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Chapter 10

Water erosion. Chapter 10. 1. Water cycle-. Each part of the cycle drives the other parts. . A.____________- water changing to water vapor. evaporation. A. ____________________ - evaporation from ice ;. sublimation. A. __________ Evaporation from plants. transpiration.

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Chapter 10

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  1. Water erosion Chapter 10

  2. 1. Water cycle- Each part of the cycle drives the other parts.

  3. A.____________- water changing to water vapor evaporation

  4. A. ____________________ - evaporation from ice; sublimation

  5. A. __________ Evaporation from plants transpiration

  6. condensation • _ -changing water vapor • into liquid form

  7. precipitation C. ___________- liquid or solid form of water falling to Earth

  8. 2. ______________- a network of rills, gullies, which join to form rivers River system

  9. 3.________-rainwater that does notsoak into the ground or evaporate runoff

  10. 4. Factors that influence runoff: A. type of land B. slope C. amount of rain D. time span in which rain falls E. amount of vegetation F. climate/temperature

  11. 5. __________- a stream or river that flows into a larger river tributary

  12. 6. ____________- also called a______________ the LAND that supplies water to a river system; the land from which a river collects __________ watershed drainage basin runoff

  13. Largest watershed in the US- Mississippi

  14. 7. Water Erosion Features

  15. rill and gully erosion • small streams • form and erode a groove into the • land; if it continues a gully will form. (channel)

  16. stream erosion B. ____________ -water continually erodes the same path making a__________ and ___________ river deeper wider

  17. floodplain C.___________ fertile area covered by sediment caused by frequent flooding

  18. meander D. __________- When a river or stream begins to curve back and forth

  19. Meandering

  20. oxbow lake • ___________a piece of a meander that has • been cut off from the main river

  21. F. _____________- wide, sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountain range alluvial fan

  22. delta fan G.______sediments dropped in a _____ shape at the mouth of a river

  23. H.________an earthen barrier built along a river levee

  24. groundwater 8. ____________water that sinks (leaches) into the porous parts of Earth’s crust (about 90% of all fresh water)

  25. 9. ______- a ridge of land that separates watersheds divide

  26. pond 10. ______- a small body of still fresh water

  27. 11. ________- the place where an organism lives and obtains all the things needed to survive habitat

  28. 12. ________-a lake (manmade or natural) that stores water for human use reservoir

  29. wetlands 13. _________- land covered with water all or part of the year (marshes, swamps, or bogs)

  30. 14. ________- where mouth of a river opens to the ocean; fresh and salt water mix estuary • Not as salty • Nutrientrich • Important habitat

  31. Why is an estuary like a… Sponge? An estuary soaks up water. As excess rains flood rivers and streams, wetlands form to absorb water that may otherwise flood dry living areas needed by both animals and people. Hotel? As birds migrate hundreds and thousands of miles across North America, they stop in marshes and estuaries to eat and rest before continuing on their journey. Egg beater? A coastal wetland is a place for nutrient-rich freshwater from a river or stream to mix with saltwater from the bays. As plants photosynthesize, oxygen is added to the mix. Fishes and shellfish take advantage of this life-giving soup. Cradle? An estuary provides a protective haven for young animals: plenty of food and places to hide from predators. Sea grasses and other vegetation give cover.

  32. Strainer? The grasses of an estuary act like a sieve. Soil, branches, leaves, and even trash that has washed into the estuary are strained. This allows cleaner water to pass on downstream and into the Gulf of Mexico. Cereal? Plants absorb nutrients and help cycle them through the food web. As the grasses of the estuaries decay, or rot, a nutritious food for animals and fertilizer for other plant life are supplied. Soap? Estuaries trap, neutralize, and decompose sewage and other wastes. Excess nutrients and chemical toxins are absorbed as well. Through chemical reactions and processing by plants, water is cleaned before it passes downstream.

  33. permeability low 15. ___________ rockswith a _______ density; many spaces

  34. 16.________________rocks with a ____ density; tightly packed impermeability high

  35. water table 17. _____________- upper surface of the zone of saturation

  36. Zone of saturation • _________________ -area where water fills • up a permeable layer.

  37. Zone of aeration B. ___________________- area of crust filled with air

  38. 18. __________ underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water aquifer

  39. spring 19._____________- where the water table is close to the Earth’s surface, water may ooze out to form a spring; ____________- form when groundwater comes in contact with hot underground rocks. hot springs

  40. 20. ___________ - water under pressure raises to the surface because of the abundance of water in an aquifer. artesian well

  41. permeable impermeable

  42. geysers 21. ________- hot springs that are forced upward through a small opening

  43. The End

  44. young stream A. ___________ moves _______, may have white water rapids and waterfalls; high level of energy; erodes ________ swiftly bottom sides faster than the ______

  45. ___________________flows less swiftly; • erodes waterfall rocks away; more • gentle gradient; begins to _____________ • (curve back and forth) mature stream meander

  46. old stream C. __________flows slowly through a floodplain; has ______ meanders wide

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