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Quark and Gluon Jet Fragmentation Differences

Quark and Gluon Jet Fragmentation Differences. Andrey Korytov. Abstracts covered in this talk 5-0081 Fragmentation differences of quark and gluon jets at the Tevatron (CDF) 5-0437 Charged particle multiplicities in 3-jet events and two-gluon systems (DELPHI). CDF. k T =1 GeV/c.

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Quark and Gluon Jet Fragmentation Differences

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  1. Quark and Gluon Jet Fragmentation Differences Andrey Korytov • Abstracts covered in this talk • 5-0081 Fragmentation differences of quark and gluon jets at the Tevatron (CDF) • 5-0437 Charged particle multiplicities in 3-jet events and two-gluon systems (DELPHI)

  2. CDF kT=1 GeV/c Multiplicity in Gluon and Quark Jets: Theory • Parton shower stage—challenge for pQCD calculations in very soft domain (kT < 1 GeV): • resummation at LLA and NLLA precision: - start out from color singlet - small opening angles around jet direction - r = Ng/Nq = CA/CF = 9/4 = 2.25 • continues flow of papers since mid-1980 to include corrections going beyond the NLLA accuracy most recent r = Ng/Nq = 1.4-1.7 (Q=20-100 GeV) • Hadronization stage—still a mystery: • Believed to be local, independent of jet origin: Nhadrons = K  Npartons (Local Parton-Hadron Duality) kT

  3. Multiplicity in Gluon and Quark Jets: Experiment • Proved to be a hard measurement: • continuous flow of papers from e+e- experiments (15+ papers over last 15 years): r = Ng/Nq ranged from 1 to 1.5

  4. r-measurement history 2.5 NLL extensions 2.0 HRS OPAL 1.5 SLD r = Ng / Nq ALEPH DELPHI 1.0 CLEO CDF 0.5 0.0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year Gluon vs. Quark Jets: Historical Perspective Ratio r = Nch(gluon jet) / Nch(quark jet) CA /CF =9/4 (LLA, NLLA)

  5. DELPHI: Theory behind the new analysis • Eden et al., 1998: New look at relationship between Ngg and Nqq multiplicities • - Predict Ngg from Nqq (e+e-) data. • - Match Integration constant to reproduce • experimental Nch multiplicity in Υ-decays. • Eden et al., 1999: Multiplicity in 3-jet events (e+e- data) can be written as a sum of • a) restricted multiplicity in qq-system (two energy scales) • b) half of unrestricted multiplicity in gg-system (single energy scale) •  Eden “A” • No consensus on proper scales! • Eden “B” • Various scales appearing in formulae above:

  6. Jet 1 3 1 Jet 3 Jet 2 DELPHI: Multiplicity in 3-jet events • DATA • s=91 GeV • Events clustered in 3 jets • Two independent variables: • 1 and 3 • q- and g-jets are not identified • on event-by-event basis • THEORY (with experimental input): • Eden “A” • Eden “B”

  7. DELPHI: Ngg from 3-jet events • Use preferred Eden “A”: • Ngg(kLe) is obtained from • 1) Nqqg = N3-jet(1, 3): measured multiplicity • 2) Constrained Nqq(Lqq, kLu): evaluated from unconstrained multiplicity in e+e- data, using: Theory curve for Ngg is based on Nqq(s) data and normalized on this point

  8. DELPHI: r = (Ngg from 3-jet events) / Nqq

  9. Jet 2 cone p p Jet 1 CDF: Data analysis strategy • Dijet and g-jet events with Mjj and Mgj ~80-100 GeV • tracks are not used in jet reconstruction • Dijet events (~60% gluon jets) and g-jet events (~80% quark jets) • small uncertainties in energy range used (well known range of PDFs) • Dijet or g-jet center of mass frame: Ejet = ½Mjj or ½Mgj • Nch multiplicity in cones with opening angle q from ~0.3 to ~0.5 rad • Energy scale Q = 2Ejettan(qcone/2)  Ejetqcone •  Q=11-25 GeV (no controversy on proper scales for small opening angles) Some leading-order diagrams for g-jet events Some leading-order diagrams for dijet events

  10. two-parameter fit to CLEO (10 GeV) and OPAL (80 GeV) data CDF: Nch multiplicities in gluon and quark jets • Multiplicities measured in range of Q=11-25 GeV • Tevatron and e+e- data (Q>10 GeV) agree • E-scaling observed • Tevatron and e+e- data (Q>10 GeV) follow 3NLL trends e+e- model-dependent results

  11. CDF: ratio r = Ng / Nq • Ratio measured in range of Q=11-25 GeV: e.g., r=1.640.17 at Q=19 GeV • E-scaling observed • Data agrees with the recent NLL extensions

  12. CDF: Data vs. Monte Carlo Gluon Jets: Herwig 5.6 & Pythia 6.115 reproduce multiplicity in gluon jets fairly well Quark Jets: Herwig 5.6 & Pythia 6.115 over-estimate multiplicity in quark jets by ~30% Side Note on Pythia vs Herwig: Pythia gives ~3-4% higher multiplicity in comparison to Herwig

  13. x = p/Ejet = 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 CDF: momentum distributions of particles dN/d • Gluon jets: Herwig and Pythia are in reasonable agreement with data Quark jets: Herwig and Pythia disagree with data

  14. CDF: momentum-dependent ratio r() • Momentum distributions of charged particles in gluon and quark jets • Ratio reaches max and flattens for soft part of spectrum at ~1.80.2 • Same pattern was observed at LEP x = p/Ejet = 1 0.5 0.1 0.05

  15. Summary • CDF: • Multiplicities in gluon and quark jets and their ratio are measured for energy scales Q=11-25 GeV (analysis is model-independent): r = 1.640.17 at Q=19 GeV • Ejetcone-scaling is observed • Multiplicities and their ratio follow recent pQCD calculations pushing resummation precision beyond the Next-to-Leading Log Approximation • DELPHI: • Multiplicities in gluon jets are measured for energy scales Q=13-53 GeV (analysis is model-dependent): r ~ 1.35 ( about 1% error) at Q=20 GeV • Ratio of multiplicities in gluon and quark jets agrees with recent pQCD calculations at Q>20 GeV and is systematically lower at Q<20 GeV • Multiplicities of charged particles in 3-jet events may help to sort out uncertainties with scales to be used for describing events of complicated topologies

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