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PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY -THE COMMON MEASURES VIEW. Building Skills Conference October 12-14, 2010. Common Measures. Part of President’s Management Agenda Linking performance to budget; Accountability system to compare and evaluate similar programs 6 federal agencies/24 programs
Common Measures Part of President’s Management Agenda Linking performance to budget; Accountability system to compare and evaluate similar programs 6 federal agencies/24 programs Implementation – July 1, 2005 Current common measures policy issued in TEGL 17-05 (2/17/06)
Common Measures Focus on core purpose of the workforce system – employment for adults; skill attainment for youth Establish common terminology & methodology across programs Consistency & reliability of data Break down barriers to program integration
Common Measures Programs • Wagner-Peyser • VETS • WIA • Trade Act • TANF (WorkFirst)
The Common Measures Applies to all youth 14-21 • Adult/DW Common Measures • Entered Employment Rate • Employment Retention Rate • Average Earnings (6 Months) • Youth Common Measures • Placement in Employment/Education • Attainment of Degree/Certificate • Literacy/Numeracy Gains
Key Concepts • Common measures apply to the workforce system encompassing the integration of multiple program services • Common measures also apply to each program • Common date of participation and common date of exit • Exit-based – NOT real-time outcomes • Uses UI wage records for uniformity
Key Terms Participant – an individual determined eligible to participate who receives a qualifying service funded by the program in either a physical location or remotely via electronic technologies Date of Participation – the date of the first program-funded service Date of Participation may be common across all programs
Key Terms Exit - occurs when a participant does not receive a service (funded by the program or a partner) for 90 consecutive days and no future services are planned (System Exit) Exit Date – the last date of service received by participant Exit date is system-generated and is common across all programs Exit Cohort – group of individuals who exit during the same calendar quarter
Exclusions From Performance • Circumstances that exclude participants from performance • Institutionalized • Health/Medical or Family Care • Deceased • Reservists called to active duty • Relocated to mandated program • Invalid or missing SSN • Can occur in any of the first three post-exit quarters • Exclusions would cause all outcomes to be lost
Entered Employment Rate Definition Of those not employed at date of participation: # of adults who are employed in the 1st qtr after the exit qtr divided by the # of adults who exit during the qtr UI-wage records, self-employment, out-of-state wages (WRIS), military/federal/US postal employment (FEDES)
Entered Employment Rate Employment Status at participation is based upon participant’s attestation – not UI wage records Self-Employment must be indicated on the Service Plan in SKIES Self-Employment requires Follow-Up service “SELF-EMPLOYED Q1 AFTER EXIT”
Employment Retention Rate Definition Of those who are employed in Q1 after exit qtr: # of adults who are employed in both the 2nd and 3rd qtrs after the exit qtr divided by the # of adults who exit during the qtr UI-wage records and self-employment
Employment Retention Rate • Requires UI-wage records in Q1, Q2, and Q3 after exit qtr for positive credit • Self-Employment requires follow-up services “SELF-EMPLOYED Q1, Q2, AND Q3 AFTER EXIT” for positive credit • May be employed or not employed at date of participation
Average Earnings Definition Of those who are employed in Q1, Q2 and Q3 after exit qtr: Total earnings in Q2 plus total earnings in Q3 after the exit qtr divided by the # of adults who exit during the qtr UI-wage records but excludes self-employment
Placement in Employment or Education Definition Of those youth who are not in post-secondary education or employment (including military) at the date of participation: # of youth who are employed or enrolled in post-secondary education or advanced training/occupational skills training in Q1 after the exit qtr divided by # of youth who exit during the qtr
Key Terms Post-Secondary Education – a program at an accredited degree-granting institution leading to an academic degree. Programs offered by degree-granting institutions that do not lead to an academic degree (such as certificate programs) do not count as a placement in post-secondary education but may count as a placement in “advanced training/occupational skills training”
Key Terms Advanced Training/Occupational Skills Training – an organized program of study that provides specific vocational skills leading to proficiency in performing actual tasks and technical functions required by certain occupational fields at entry, intermediate or advanced levels. Such training should: 1) be outcome-oriented and focused on a long-term goal as specified in the ISS, 2) coincide with exit rather than short-term training, and 3) result in attainment of a certificate (i.e., a much tighter definition than previously)
Attainment of Degree/Certificate Definition Of those youth* who are enrolled in education at the date of participation or anytime during participation: # of youth who attain a diploma, GED or certificate by the end of the 3rd qtr after the exit qtr divided by the # of youth who exit during the qtr *Includes youth who return to secondary school
Key Terms Education – participation in secondary or post-secondary school, adult education programs, or any other organized program of study leading to a degree or certificate Diploma – any credential accepted by the State educational agency as equivalent to a HS diploma; also includes post-secondary degrees
Key Terms • Certificate – awarded in recognition of an individual’s attainment of technical or occupational skills by specified institutions such as the State educational agency or institution of higher education • Does not include work readiness certificates or certificates awarded by local Boards
Awarding Institutions A state educational agency Institution of higher education A professional, industry, or employer organization or a product manufacturer or developer A registered apprenticeship program A public regulatory agency A program approved by Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs Office of Job Corps Tribal institutions of higher education
Literacy/Numeracy Gains Definition Of those out-of-school youth who are basic skills deficient: # of youth who increase one or more educational functional levels divided by the # of youth who have completed a year in the program plus # of youth who exit before completing a year in the program
Literacy/Numeracy Gains Out-of-School Youth- a youth who is not attending school, even with a High School Diploma or GED; or, is attending post-secondary school and is basic skills deficient Basic Skills Deficient- a pre-test EFL of 6 or less; a post-test EFL of 6 or less; or, BSD flag = Yes and no pre-test
Literacy/Numeracy Gains • Only common measure not exit-based • Excludes in-school youth and out-of-school youth who are not basic skills deficient • Includes individuals with learning disabilities • A positive outcome means the youth must advance one or more Adult Basic Education (ABE) or English as a Second Language (ESL) functioning levels • Gains can occur in literacy or numeracy (programs can pre-test at different levels in each category) • Educational levels are consistent with Department of Education’s National Reporting System (NRS)
Literacy/Numeracy Gains • All Out-of-School Youth must be tested to determine basic skills deficiency • Basic Skills Deficiency (Yes) must be based on CASAS pre-test score • Must use the same test tool for both the pre-test and post-test • Youth may be included in the measure for a maximum of 3 years • An EFL gain from any post-test results in a positive outcome for the measure
Key Terms 1st Participation Yr- date of first youth service to the first anniversary date 2nd Participation Yr- the day after the first anniversary date to the second anniversary date (must complete the year to be included in measure) 3rd Participation Yr- the day after the second anniversary date to the third anniversary date (must complete the year to be included in measure)
Key Terms Example: 1st Yr 7/1/07 – 7/1/08* * +1 day 2nd Yr 7/2/08 – 7/1/09 3rd Yr 7/2/09 – 7/1/10
Literacy/Numeracy Gains Anniversary Date- the last day of the participation year Youth is included in the measure when the anniversary date occurs within the report period PY10 annual report period is 7/1/10 to 6/30/11 for Lit/Num measure
Literacy/Numeracy Gains PY10 Quarterly Report Periods Q1 10/1/09 – 9/30/10 Q2 1/1/10 - 12/31/10 Q3 4/1/10 – 3/31/11 Q4 7/1/10 - 6/30/11
Literacy/Numeracy Gains Reminders Pre-test ASAP and not later than 1 year from initial service If no pre-test is administered, youth is counted in the denominator only on the anniversary date (not good) Post-test must be administered on or before anniversary date and date of exit
Literacy/Numeracy Gains Reminders (cont.) Cannot have pre and post tests on the same date Youth must complete Year 2 or Year 3 to count the post-test or else excluded from the measure Youth who stop receiving youth-funded services are treated as exiters (lit/num purposes only)
Common Measures Reporting Portal: web page allows access to WIA, ARRA, TAA and other reports/information Federal common measures quarterly performance summary by WDA WIA Quarterly 9090 Report by WDA Numerator/Denominator participant files by WDA
Questions? Phil Degon, Employment Security Dept Contact pdegon@esd.wa.gov