withdrawal of accreditation for failure to meet certain requirements: • Class size • Library / Media Expenditure • Textbooks • Moratorium is extended until June 30, 2014. • Effective May 10, 2012.
HB 3056 - FBA • HB 3056 requires the SBE to first fully fund the Flexible Benefit Allowance, in absence of a line item appropriation, from funds appropriated in the SDE Activity Account. • HB 3056 requires the SDE to disburse FBA payments to districts using the same formula used by the Legislature to fund FBA. • HB 3056 changes the eligible / participating employee count from May 1st to February of each year. • Effective July 1, 2012.
Textbook Funding SB 1816 SB 1535 Provides a new appropriation of $3 million to SBE to be sent to districts for the purchase of textbooks. Effective July 1, 2012. • Amends SB 1975 to redirect $30 million in textbook funding back to districts and away from the SDE. • Authorizes the SDE to retain $3 million in textbook funding for use in other SDE programs. • Effective July 1, 2012.
SJR 52 – Intangible Personal Property • SJR 52 will send a question to the people of Oklahoma regarding the assessment of tax on intangible personal property for both locally and centrally assessed entities. • The Oklahoma Tax Commission estimates that SJR 52 has a $50 million statewide impact – costing common schools over $32 million. • This will be a State Question on the November 2012 ballot.
SQ 758 – Cap on Homestead and Agriculture Property • SQ 758 will be on the November 2012 ballot and will ask Oklahomans whether to lower the cap on fair cash valuation of homestead and agricultural property from 5% to 3%. • SQ 758 jeopardizes growth revenue for common schools and career technology centers.
SDE Rules • Reading Sufficiency Act • Student Transfer • Bullying • GED • Gifted and Talented • Grading Schools A Through F • Supplemental Online Education • ACE Appeals • Alternative Certification – World Languages • Social Studies PASS Skills