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(Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition, 2001) In text citations Reference list Courtesy of Mary Lynne Calhoun, Ph.D. (revised by Polly Haselden). Writing in APA Style. What is the APA style?.
(Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition, 2001) In text citations Reference list Courtesy of Mary Lynne Calhoun, Ph.D. (revised by Polly Haselden) Writing in APA Style
What is the APA style? • The American Psychological Association reference style is one of the Author-Date reference styles. When quoting directly or indirectly from a source, the source must be acknowledged in the text by author name, year of publication and location reference. If quoting directly, a location reference such as page numbers and paragraph numbers is also required.
Reference Citations in Text Document your study throughout the text by citing by author and date the works you researched. This style of citation briefly identifies the source for readers and enables them to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of an article.
APA has a website: • http://www.apastyle.org/
When should I use it? • APA style is primarily used in the social sciences, so if you're taking a psychology, sociology, education course, chances are you'll be expected to write papers in APA style. • It is used (required) by many academic Journals
Components of APA • Paper design and layout • Citations in text • Referencing
One Work by One Author APA journals use the author-date of method of citation; that is, the surname of the author (do not include suffixes such as Jr.) and the year of publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate point. Swanson (2000) compared reaction rates. In a recent study of reaction rates (Swanson, 2000)
One Work by One Author Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references to a study as long as the study can not be confused with other studies cited in the article: In a recent study of reaction times, Miller (2000) described the method… Miller also found….
A source with three to five authors • In all citations after the first, use the first author's name followed by et al. • First citation: (Baldwin, Bevan, & Beshalke, 2000) • Subsequent citation: (Baldwin et al., 2000)
A source with six or more authors • Use the first author's name followed by et al. in all citations • 6 authors: (Utley et al., 2001) • 7 authors: (Yawn et al., 2001)
A source with no author • Use the first few words of the title--in quotation marks for article or chapter, in italics for self-contained item ("Mad Cow," 2001) • (Sleep Medicine, 2001)
Direct quotation—In text • In the text the author and year is cited the same but if it is a direct quote then you must put the page number after the quote. • Perrin (2004) argues that "the research process is a complex combination of thinking, searching, reading, evaluating, writing and revising" (p. 1).
Citations from a secondary source • This is a big area of concern. • Must state that this is cited in… • Example • Samovar and Porter (as cited in Peterson, 2002, para.3) discuss that language must be first understood as symbols.
Reminder!!! All references are to be double spaced!!! If the reference has a second line, it should be indented. (This is very different from the fourth edition APA manual!)
References to Periodicals Elements of a reference to a periodical Finley, A. P., Jordan, O. M., & Miller, A.M. (2001). Easing through doctoral school: A student/advisor guide. Journal of Wishful Thinking ,1, 158-168.
References to Electronic Periodicals Article authors: Herman, L. M., Kuczaj, S. A., III, & Holder, M. D. Date of publication: (2001) Article title: Responses to anomalous gestural sequences by a language-trained dolphin: Evidence for processing of semantic relations and syntactic information.
Reminder Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper names; do not underline the title or place quotation marks around it.
References to periodicals Journal article, one author Bekerian, D. A. (1993). In search of the typical eyewitness. American Psychologist, 48, 574-576.
References to periodicals Journal article, two authors, journal paginated by issue Klimoski, T., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36.
References to periodicals Journal article, three to six authors Finklea, W. J. , Greene, A .G . , Jenkinson, J . R. , & Zenith, Y. Z. (2001). Role of early supervisory experience in football assessments. Journal of Applied Contact, 77, 449-498.
References to periodicals Journal article, more than six authors Kneip, R. C., Delamater, A. M , Ismond, T., Milford, C. , Salvia, L., Schwartz, D., et al. (2000). Self and spouse ratings of anger and hostility as predictors of coronary heart disease. Health Psychology, 12, 301-307.
Books Brochures, and Book Chapters Elements of a reference to an entire book Cone, J. D., & Forster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and book Chapters Book authors or editors: Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. Date of publication: (1993). Book title: Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Publication information: Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters Examples of references to entire books Book, third edition, Jr. in name Mitchell. T. R. , & Larson, J. R. , Jr. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters Massaro. D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr. , P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
References to periodicals In text, use the following parenthetical citation each time the work is cited: (Kneip et al., 1993).
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters • Elements of a reference to an entire book Cone, J. D. , & Foster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters Book authors of editors: Cone, J. D. , & Foster, S. L. Date of publication: (1993). Book title: Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Publication information: Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters • Examples of references to entire books • Book, third edition, Jr. in name Mitchell. T. R. , & Larson, J. r. , Jr. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters • Elements of a reference to an article of chapter in an edited book Massaro. D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr. , P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.) , Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters Article or chapter author: Massaro, D. Date of publication: (1992). Article or chapter title: Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. Book editors: In H. L. Pick, Jr. , P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds). Book title and article or chapter page numbers: Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Publication information: Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters *Examples of references to articles or chapters in edited books *Article or chapter in an edited book, two editors Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III & F. I. M. Craik (Eds. ) , Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309-330) . Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Books, Brochures, and Book Chapters • Remember: • For a chapter in a book that is not edited, include the word (In) before the book title.
World Wide Web Page Internet-only Journal Fredrickson, B.L. (2000, March 7). Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and well-being. Prevention and Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from http://journals.apa.org/prevention/ volume 3/ pre0030001a.html
Entire Web site • Don't put on reference list. Include URL in-text instead. • The University of Wisconsin's Writing Center Web site is an excellent source of information on writing (http://www.wisc.edu/writing/).
Direct quotation from electronic source without page numbers • Use paragraph numbers (preceded by para. or ¶); add section numbers for long documents • Universal interventions "target the general public or a whole population group that has not been identified on the basis of individual risk" (Greenberg et al., 2000, Section I, para. 20).
ERIC Document Citation Mead, J. V. (1992). Looking at old photos: Investigating…(Report NO. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning (ERIC Document Reproduction No. ED 346 082)
Margins • Use uniform margins at least 1 in. from the top, bottom, and sides of every page.
Spacing • Double-space all text throughout the manuscript, including the title page and reference page. For student papers, the APA allows some exceptions, for instance, wider spaces between text and headings, and single-spacing within reference list items and long quotations.
Indention • Use the tab key to indent the first lines of paragraphs and all lines of block quotes five to seven spaces or 1/2 in.
Typeface or Font • Use a serif typeface of 12 points, such as 12-point Times Roman or 12-point Courier. (Serifs are the "tails" that you see at the top and bottom of the letters that help readers to follow a line of text.)
Page Numbers • Starting with the title page, place consecutive page numbers at the upper right-hand corner of the page, at least 1 in. (whatever your right margin is) from the right edge of the page, between the top of the page and the first line of text (the default setting on most word-processing programs, 1/2 in. from the top of the page, is acceptable). • Use the first two or three words of your title as a page heading on every page, including the title page and reference pages. Place it five spaces to the left of the page number, using the header function of your word-processing software to place it automatically on every page. • Reference: Page 288 of the Publication Manual.
Tables Table 1 Individual Club Memberships Cross-tabulated by Gender
Figures (charts are figures) Figure 2. Employment status of respondents.
Approach 3: Ag Literate Value Judgments Evaluation Approach 2: Emergent Ag Literacy Synthesis Analysis Approach 1: Programmed Ag Literacy Application Comprehension Knowledge Figures Figure 1: Linear/hierarchical model of agriculturalliteracy (modeled after Bloom, 1965)