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The Grass Fight

The Grass Fight. On November 26, 1835, a scout named Deaf Smith brought news that Mexican soldiers were bringing horses and mules to San Antonio. The Texans suspected the mules’ saddlebags were loaded with silver to pay Mexican soldiers.

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The Grass Fight

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  1. The Grass Fight

  2. On November 26, 1835, a scout named Deaf Smith brought news that Mexican soldiers were bringing horses and mules to San Antonio.

  3. The Texans suspected the mules’ saddlebags were loaded with silver to pay Mexican soldiers.

  4. The Mexicans attacked the train of donkeys expecting to find the saddlebags filled with silver. But, to their surprise, the only thing in the saddlebags was grass to feed the animals!

  5. Siege of San Antonio(Also known as the Siege of Bexar) Have you heard about the fight between the Mexican army and the Texan army at San Antonio? The Battle of the Alamo? Well – that was the second fight. I’m going to tell you about the first one!

  6. Texans decided to drive the Mexicans out of Texas for good. They organized an army of 300 soldiers called the “Army of the People”. They elected Stephen F. Austin as their leader and they headed for San Antonio!

  7. General Cos, Santa Anna’s brother-in-law, was leading Mexican troops to San Antonio.

  8. As the “Army of the People” headed to San Antonio, they were joined by more and more volunteers. By the time they reached San Antonio, the Texan army had almost 600 soldiers.

  9. The Mexican troops led by General Cos retreated further into San Antonio after a small battle with the Texans at Mission ConcepciÓn. The Texans camped on the outskirts of San Antonio and settled in for a month long siege of San Antonio.

  10. As the siege continued, many Texan soldiers left to go home. No fighting was occurring, and many needed to get back home to their families. But, just as the Texans were ready to give up, they found out that the Mexican troops were running low on supplies and were getting very restless.

  11. The Texans met to plan an attack. Ben Milam rose and asked, “Who will go into San Antonio with old Ben Milam?” 400 of the 500 soldiers agreed to go with him. The other men stayed behind to protect their camp.

  12. The Texans attacked the Mexican army in San Antonio on December 5, 1835. Ben Milam was one of the first to fall. He died of his wounds on December 7th.

  13. The Texans fought even harder after their leader was killed. The Texans were able to take control of the San Fernando Cathedral and the Military Plaza causing the Mexican army to surrender on December 9th. General Cos waved a white flag of surrender.

  14. Almost 400 Mexican soldiers died in the Siege of San Antonio. Only 2 Texans died! It was a decisive victory for the Texan army.

  15. General Cos and his forces retreated south across the Rio Grande into Mexico. Now, no Mexican troops remained on Texas soil!Santa Anna was furious that his army had been defeated by the Texans!

  16. Ben Milam became the first hero of the Texas Revolution!

  17. The Battle of Gonzales

  18. The citizens of Gonzales had a small cannon that had been given to them to use as protection against Native Americans. A Mexican colonel named Ugartechea decided to send Mexican troops to get the cannon back.

  19. When the Mexican troops arrived at Gonzales, the alcalde refused to give them the cannon. Alcalde Andrew Ponton asked to see their written orders. But, the troops had no written orders!

  20. The Mexican troops withdrew from Gonzales and camped across from the town on the banks of the Guadalupe River. They sent a soldier back to San Antonio to get written orders.

  21. While they waited for written orders, the Texans defiantly buried the cannon. Other settlers in Texas heard about the situation in Gonzales. About 160 settlers showed up to aid the citizens of Gonzales.

  22. The settlers dug up the cannon and prepared to use it against the Mexicans when they returned. Near the cannon they flew a banner that said “Come and Take It!”

  23. Mexican Lieutenant Francisco Casteñeda led 100 Mexican soldiers to Gonzales to sieze the cannon. They camped on the Guadalupe River across from the town. Two days later the Texans crossed the river and fired the tiny cannon at the Mexican troops. COME AND TAKE IT

  24. Canstañeda and his troops retreated to San Antonio. The defiant Texans had proven that they were willing to use military force against the Mexican government if necessary!This is considered the first battle of the Texas Revolution. TEXAS REVOLUTION

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